Reviews from

in the past

En su tiempo era muy famoso, que se le hace

This game has a very special place in my heart. I was a just a kid when it came out - I thought it was the funniest thing ever, and my parents made me a Steam account so I could play it. I've put a ridiculous amount of hours into it over the years. I remember eagerly awaiting each DLC, and whenever one came out, I would dive into it as soon as I got home from school. This game is very nostalgic for me and always fun to revisit, even though the ragdoll physics don't send me into laughing fits like they did back then.

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Sous côté de ouf, trop drôle de jouer en local avec des potes (merci Parsec)

Great game to just turn your brain off and fuck around in. A relic of a bygone era.