Reviews from

in the past

Tem algumas ideias interessantes, mas os puzzles são muito fraquinhos, sinto que quando ele começa a melhorar nesse quesito, ele acaba.

There’s definitely some interesting ideas going on in “Contrast”. Its shadow based mechanic allow for some fairly inventive puzzles and it’s all at the backdrop of a 1930’s era setting were you can truly feel the creators did their homework. The story gets the dialog right, but it doesn’t really come together all that well. The biggest offender tho, is that it’s just not fun to actually play. The control isn’t fluid. It feels stiff and janky from all ends. I can’t quite say I hate this game; far from it. I admire the craft behind a lot of the ideas at work here. With that said, by the end, I just didn’t feel like my time was well spent.

Contrast is a short game but one that definitely stands out for its story and gameplay concept of using shadows for its puzzles and platforming. Genuinely almost a perfect game in every way barring the slightly wonky camera and controls making things harder than need be.

Hoo boy. I'm gonna try to be kind, but this game isn't put together very well. You play as Dawn, an imaginary friend (so it seems) of a young girl named Didi. Didi's parents argue a lot, mostly because her father keeps writing bad checks and coming up with crazy schemes to get money, the latest of which is an attempt to get a mysterious magician to headline at his makeshift carnival. Oh and also, he's in deep with the mob. With the use of Dawn's shadow-person powers, you'll help Didi keep her parents together, as well as alive, and make sure the carnival goes off without a hitch.

This plays out through a series of clever puzzles and platforming sections where you blend into shadow form to traverse shadows cast by other objects. But despite this cleverness, the game is extremely frictionless in a way that takes a lot away from the experience. This is not helped by the fact that the world is small and chokingly linear, even by indie game standards. There are a limited amount of collectibles to find, some of which give a little more info about the story, and some of which can be used as currency to fix malfunctioning electrical appliances. Despite the devs' best efforts, I found every one of them on my first playthrough. The only reason I jumped into the game again was to mop up a couple of situational trophies I missed.

The story is okay, and on a more positive note, I quite like the music. I also like a lot of the voice acting here, aside from the young girl, Didi, who is very annoying. One thing that really hurts the game is this kind of waxy, lifeless look to everything that I don't think was totally intentional. I mean, I know they're doing their best here with Unity and certainly going for a unique style, but just look at this drab mess. Can you believe this was one of the "launch titles" on PS4?

I might be willing to give this 3 stars if it wasn't so short, yet so glitchy. It's easy to be brought out of an experience when it looks like this game does, while having little in the way of engagement, and yet it also has a tendency to completely freak out if you don't watch your step. That's really what makes this game a shadow of its meager potential.

I remember watching SSoHPKC play this one, of all people...

wonder how he's doing

Contrast is brimming with style and its neat light and shadow gameplay mechanics make it stand out from other puzzle platformers. However, it's let down by some janky controls and overdone cinematics that ruin its own flow.

Jogo curto com mecânicas simples porém com visuais e cenários incríveis.

srednia gierka jak na obecny czas, fajna zabawa cieniem ale to tyle. osiagniecia raczej git ale troche niemilych bylo

This game was super unique. I still listen to the soundtrack after all this time

Contrast is a film noir-style puzzle/platform game, using shadows as its main mechanic, telling a story of a little girl stuck between her dad trying to win his family back and her mom focusing on her musical career as a singer in what seems to be a New Orleans kind of town.

The gameplay is mainly easy to figure out puzzles and tight platforming, which is best played with a gamepad. Some platforming can be a bit finicky at times, due to the shadow mechanic. Various platforming puzzles might take a few tries because of that, but nothing that I found too irritating. The soundtrack is top notch and so is the art style of the game.

I don't want to go too deep into the story, as discussing it would be spoiler-y. But the world building is interesting and there are various collectibles and cut scenes that'll tell you more about what is going on.

