Reviews from

in the past

Breathtakingly designed pop techno-horror freakout - like if Cyberpunk 2077 was good. Dead Island's treatise on A.I., cults, upper-class boredom, and existential angst is every bit as deliciously stupid and totally unhinged as that sounds. Doubles down on its bracing art style fetish, orgasmic music, and brain-rattling faux-intellectual jargon - only asking that, in return, you agree to be fully down for the ride. Which, of fucking course, I am. Fight a hulking pig dude and dropkick BDSM leather-clad zombies down bottomless pits while coming to grips with the horrors of being alive - put literally face-to-face with the rotting alternative, and still not knowing which is the more terrifying option - through Dead Island's trademark gruesome sense of humor about the fragility of the human body and, moreso, its mind. Some truly sick and genius thrusts of mental violence to this one. One of the best things I've ever played, as an apologist for this oft-idiotic franchise even I am beyond impressed - spent much of this playtime with my jaw dropped.

More Dead Island 2 but with a very welcome change in scenery. The trippy Haus locations make the detour worth it. And it's nice for the quest line to feel meaty. I wish more of the base game's side quests feel this substantive.

Really short DLC that really offers nothing new unfortunately. However I love the design of the manor and zombies, it's aestheticly pleasing for sure. Euhhhh what else oh the crossbow sucks dick and that's kinda the only new weapon too so yeah there's that. If you wanted some more Dead Island 2 content here it is but if you're expecting something new or more it's not here.

Small DLC but suprisingly good and played before finishing the base game and was really good!

Un DLC demasiado corto y que siento que desentona un poco con el lore del juego, a ver que ofrece la próxima expansión.

While short, it's fun from start to finish. It captures really well what made the base game so fun to play. The addition of the crossbow is a satisfying headshot weapon. A bit pricey, but if you want more Dead Island 2, it's worth it.

Genuinely incredible visuals and vibes; liminal, absurd type shit. Reminds me of Old World Blues in a weird way. A little much for how short it is but damn it’s cool.

Enjoyable but very very short. Had I paid outright for this DLC, rather than have the season pass, I would likely be very disappointed in the playtime to money spent ratio.

this dlc was rlly short but i rlly liked the artistic approach they had and the music for this dlcs areas is so fire

Lo primero es lo primero, el DLC tiene una dirección artística soberbia. Los trajes de látex de los enemigos lucen absurdamente bien y son un material que choca mucho visualmente en videojuegos, siendo un contraste tremendo con el resto de texturas.

La historia del DLC se mantiene interesante ya que se retroalimenta con la historia principal, y las 3 horas que dura van a saco, sin medias tintas (excepto en un par de situaciones de limpiar salas de enemigos un poco por la cara).

Es un muy buen DLC, con contenido interesante y con una historia auto conclusiva... aunque a mi no me la cuelan y se nota que era contenido principal que se les fue de madre. Os pillé cabrones.

No tengo mas que añadir, simplemente por las situaciones que vives en el DLC, por la fumada de la historia y por el tremendo apartado visual merece un try bien gozoso. Y que son 3 horas coño mas DLCs cortos por favor.