Reviews from

in the past

Ich bin wie der Typ mit der Maske

I’m going to play it again.

The wooden doors in this game are an affront to God. I have genuinely, truly, without hyperbole, never had such an experience with doors in a game before. I'm not sure what's worse, the fact that literally every interaction you can have with a door is a negative experience, or the fact that every single one of those experiences seems to be working exactly as intended.

Even worse than that, the game has moments of BIG JUMPSCARE volume that repeat every time you respawn in certain sections and NO FUCKING AUDIO OPTIONS so if you're sensitive to loud noises like me, you can eat shit, basically.

I don't like hurting other people, but the chicken face is funny and came free with the job

JOGÃO. Não sei porque levei tanto tempo pra jogar, honestamente.

Hotline Miami é mais uma grande pedrada da Devolver que trás um estilo de gameplay único e completamente viciante onde você mata inimigos num ritmo bem frenético, além de uma trilha sonora FODA, memorável e que combina muito bem com a vibe, visuais e estética que o jogo apresenta.

Confesso que entendi pouquíssimo da história, mas sinceramente? Isso pra mim foi CINEMA de qualquer forma.

Apenas não recomendo fazer o 100% desse jogo, caso você prefira manter a sua sanidade mental em dia (digo isso por experiência pessoal, infelizmente)! Porque apesar dos pesares, o jogo pode acabar sendo estressante pra muita gente devido a sua dificuldade e a IA dos inimigos que considero meio injusta e quebrada.

Acho que esse é um dos jogos que eu mais me viciei, gameplay frenética e MUITO satisfatória (nunca pensei que ia dizer isso sobre um jogo sobre matar russos kkkk). O estilo de música é muito bom, as únicas coisas que eu não curti muito foram a pixelart e a história é meio confusa. Consegui entender vendo o video do Danael Fernandes. Mas enfim, jogo muito bom recomendo demais. Vou começar a jogar o Hotline Miami 2 hoje mesmo!

One of my gaming unpopular opinions is that Hotline Miami is boring.

Eu só recebi esse jogo de graça da minha amiga na madrugada e zerei no mesmo dia porque eu sempre tive vontade de jogar esse jogo graças a outra amiga. É um jogo MUITO divertido mas que ao mesmo tempo pode ser MUITO frustrante em nível de dificuldade e o quão complexo pode ficar com o decorrer das fazes, mas mesmo assim, é um jogo extremamente divertido.

O único ponto fraco de Hotline Miami é que ele é MUITO curto, você pode zerar o jogo em apenas 2 horas se você se dedicar bastante pra isso, e esse é o principal motivo de eu não dar uma nota mais alta, porque eu fiquei com um enorme gosto de "quero mais" cujo eu só vou ter se eu comprar o segundo jogo.

Algo que eu não quero reclamar é da dificuldade do jogo, pois o jogo fica mais difícil ao decorrer das fases, e além do jogo fazer isso ser bom, as vezes parece desbalanceada ou eu que sou incapaz mesmo (mesmo já tendo zerado Dark Souls 3 umas 5 vezes).

Enfim, jogue esse jogo, é muito divertido (menos se você tiver problemas com raiva ou está tendo uma semana ruim).

I wish they just had a level editor in this and didn't make a second one.

Hotline Miami est un jeu qui plonge les joueurs dans une expérience intense et exigeante. Son histoire énigmatique laisse place à l'imagination du joueur, ce qui en fait une expérience immersive et intrigante. Bien que les graphismes pixelisés ne soient pas son point fort, le jeu compense largement par son gameplay satisfaisant et ses exécutions brutales.

Le gameplay simple mais efficace permet aux joueurs de se plonger rapidement dans l'action, mais la complexité des niveaux et l'IA parfois défaillante des PNJ peuvent poser des défis de taille. De plus, la difficulté peut parfois sembler excessive et la répétition du jeu peut être un facteur limitant pour certains joueurs.

Cependant, malgré ses imperfections, Hotline Miami offre une expérience unique et immersive qui ravira les joueurs à la recherche d'un défi stimulant. Ce jeu n'est pas pour tout le monde, mais ceux qui prennent le temps de comprendre son système seront récompensés par une expérience de jeu gratifiante et mémorable. Je recommande vivement ce jeu à ceux qui recherchent une aventure palpitante et intense.

Muy mejorable, pero la banda sonora y el gameplay son un antes y un después en los videojuegos indies. Insufla personalidad a lo que es un juego bueno ya de por sí

joguei feliz
me senti psicopata

SO GOOD beautiful visuals and great story, also its a crazy fun shooter

I don't think I am a huge fan of this gameplay formula the game is going for, but I still liked the game.