I definitely recommend this game! I'm also excited about the developer's upcoming game that is in the works at Microsoft.

nao tenho muitas lembranças desse jogo, muito menos de sua história. lembro que ele é bem mediano, e pelo visto é bem esquecível.
tem uma ideia bacana de interagir com cenários 2D e 3D utilizando as sombras, porém tem outros jogos que usam a mesma ideia com uma execução melhor

I remember this being one of the first free PS+ games I got on my PS4. This might also be the sole reason why I completed it. It felt clunky. I had fun on the way, though.

There is a glitch in lighthouse I couldnt solve the puzzle

Es un juego cortísimo y aunque no me gustan mucho los puzzles, pude resolver todos (menos uno) sin ayuda. Me gusta como se ve la estética y el factor de las sombras y el mundo real y eso me gustó. La historia es corta, sencilla pero eficiente.

I'm... not really a fan of this one. It's a narrative puzzle platformer where the narrative is kind of hokey.

Eu até consigo entender, foi feito pela Compulsion Games como seu projeto de estreia quando o estúdio ainda tinha somente 7 pessoas. Ele tem uma identidade visual própria, uma coisa meio noir, mas é um jogo muitíssimo curto, com gráficos desinteressantes, história confusa e uma gameplay meio quebrada. Tanto que consegui pegar alguns colecionáveis de forma injusta, apenas forçando a personagem a pular alguns obstáculos que deveriam ser impossíveis, mas consegui, pois a física do jogo é ridícula. Tenho fé que a Compulsion atualmente é muito superior, mas se tratando desse jogo em específico, é um produto bem esquecível.

Поклонников Тима Бертона и Марлен Дитрих игра однозначно не оставит равнодушными.
Эта тёмная нуарная адвенчура, которая переносит вас в 20е годы, с их джазом (как же я обожаю джаз!), красивыми фигуристыми вокалистками кабаре, театром, и погружением в ретро.
Сама игра наполнена интересными головоломками и образами. Сюжетная линия так же хороша. Закручена она вокруг маленькой девочки Диди, которой помогает её взрослая подруга, умеющая проникать "царство теней", чтобы двигаться по локации, преодолевая преграды - и в мгновение игра из 3D побегушки становится 2D платформером.
Это приключение по воспоминаниям, в которых раскрываются отношения между отцом Диди погрязшем в долгах и её матерью - звездой кабаре. Это скорее не игра, а некий мюзикл, в котором есть всё: и качественный монтаж роликов, и хорошая работа звукорежиссера, и музыка движется в такт действий. Красивый романтичный мир, не без грязи и предательства (секс и эротика так же представлены, но в лёгкой и непренужденной форме глазами ребёнка).
Игра вызывает смешанные чувства, как грусть с печалью, так и романтичные эмоции. По-моему, это именно то шикарное сочетание, которого не хватает в игровом мире.

(Game Pass) It's a cool game with a great story (imo). Playing a girl's imaginary friend as she tries to fix her family. You use light to move as a shadow and solve puzzles to help the girl get to her family and unlock the story about their past.

Oh what this game COULD have been, its an adbsolute delight but clearly rushed (supposedly publisher messing). Didi is adorable!. It has a really interesting premise with flipping between the hadow realm and "reality" that even towards the end hints towards experiments? From what I gather Dawn was Vincenzo's assistant that got lost in the shadows and now is here to help Didi get closure and unlock her powers?. This game just oozes potential and its a shame it was very rushed but what we do have is phenomenal

Shadow mechanics are pretty limited and the story itself is nothing special

gameplay é muito legal, a história é meio fraquinha, mas é bem fofa

simplesmente foda, só tem alguns bugs mas para a epoca q lançou ainda acho uma pena q n investiram numa sequência

I finished the game in 4 hours and got all the achievements in one go. A puzzle game to spend a good time. The story is a little strange.

Contrast me entraba mucho por los ojos por su estética, el cabaret y el rollo 2D-3D peeeeeero ñeeee.

Al principio piensas que Dawn es una amiga imaginaria de Didi, pero al final a través de coleccionables ves que las cosas van por otro lado pero no terminan de rematar 🤔

Cool as heck with the shadow platforming, but less cool is buggyness inherent to said shadow platforming.

Contrast is a gorgeous looking, underrated puzzle game which I think deserves more light. In this review I will try convincing you to give this game a shot.

