Reviews from

in the past

Firstly achieves the incredible task of passing the torch of the distinctive lead Altair to an apparent nobody like Ezio only to fuel our hearts with a gutteral need for vendetta and secondly marvels you with a toolbox of polished weaponry wonderlands. Takes the gears of parkour and close-combat as building blocks to mystifying freedom complexities. If you felt annoyed beyond-convincing about the first one's parkour, in this one you'll find yourself enamoured of statuette scouting. You'll actively seek to climb towers like they're Rubics Cubes. Side missions are gratifying and skill growth feels rewarding as fawk. Invigorating rennaisance, a bit of a weightless apocalypse closure - it still had no business getting me to spend so many hours punching through it's secondary quests like everyday bread. Requiescat in pace.

eu tenho uma relação muito de conforto com esse jogo. eu joguei ele numa época da minha vida que tudo tava horrível e eu só queria desistir, um amigo me recomendou esse jogo, baixei a tradução pirateada e só fui e porra, isso aqui foi minha felicidade por meses, por mais que ele seja curtinho.

amo tudo nele, a ambientação principalmente de veneza e monteriggioni, o combate por mais que tenha ficado datado eu acho tão divertido e a mecânica de parkour também, até este verme deste vilão eu acho bom, só não gosto muito da história fora do animus como a grande maioria, mas não estraga o jogo em momento algum pra mim.

parece exagero mas eu amo muito muito o ezio, pra mim ele é top 3 protagonistas da história, ter de amadurecer tão rápido pela família, não só por vingança mas por amor, eu amo demais este filho da puta!!!!!!!

jogo de conforto da minha vida, vou jogar e rejogar várias e várias vezes e acho que nunca vai enjoar <3

AC2 is the best game Ubisoft will ever make.

Ezio undergoes a profound transformation throughout the game, evolving from a carefree young man to a skilled and wise Assassin. The player witnesses his growth as he learns about his family's tragic fate, leading him to seek revenge and eventually becoming part of the Assassin Brotherhood. His charisma, charm, and wit make him a relatable and likable character for players to connect with. Ezio's journey is not just about revenge; it's about self-discovery and understanding the larger purpose of the Assassin Brotherhood. The emotional depth in the storytelling is evident as Ezio grapples with the consequences of his actions and begins to question the meaning of his existence. This emotional resonance elevates the narrative beyond a simple revenge tale. Assassin's Creed II employs a cinematic style that enhances the storytelling. The use of atmospheric music, well-voiced characters, and visually stunning environments contribute to the overall immersive experience. Cutscenes and dialogues are carefully crafted to keep players invested in Ezio's journey.
The soundtrack reverberates an angelic symphony in which 5-year-old me will never forget.

Thank you, Assassins Creed 2.

this game is so GOOD BRO GODDAMN. everything is amazing, such a great improvement from the first. i literally went for 100% completion a second time because of how much i love this game. the story is so so good, you learn so much more about the lore compared to the first. the gameplay is absolutely amazing, the soundtrack is awesome, and everywhere you go feels alive. the only things that i got annoyed with were the combat at some points, it got really repetitive and annoying when i would spam attacks and the enemy would perfectly block them like 5 times in a row. the other thing that was inconvenient at times was the parkour, sometimes the game just tosses you off a building when you clearly meant to jump on a ledge or something, but that's probably just skill issue tbh. 9.5/10, love this game so much

Finished the ezio trilogy again recently (for nostalgia purpose and to give a proper review) and to my surprise,i enjoyed the games more this time around.

Gameplay still holds up fine and i found the story to be even better than what i remembered.Part of it is because i emphasize more on story/narrative nowadays and they really did a great job on those categories.Best in the franchise imo.Also,my dumbass completely forgot how good a plot twist Assassin's Creed 2 had at the end.Good ol' me not paying much attention on the cutscenes as a kid :P

All things considered,i do think ac2 holds the no.1 spot for me (tied with black flag ofc <3)

Haven’t played this just to sit down and absorb it since 2019 and I haven’t played the original (not remaster) since 2015. I originally loaded it up to get footage but ended up doing a full replay, it was such a delight to go back to. There’s so many tiny details from the intentional colour palette in each city to the thought provoking writing in the codex, to the incredibly evocative music that make the game feel special even all this time later. I still absolutely love it.

this game was actually so good bro i wish every assassins creed game was like this.

| What I Like |
- One of the best written characters in gaming
- Very fun open world without having too much to collect
- Many fun weapons and cool outfits
- Amazing soundtrack and voice work
- Charming graphics
- Amazing lore
- Really feel like an assassin

| What I Don't Like |
- Outdated controls and design, its an old game but I'd love a remaster/remake
- May not be as good on replay

| My Score |
4.5/5 - An extremely influential game not only to AC but to open world games as a whole featuring extremely influential AND well written protagonist to go along with an amazing journey that its crazy to think this is only the start of....

