Reviews from

in the past

i just wanted to relax after a long day with a little arcade fun...

I love the spinner control for this one... still very unique game-play and intense fun to this day.

As classic as you can get. Played hundreds of hours in the arcade, but never finished it.

the pong saga continues, this time with lore

90% of this game is waiting for your meandering ball to eventually win the angle lottery and hit one of the last few bricks (repeat multiple times in every stage) unless you won the other simultaneously-occurring lottery of getting a Laser powerup (which is frequently useless as certain stages have smugly placed a fortress of unbreakable bricks in front of the bricks you need to hit).
I don't need electronic squash to be another loud reminder of life's unfairness dirty tricks

Core memory: squeezing in as much playtime as I could while waiting for my dad to finish ordering dinner at Satellite Burgers.

Um clone melhorado do breakout, mas com a mesma datada fórmula de jogo arcade com o intuito de ganhar o máximo de pontos possíveis.

Nota: 6/10 (★★★) - Legal

Basically modernized breakout for the late 80s by adding wacky new levels, powerups, enemies, and even a whole ass boss fight at the end which is pretty cool. I do think it's funny that Taito made Space Invaders as a way to put a twist on the block breaking game only to try block breaking again with one of the power ups being a laser to break bricks more precisely.

My only real gripe about it is the fact that I am absolute ass at breakout and a LOT of the levels are really unforgiving, using levels made out of hard blocks that take multiple shots to break and don't give power-ups. I can't even imagine how anyone could 1CC this game, if it wasn't for save states I wouldn't have been able to progress literally anywhere.

Bem simples! divertia por poucos minutos!

I did like this one alright, but the sounds were always more of a strain on me than usual. Liked other, later clones a lot more.

One of my first childhood gaming memories is playing Arkanoid with my family on the Atari back in the early nineties. Not something I would intentionally play these days, but still a fun little game for short sessions.

Another simple but very addicting arcade game. Gets really hard pretty quick

Adding powerups to Breakout instantly made this the definitive version of the game. The additional variety in levels was just more icing on the cake.

Breakout 2 - O inimigo agora é outro

I never played Breakout, but Arkanoid is something I can enjoy playing for dozens and dozens of seconds.