Reviews from

in the past

Esse jogo é a prova de que não precisa de um mundo super aberto para ser ótimo, só a originalidade da história te prende que você nem tá aí se você pode pegar um cavalo e ir na loucura pra lá e pra cá. Ótimo jogo recomendo demais.

Good story, mid gameplay, terrible acting and face expressions

Creepy, macabre and grossly gothic visual art direction utilizing rats as the prime creature to genocide the scenery and supernatural elements driving this medieval, runaway adventuresome journey.

Primeiramente, peguei de graça na epic então o jogo já fica bom.
Mas cara q historia gostosinha e ambientação boa, eu comecei o jogo TENSO, você ser "indefeso" e tudo ser uma ameaça me pegou logo de cara. E por mais que o começo seja clichê, o desenvolver da narrativa é muito envolvente.
A dinâmica dos irmãos te leva de coração quentinho a "MEU DEUS DO CEU MLK" o tempo todo.
Gameplay basiquinha mas funciona, historia muito envolvente e ambientação incrível.

A Plague Tale: Innocence is a captivating story centered around a teenage girl who finds herself burdened with the responsibility of protecting and caring for her young brother, who plays a pivotal role in this gripping adventure. The game features elements of stealth, such as sneaking past enemies, throwing rocks, and facing death, only to try again.

Oh yes! How could I forget!? There are also a lot of rats! Yes! Rats! Lots of them!

While it may not be as emotionally intense as I initially anticipated, it is still a fine game worth experiencing.

EDIT: Let me remind everyone that only 40 PEOPLE MADE THIS GAME!

Best game of 2019.

To elaborate on that, in my 14-15 years of gaming I only encountered a handful of games where I was so invested in the characters that whatever happens to them, takes an emotional toll on me as well. To put this into perspective, our sibling protagonists are children. 15 and 5 year old to be precise. But that doesn't stop the world from hurting them. It keeps punching them in the guts in fact. They do not get a break at all, every time things seem to be fine, something goes bad again, it really is just a sequence of unfortunate events that never seem to end.
They did a very great job at depicting how unfair and cruel life can be, and how it effects a child's mind and mental health, (this applies 100x more to the sequel) and that really gets to me every time I replay this game.
That is the most important thing I look for in a game, characters that make me feel intense things. And well, in Plague Tale, that's what I got!

Something that cannot go unmentioned is the soundtrack. It really pulls at your heartstrings, I still feel like someone's squeezing my heart every time I listen to it. ("Father" and "Little Brother" especially, and of course, "A Plague Tale")

I also have to mention the fact that, this was Amicia's voice actress, Charlotte McBurney's second voice acting job, and she NAILED IT. (She significantly improved for Requiem, but I still adore her work in Innocence.)

I've seen a lot of people complain about the sling being the main weapon. However, I think it's perfect. It fits Amicia's character well, and it provides a unique gaming mechanic that was very satisfying to use. (However I took half a star off because of some clunky game mechanics, like the sling not shooting at times, occasional smaller bugs, but honestly could not care less I really love this damn game.)

Loveable characters you will feel sorry for, gorgeous soundtrack, stunning graphics, great story, and more. I could honestly keep talking about it but this review is already long enough as it is.

It's an okay game, I don't really feel it stands out very much and while it's enjoyable it is also equally shallow.

super super pretty, some decent stealth, that’s ab it


This was a good game overall, but there were a few annoying aspects to it. It was not a terribly long game. I think it was the perfect length. The story worked well enough to keep me interested. The characters were not necessarily the most interesting people in the world, but they kept me on their side. One VERY annoying thing in this game is a sequence that comes late in the game involving slingshots and a moving cart. This part of the game was a source of extreme frustration for me and many other players as well. It was so bad, I almost stopped playing the game. But, I persevered and eventually was able to finish it. But the frustration from that part of the game really lowered my opinion of it overall.

tem alguns deslizes mas a historia é linda e o jogo tem uma mecanica bem legal pq nao fica só naquele stealth chato

Que absoluta sorpresa este título. Una historia oscura y adulta como pocas he visto. Mecanicas de puzles muy originales y una de las parejas de protagonistas a las que más cariño he cogido

Game is wonderful and the story is very good. Some events are a bit predictable but the way the story is told and the environment is set up makes them incredible. The story shows you a very sad and cruel side of things that other games will not typically exposed when dealing with the death of others or even how killing someone may affect you(even more if you are child).
Game is on the simpler side of things and the upgrade system does not really bring you a lot of new disrupting things into the gampelay but all the newer types of ammo gets the game forward and refreshing.
Also as a random thing, I cannot help but see how much Amicia looks and moves a lot like Aloy from Horizon.
It is always fun to see new studios break into the mainstream audience and I cannot wait to play the next one.

A great game. The story is well written and interesting, and the gameplay is really fun. A good call if you are looking for a good singleplayer game.

Plague Tale: Innocence is an absolute gem that took me on an emotional roller-coaster. Right from the beginning, its captivating narrative and meticulously designed world immersed me in a harrowing journey of survival during the plague-stricken medieval times. The characters are so well-developed evoking their struggles, fears, and triumphs as if they were your own.

