Reviews from

in the past

fun and charming for like 5 minutes but then it becomes really irritating

one day I hope we will all forget this game existed

a real goat MMO would have been cool though

fun game to pass the timey wimey

Goats lol but what'd you expect?

Only fun in Co-op, but at least then it's pretty fun

It's in the name, Greatest Of All Time

sure, make your game buggy as hell and call it a feature

I remember when this game first came out and there were articles everywhere, but it's just... Trying too hard to be that kind of quirky "haha bad game" game that 2013 had an abundance of.

It was fun for like an hour or so...and then it kept going.

A tired joke that should have stayed as one, not as bad as bad rats though.

this game gave me motion sickness. that's all

was better when it was simpler. tried way too hard to be funny and now it's just a token, stupid game that you'll get bored of in 20 minutes

despite having goat in the name this is not the goat

Only fun for a single session of goofing off

cannot rate this badly in good conscience

Exploration in this was cool but thats it tho

It achieved what it wanted to.