Assassins Creed II deviates so greatly from AC1 but fans lump 1 with the Ezio trilogy, I personally think there is a major shift here with some good changes, and some bad.

Let's start with game play, this is no longer a stealth focused game. I know, this may sound crazy, but this is an action game more than anything else. A huge majority of missions involve big set-pieces and fighting large groups of enemies head on, I'm pretty sure out of all the villains you only stealth kill 2. This was a bummer to me personally as my favorite aspect of 1 was being elusive and disappearing from guards, but here there is almost no reason to as Ezio is literally an un-killable god in combat, and it takes more time to run away than it does to just fight and kill everyone. I'd reckon this is due to guard placements and how they are literally everywhere, it feels sloppy.

Combat is more in-depth than in 1 luckily, but not by much. It is still just mindless button mashing or just waiting for counter, it is simply boring and tedious. This is amplified by how spongy enemies feel, by the end of my play-through my finger actually hurts from having to press the attack button 1 million times on every enemy.

Parkour is pretty much on the same level as 1, with a few moves added. The problem with parkour though, is that cities are laid out in such a way where it is much more difficult to get around. Buildings are much taller, there is much more space between buildings in the streets, and Ezio cannot grab on to A LOT of things that look grabbable. Many times I'd have no way to progress through the city without just having to jump down to the streets then climb back up, which takes a lot of time due to how tall buildings can be.

And on mission objectives, they feel very repetitive at times, idk if it's just because I was getting burnt out or if it really is that repetitive, but doing like 6 fetch quests in a row wears on the soul. I personally found this game WAY more repetitive than 1.

Collectibles are far more aggressive than in 1, as there are like 4 different types, all pretty meaningless and not worth collecting. There is one type, the codex pages, which the player is FORCED to collect all 30, this is not brought to their attention until the end of the game, where they must collect all 30 to actually complete the game. Luckily I had collected 20 already so it wasn't a big deal, but man, pretty lame stuff.

Also, I like the assassin tombs, I thought those were really cool and more of what I'd like to see out of these games.

Now finally onto the story, it's OK! I personally see it as much more of a traditional heroes journey, which is less interesting than 1 in my opinion. Where the story in Altair's game is much larger than him and isn't personal to him, in Ezio's game most of the stuff happening revolves around Ezio. I also prefer the more serious and dark tones of 1 compared to this game. This is just personal preference really. The one thing I will argue is just a flat out downgrade though, is that the villains in this game are just comically evil. While villains in 1 had genuine philosophies and a cause, the villains in this game just want power, which is so boring. Big downgrade there I think.

I've done a lot of complaining, but this is still a good game I'd reckon. The world is beautiful and well crafted, despite the previous paragraph I think the story is entertaining enough, and the novelty of parkouring is still here. I'd suggest giving this game a shot.

Just some final thoughts, I think this game has been widely over-hyped as "the best in the series" from nostalgia or just mis-remembering what this game, or what all old AC games, really are. Combat was never good, stealth was always average at best, and the games always had a level of repetitiveness to them. The Assassins Creed fantasy, sub AC1 or Unity, has always been ignored for bombastic action-heavy titles where good beats bad, everyone's just been tricked into thinking stealth is more focused on because they give us hoods and hidden blades. I'm not saying this is a bad thing, I'm just saying, people don't look at these games as what they really are.

If you wanna see my rankings as I go through the series, click here.

Ah, Assassin’s Creed 2. The first gaming experience that deeply resonated with me as a kid, even if I could only appreciate only half of it at first. This game was already special to me 15 years ago, but replaying it after getting older and having a better understanding of gaming as a medium, made me realize how much care and love had been put into it and how deep it actually is in some aspects.

This game is just one of these games that makes me “feel” things. You know, how a game can move you, evoke deep emotions within yourself just by sheer presentation alone. Running across Venice’s rooftops, with Jesper’s Kyd’s fabulous soundtrack playing in the background and the sound of the bustling streets below; none of the Assassin’s Creed games have been able to replicate this feeling for me, even if some handle gameplay and story elements better.

This game is our first introduction to one of gaming’s most iconic protagonists, Ezio, who is undoubtedly AC’s most loved protagonist for many reasons: one being that he is just very likable, but also because he got the most room to grow as a character thanks to having three games dedicated to him. Though not being the best part of his story, AC2 is a strong starting point that offers compelling characters and some of the most iconic scenes in the series, as well as a rich narrative that delves into subjects such as the price of revenge, or the struggle to find meaning in a conflict you were thrust into without your approval.