1. Storyline & Characters:
The game gives you a feeling like 1920 noir films which are so awesome. The main character is named Dawn, which is drawn with awesome art style. She looks like an acrobat with make-up which I really loved. The story follows a young child named Didi, who lives with her mother and really misses her father (Guillaume Provost, the director of this game was a single father, so this kind of inspired the story in the game). Her parents have some problems and the whole story revolves around this family. Didi needs Dawn to help her find her father. The game implies that Dawn is a figment of Didi’s imagination and only she can interact with Dawn. Be sure to collect all collectables because they add more details to the main story and for Dawn’s character (1 collectable is very important in particular).

2. The world of contrast:
I was browsing the collector’s edition art book and found a passage which perfectly described the world in a way which I never could, so I decided to share the quote with you. I usually neglect the art books in most games, but for this game I decided to take a look.

“Contrast didn’t begin as a film noir story – the prototype was an alternate reality game, and shadow manipulation was just one of many abilities. The world was an abstract virtual reality; a dreamscape; a reality falling apart, fading memories that you had to recover. As the film noir story took hold, we blended our dreamscape with a vaudevillian 1920s/30s Europe, to create a unique world to tell our story. This is Didi’s world, a depiction of what she understands the world to be. The world of Contrast, the environment in which Dawn and Didi interact, is a take on that special world that a child naturally inhabits; a world that adults can see through the wonder in a child’s eyes. A world that we remember with fondness. It is a land of fragmented reality, isolated beauty, and imagination that is uniquely Didi’s and Dawn’s.”

3. Gameplay & Graphics:
If you have already seen any gameplay videos or screenshots you will see that this game has a pretty neat mechanic which really stands out. There are many areas where you can turn into and play as a shadow in the wall to solve puzzles. This key mechanic is required to reach some places. [url=]Shadow Mechanic[/url]Now this is great, but the game is quite broken in its implementation. You have a button for entering and exiting this shadow mode the game has its own mind and will randomly decide to exit the shadow mode. This is extremely frustrating, because you need to redo the whole puzzle section again. Graphics are pretty decent for a game which is quite old. In the beginning of most games there is an “Adjust the gamma settings” option and I usually just keep the default settings, but oh god I could barely see anything with the default setting. Due to not being able to see much in the game my playtime was extended.

4. Music:
The first time you open the game you will be welcomed by a sweet song, which is beautifully relaxing and right on spot, and set up a good mood for playing this game. Another game with such an opening is L.A. Noire, which is very dear to my heart.
The story about Contrast’s own original score is quite interesting in my opinion. They used local Montreal voice actors and jazz musicians. The lovely voice from the main theme song is of Laura Ellis. Initially the studio asked if they can use one of her own songs for Contrast’s first trailer, and due to the trailer’s huge success they asked her to perform for the rest of the game.
[url=]Laura Ellis[/url]

5. Puzzles:
Puzzles are very easy and the whole point in solving them is to play with light and shadows. Most of the puzzles are timed ones but the timer didn’t raise the difficulty at all.

6. Collectables:
The collectables are very easy to locate. Since they shine and glow, they are not very tricky to spot. Most of them are letters, pictures, newspapers and posters. The total amount of collectables is 26. There are things called luminaries which are located throughout the game(most of which on the streets) and do not count towards any achievements. They are rarely required to progress, and some are quite tricky to collect since the game is very broken at times.

7. Achievements:
Contrast offers very easy achievements, which can all be done in a single playthrough. While most of them are story related, 2 will offer some difficulty since they must be done without falling (dying). Again luminaries DO NOT count towards any achievements. The total amount of achievements is 22.

8. Final verdict & overall feeling:
Well I felt it was very light hearted for me which is great. I didn’t want to get involved with a game which requires a lot of time and effort to complete and in this aspect Contrast was perfect. I really love games that question the theory of multi universe and alternative dimensions and I really like that Contrast is hinting a little towards that area. It made me rage a couple of times, because the game is very broken but at the end of the day I was pleased with it. The game can be finished in one sitting. On scale from 0 to 10 I will give Contrast 7/10.
[url=]Fin of this review :)[/url]