Reviews from

in the past

This game opened my eyes to Roguelikes and I will forever be thankful.

Lo apunto por haber sacado los 3 finales verdaderos, cosa que pensaba nunca ocurriría.

Nunca se olvida las olas que generó su llegada aun estando tiempo en Early Access, pero tampoco se tiene que olvidar que por mucha versión que juega con su fórmula (y que cada uno piense si para mejor alguna vez y no sólo "Otra iteración"), siempre que se vuelve al juego madre: Sigue y seguirá siendo fuerte.

Los habrá menos duros, con """mejor arte""" o temáticas más conocidas, pero ya me canso de tener que hablar de la prole que se originó y me voy a centrar en la obra, aun si no queda mucho que decir.

La gente olvida, o quiere ignorar, que en todo juego con RNG, por mucho que reduzcas el mazo o intentes controlar el rumbo, hay que adaptarse.
No hay formas mejores objetivamente, pero recomiendo recordar que no hay que ir demasiado "locked in" e ir viendo cómo se va formando el camino.
Diría que hasta el propio juego apoya esto porque en lugar de conseguir divisas o puntos a repartir tras cada run, lo único que hay es 5 niveles por personaje y ya: La recompensa entre runs es experimentar y probar las sinergias que creías nunca usarías.
Al menos a mí me ha sorprendido cada vez, creyendo que aun teniendo una rotación de combos, nunca me gustarían/se me darían bien las otras que ignoraba a propósito.

Por no alargar más, decir que mi combate favorito es el de Donu y Deca. El contraste de la música, los diseños y que sabes que si no espabilas te arrollan, es uno de los ejemplos que más me vienen a la cabeza de por qué este juego brilla.

Pretty good card game and allows you to be creative with your decks. I am not smart in creating strategic decks and making synergies so I am lacking in that part haha. But that's my problem, the game itself is really good and amazing with a good difficulty scale

I've been repeatedly getting my ass kicked by act 2 bosses and I keep coming back.

It's just a roguelike, so there isn't much content, but instead a repetition and playing the same 1-2 hour thing over & over again. The number of playthroughs they expect you to do to see the real ending is a bit ridiculous. It's not a difficult game, because it's all about luck. Sometimes you get a godlike deck & best artifacts and sometimes you get all the shittiest stuff, and there is nothing you can do about it. You have very minimal control over your deck. It's a lottery, not about skill. Good game, but could be much better.

mostly just feels like bashing my head against the wall of random chance and slow incremental unlocks. i don't doubt there's an actual strategy underneath all this but it's too slow and boring to entice me to figure it out and the last thing i need in my life right now is plaguecore yugioh ramming it up my ass

Turns out I'm dumb and much rather watch people playing this game than actually play it myself :(

Lot of fun so far, been having better luck with Ironclad but Defects combo potential seems so deep and deckbuilding is so fun. Definitely going to be having fun with this until the sequel drops.

Não tenho costume nenhum com jogos de cartas ou deck builders, mas havia escutado muito bem de Slay the Spire então decidi dar uma chance.
Que surpresa gostosa, posso dizer. Esse jogo tem um charme que até agora não experienciei em nenhum outro.
Acho que todos deveriam dar a oportunidade, mesmo que não seja o estilo de jogo que mais chame sua atenção. Pode ser que você seja supreendido, como eu fui.

Very obviously a good game, but not really for me. Held my attention solidly for a week, but I could never really get too into it past that. Fun, but I think there's just too many other roguelikes I like much more, and I don't really love the genre to begin with. Beat it with 2 of the 3 base characters.