It also introduced many of the mysteries that made the AC franchise and its modern-day story so compelling in the first place: what happened to Altair after he defeated Al Mualim, and why did he write the codex pages? Who was Subject 16, and what did he discover while in the Animus? And who are the precursors that created the apple of eden, and what are they trying to warn us about?

Even outside the story, the game communicates through its visuals and gameplay. How each city has its unique personality, with distinct color palettes and level design, pushing you to adapt, and making the parkour rewarding and engaging. Or for instance, how you can see the color grading of Monteriggioni slowly change and the street becoming busier as you renovate the villa, reflecting its financial state. These are small details, but they matter and show the thought and care that was put into this game and now feel absent in current Ubisoft titles. It just enhances the overall atmosphere and immersion, coupled with the ambient sounds of the city and Jesper Kyd’s mysterious yet elegant soundtrack.

From a gameplay standpoint, AC2 pretty much improves and refines everything its predecessor did. More ways to assassinate your enemies with new techniques and weapons, more ways to interact with the world around you for social stealth. The combat, although simple, is stylish and you’ll find enjoyment in trying to look as cool as possible. The game structure has been made less repetitive and offer more interesting side activities to tackle, such as the iconic assassin’s tombs that are intricate parkour challenges in mesmerizing locations. Though I surely miss the more open aspect of AC1 assassinations that gave much more player agency on how to plan them out.

I will never get tired of this game, even if it's a painful reminder of what Assassin’s Creed used to be. It can be hard to believe that Ubisoft used to make games like these when we look at their current catalog. But even so, this will always be one of my favorite games and a clear example of why I love video games.


So, I bought the second one just because of the story, cause I'm in love with Assassin's Creed universe... I do not regret it!

They improved a lot of things, mainly the gameplay. We still have a good story and it's awesome how they mixed it with the collectibles. I hate 100% ubisoft games, cause it's always the same "there are 985345 collectibles through the map, good luck <3". BUT in AC2, we have codex pages that explains a lot of things Altair did in the meantime, we have feathers that have a meaning (you get to see some cutscenes) and It's cool to see the town improving.

I adored the fact they built this game mixed with reality, with "the truth" and historical facts. The OST is a banger, it is one of the reasons I wanted to play, cause I had it on my spotify even before I started.

The gameplay was hugely improved, parkour is faster, we have more diversity of weapons, stealth options, not having to do the same mission on and on, etc. I'm not saying It's perfect, but it's okay now.

"did you have problems with it?"

It's ubisoft, what do you think? The only ubisoft game that didn't crash on my pc was rayman origins, and it's a 2d one. BUT, this was the one that crashed the least.

Is it worth it? Yes.

"Requiescat in pace"

De início foi difícil se acostumar com os controles, mas depois que acostumei wow que jogo senhoras e senhores

My first Assassin's Creed game and the game that got me hooked on the series. I was one of five people who actually cared about the modern-day story, the lore, and all that random bullshit. That's how into Assassin's Creed I was.
Too bad these games are bloated, boring slogs now.

you can really tell this is one of the last games ubisoft made with some artistic intent, for better and for worse. it takes a lot of aspects from prince of persia and beyond good & evil and invents a bold new type of game: Sly Cooper for grownups. for a majority of the game the parkour carries it but the combat is pretty terrible throughout (no doubt from that PoP DNA) and the story loses sight of itself way too quickly. Ezio is cool but literally every other character gets introduced with their character trait and then forgotten about in the name of some conspiracy nobody cares about. however, that conspiracy let me jump around like a monkey, so i’d say it was worth it

Apenas Ezio, o brabo dos brabos. AC 2 é uma obra prima desde a música até os cenários.

>> Prós
• MAPA : Itália é bem legal, os mapas de AC 2 são lindos.
• HISTÓRIA : Acompanhar o Ezio em sua jornada de vingança e sabedoria foi uma grande experiência.
• PERSONAGENS : Ezio e Da Vinci, só os brabos.
• MÚSICA TEMA : Basicamente a cara da franquia.

>> Contras
• Nenhum.

>> Perso Favorito = Ezio e Da Vinci.

Further games made a lot of improvements, but this one's a stone cold classic. And Ezio is a top tier character

A perfect sequel in every way. Venice is still one of the best cities in the entire franchise and its a shame they never were able to replicate that. Jesper Kyd delivers once again with arguably the best soundtrack in any game EVER.

Remarkably more engaging than the first game. Kinda overstays its welcome after a certain point, but I anticipated that simply from it being a Ubisoft game. For how much I complained about "binary stealth" in my review of the previous game, I was elated to find that you can simply walk along with a crowd to blend in. It's so seamless, and it enabled one of the funnier moments of my playthrough: casually walking into the audience of my target and firing a bullet into him at close range. They never saw it coming.