The storyline can be a bit confusing and cryptic at times, but I do certainly enjoy rushing in and trying to kill everyone as quickly as possible without dying.

By far, the best aspect about both this and the sequel is the music, mostly really solid picks that make the gameplay loop so much more fresh and exciting.

Good game! Would probably replay some day, maybe.

shelved 2023: my gawd thats cool but fucking hard, like middle of the game and i feel like it takes me two hundred tries to do shit right, bashin my head against a wall until shit works
ill come back to this later aurgh

updated 2024 review coming:

Ive had to rewrite this shit like FOUR times because I keep trailing off, but I loved this game I think that it really did hit once I finally got through Assault

Ive known about Hotline Miami for so many fucking years that I think to me this was always a portrait example of an indie game that everybody fw
I never got around to it myself though until wayyyyyyyy later and I played a few levels and this gave me not just a fun arcadey feel but even reminded me of some of my favorite action flashgames id enjoy as a kid thatd be just really quick, violent and satisfying(for the time)

if its not the menagerie of all the visual sweetness that rests in your eyes with the colors, the commitment to realistic tinnitus pop, how quick it is to die and try again all working in simultaneous motion getting you to study the layout and at near-muscle memory press through

it's also the presentation of the story thats kinda cool too, ive been told things get recontextualized by the second game but to me this game was strange enough and vague enough about it to question what was going on while also havin it in the backseat and not say or do more than it needs to

Infact, i got pretty pissed when someone said "ur still playin that? its so short though!" bc ive died literally. L I I I I T ER A L LY over a thousand times at this point playing this game and I think its really just boiled down to feeling that short however much it clicks with you and you adapt

BECAUSE BY THE TIME I WAS PAST ASSAULT... honestly wasnt dying so much, i was getting into the rhythm of things again annnnnnd saw the credits. I was actually so floored by this it didnt even initially hit me that I beat this when it gave me so much trouble before and time to get use to... kindof like how when walking back out of each completed chapter you kinda see the brains splatteredddd

you see the broken glass everywhereee

you see the weapons, the shells, all of that

and you just Went through it maybe like.. in the span of a run a MINUTE.. maybe a couple more minutes in linear time not counting retries of shit with the adrenaline winding down
But it really does have that mouthfeel afterwards where youre like "oh. oh my god its over i gotta get out yes" and the dial getting turned down like that mentally and physically within the game is really well done to me

In a way it actually reminds me of when i played Postal 1 for the first time, COMPLETELY different gameplay and experience ofc ofc. But when playing Postal 1 id often be wandering the areas, the washed out landscapes of the towns or forests or caves and just kinda slightly grimacing at the thought
because when the music dies down and youre without someone to kill youre basically just sifting through the area hunting any survivors and the gravity of the situation is more felt like youre a truly desensitized guy doing all this.....clearin my throat hotline miami aint like this rlly, but the prospect of wading through seas of gore that you wrought (figuratively speakin) with the tone and tension sunk is something really palpable to me that i enjoyed

its disturbing and added to the high tension action, i mostly leaned towards using the cobra mask and the tiger one and didnt really bother with much of the rest but i could still appreciate having so many options to tackle and tough through the game with

Sometimes this game's AI is also so fucked too, like its cool how each reset they can behave diff but that also means youre gonna go up against ANYTHING happening or sometimes the doors fuck you up or sometimes the enemy can see you even when it feels like they shouldn be able to or they glitch out the rims and you cant progress
AND THIS WAS ALL RARE! dont get it twisted, i think the game is still cool but moments like this had me laughing or groaning in frustration and i felt like its worth noting that
but otherwise i rlly dont got much complaints whatsoever this game rules

I don't think ill hop at hotline miami 2 immediately
maybe give it like another week or so? im not too sure
But i did really love what was here

As the title says, this game is pure violence. I love it!

When I first played this game about three years ago, I didn't expect it to be this way, I thought it was sooo different... I was a bit disappointed, but still satisfied to see what a work of art this is. This game opened my eyes for a lot of things, my mind went blank.

Replaying it now feels like home, even if I was horribly bad the first time through and hadn't replayed it since, I became better, which made me enjoy this game more. In general, I can see now that Hotline Miami taught me how to play video games properly: To always be open to change, and to always try to better myself.

Also, yes, it's got a big discourse on violence and its normalization and how we enjoy it a lot to stupid levels, which is pretty clever in my opinion.

Uma das melhores experiências!

Let the synth guide your hands to non stop violence

Free my boy Jacket, he did nothing wrong

This game is so fucking hard. Let's play it again

Masterpiece. Combines the addicting gameplay loop of an arcade game with an interesting story. As well there the games story and gameplay work in tandem rather than being at odds. Also the music is immaculate. 10/10

dude my cock is throbbing everywhere rn