Reviews from

in the past

I was close to abandoning this game within the first hour or two, but I'm glad I didn't. The gameplay itself took some getting used to, but was pretty fun overall. The combat is similar to the gameplay as in it felt really janky at first but just took some getting used to. After that, dealing with regular enemies felt like just a chore to finish in order to progress the story.

Speaking of the story, it was alright. The framework was there for something really good, but there were some pacing issues with some points feeling like just filler and some points feeling like a big info-dump. The worldbuilding was pretty good, though, and I enjoyed seeing this universe and the worlds in it. The twist was pretty good and unexpected, but the ending was just a huge cliffhanger, making me think a sequel is planned, but it still doesn't feel good to just leave the game where it ended.