The story actually left an impact on me this time, but probably for all the wrong reasons. Being a pseudo-historical recreation of sorts, there are murals hidden on major landmarks that serve as glitches in the Animus. Locating these prompts you with a puzzle to solve that unlocks a piece of "the truth". All these puzzles are a bunch of fictional nonsense, tying the conflict between templars and assassins to non-fictional figures and events throughout history. It's fuckin' silly, but it delivers on expanding the conflict that was merely alluded to in AC1: The conflict between the templars and assassins never ended, and it continues in present day.

I must be getting soft. Never would've imagined that I would be enjoying Ubislop, but here we are. That being said, I am not playing another one of these games for at least a couple of months, "Ezio Trilogy" be damned.

Saudades de quando a Ubisoft sabia fazer jogo

My first Assassin's Creed game.

I had fun with the game in the first 10 hours, but it quickly lost all its steam past this threshold. The game never tries new things at any point, the gameplay is always the same... and so I felt like it really dragged on near the end.

The positives:
- Ezio's movements were smooth. I played 'Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones' a few months back, which is the last PoP they made before they brought AC, and I'd say the parkour mechanics were about as good as this game's.

- I appreciate the effort they put into the atmosphere. The city feels pretty alive, especially thanks to the AI of NPCs, sound effects & the environment themes. And I also dig the historical setting the game takes place in. Exploring Italy during the Renaissance era has a lot of charm (at least during the first few hours).

- The missions to find the Assassin's Sarcophagus were very nice. It focuses entirely on parkour and it felt a lot like its predecessor Prince of Persia.

- The little puzzles to uncover the Truth were pretty cool. These are good brainteasers, and I enjoyed the ominous music playing during those segments.

That's it for the game's qualities. Now I should explain why I was disappointed. The game felt generic and barren.
The main reason I got bored is because the gameplay is soooo repetitive.

'Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones' had the advantage of being relatively short (took me 14 hours to finish) so I didn't have time to get bored. But AC2 took me exactly twice as long (28 hours) so I was eager to reach the end after some point.
The game is banking hard on its story, but it's just bland & sterile. There's no emotion, the characters fall flat, and there are inconsistencies. There are a few moments where the good guys let the main vilain escape for free, and it upset me.

The game's visuals aged poorly. The textures aren't great, and it looks like they only used one colour for the whole game: gray.

And last but not least: the combat. It was frustrating AND boring.
70% of all the encounters were me using the dagger to one-shot guards before the fights even start, for the better.
And when I had no choice but to engage in combat, it was terrible. Especially with those enemies that reflect most of your swings and make the fights even longer... Thank you Smoke Bomb for making my Life a bit easier ❤

Oh well, I'm still glad I played it. It's always nice to discover popular franchises for the first time.
If I play another Assassin's Creed game in the future, it's gonna be Black Flag. I've heard good things about it, and it seems to be a fan's favorite.

----------Playtime & Completion----------

[Started on June 16th & finished on June 23th 2024]
Playtime: 28 hours
Main story complete.

AC2 is probably my favorite game of the series. Ezio is such a wonderful character and getting to play as Miles was also great.

i lost my save 4 times while playing this, but I didn't get bored. Ezio its insane and kill yourself sometimes, but still the best AC game.

This is where I fell in love with Assassins Creed. I'm sure that's a pretty common thing to say amongst gamers. It took everything from the first game and made it better, and it introduced the world to Ezio, one of the greatest game characters of all time. And cemented Ass Creed as a franchise that has spawned several new iterations in the series.

Beautiful game that improved the game mechanics from the first game. The story is fantastic.
God it was great when Ubisoft care about the games they were making.

Assassin's Creed fans please let's be real this is a fun little thing but it's nowhere near a masterpiece. Great cities with great atmospheres that are amplified by a very unique ambient soundtrack are what makes this game still worth visiting but the rest is pretty mediocre.

Like the first 2007 game, I could write you a big book about the flaws of this game honestly; from its questionable PC port to its control which is easy to make mistake especially in terms of platforming, and the usual Ubisoft open world formula which was carried over to their later titles, not just AC series but others too; However, deep down, I was secretly enjoying it. The art direction was nice and the voice acting was good and the story was kinda engaging actually.

Overall, this game was just "Good". I always wanted to experience this game for once, however, I do not look forward to replay it anytime soon.

The most iconic video-game of modern times.

Its sequel, Brotherhood, improved on almost every element but all the respect goes to this for laying down what subsequent games picked up.

Вопреки 1 части, 2 уходит в сторону постановочного боевика. Сюжет акцентирует внимание на Эцио и его приключении, а не на рутине убийцы-наёмника. Паркур и открытый мир очень сильно прокачались, но боевая система и стелс - позорище. А квесты зачастую халтура уровня оригинала.

Ezio, como é ser o maior e o melhor GOSTOSO da franquia?