The game's unique blend of stealth, puzzle-solving, and storytelling kept me engaged at every step. Navigating through swarms of rats and unravelling the mysteries of a world in chaos is both thrilling and heart-wrenching. The use of light and shadows adds a layer of tension that keeps you on your toes.

Visually stunning and backed by a hauntingly atmospheric soundtrack, Plague Tale: Innocence is an unforgettable experience. Its emotional depth and well-crafted gameplay make it a must-play for anyone looking for a captivating narrative-driven adventure. Prepare to be moved and captivated by this dark tale of innocence in the face of adversity.

My fascination with medieval games is rarely fully satisfied. After struggling once more to progress in Kingdom Come: Deliverance—my sense of direction lost within a mere 15 minutes of wandering around some obscure chicken village—I stumbled upon A Plague’s Tale: Innocence and decided it was worth a shot. What a pleasant surprise!

Crafted on a modest $10 million budget, this relatively short game provided me with more enjoyment than most titles in recent months—especially in contrast to the $300 million disappointment of Marvel's Spider-Man 2. A Plague's Tale: Innocence drew me in with its palpable atmosphere, heightened by Olivier Deriviere's music. Well-developed characters and a consistently dynamic narrative immersed me completely in its world.

Frequently, I found myself captivated, gazing at the hauntingly beautiful landscapes of a world in agony, unfolding before my eyes. A battlefield, where catapults were engulfed in the relentless dance of flames, surrounded by grim heaps of the fallen. In a desolate village, the last remaining pig stood as a somber offering for the uncertain future of humanity. Terrifying silhouettes of knights loomed in the narrow streets and corridors, a constant reminder that escape was an illusion.

A Plague’s Tale: Innocence has undoubtedly secured its place among my favorite games this year—a captivating and impressive experience that I wholeheartedly recommend to all enthusiasts of the era. Seamlessly weaving a compelling narrative with stunning visuals, it leaves an indelible mark on any gaming connoisseur.

This game has a special place in my heart. It was the first game I ever streamed. I do love it, but it's far from perfect.

This is a AA game. A game that is not Indie but also not AAA. I wish more of these existed nowadays.

The story is neat. It's different. The characters are great. Hugo being a small child can be annoying, but Amicia is a teen and can also be...dramatic. This is a game that has some heart warming moments but in general, no one has a good time. The voice acting is good but also cartoonish. As the accents are overdone.

Gameplay wise, it's jank. It's a jank game full of jank hit boxes on rats and mostly instant death moments. Puzzles are fun yet simple. Stealth is serviceable. Box pushing is simply confusing. There are some infuriating moments. The final boss is just insanely stupid and over the top. Yet is also not fun to play as it has no checkpoints and instant deaths. One last major complaint is something to do with the rats specifically. It controls extremally poorly. I have no idea why they chose to control it like that.

Yet again, this is a character driven game. Amicia and Hugo are very charming. Their bond growing throughout the game is why you play it. The set pieces are great too.

This is a good game. But it could be better. I highly recommend playing it. It's rough but still worth it. Especially because the 2nd game improves on every aspect. It fixes most if not all my grips. It will introduce a few others but it is absolutely worth playing both games. I'm giving this a 3 because I feel like the 2nd game is a 4.

If you like character driven stories where nothing ever goes right, this is your game. Just be warned, it very graphic, very triggering, and depressing.

I just can't anymore. I uninstalled and reinstalled this game three times before I finally pulled the plug.

Incredibly frustrating, awful dialogue and acting, rotten characters, very linear design, instant fail nonsense if you don't do things EXACTLY the way the developers want you to, blah blah blah.

It's such a VIDEOGAME videogame. Go here, press this button, interact with this shiny thing, press that button, go there. I haven't played a game that wound me up like this in a while. Unbelievably annoying.

esse jogo é dos BONS, ele se passa numa época medieval, tem cenários lindos e bem construídos, uma mecânica de stealth bem feitinha, uma história muito foda que é contada por capítulos e um desenvolvimento de personagem incrível, vale adicionar que a dinâmica entre os protagonistas é lindíssima, são meu novo joel/ellie

A Plague Tale: Innocence is a stealth-puzzle game. Atmosphere and narrative are great in this game. It's world is created by passion. Story is also good and well-written. However, gameplay time is a bit much for a game focusing on narrative rather than gameplay.

Esse jogo é perfeito.
A narrativa, a história os personagens e tudo apenas
Absurdo, quero muito jogar a sequência

Amazing game. Gameplay is subjective (not really it for me) but the story of the game is so goddamn good. Holy moly

A beuatiful game with a interssting story. I really enjoyd it.

Pra um game Indie, isso esta absurdo de impressionante. História incrível, gráficos absurdos e trilha pontual.

Des personnages attachants et une ambiance horrifique parfaitement maîtrisée. Juste quelques passages en mode infiltration qui sont un peu relou.