Reviews from

in the past

why the hell did they think grid-based movement would be a good idea in a game like this

This is a franchise that is considered a classic of that era, it wasn't made for me.

While the first one was underground, the second game of that franchise is now taking place on the surface. This perspective brings a more "puzzledly" aspect to the game.

Instead of just use your pump to blow up enemies (which you also can in this game), you can now sink parts of the island to help you eliminate multiple enemies. While the idea is really good, the execution is poorly made since it's hard to determine which part of the island that will fall using your drill.

There are multiple stages, but the game can be repetitive. I still prefer this one compared to the first one, there's isn't a big gap between the 2.

Game #21 of my challenge

As nice as the original tbh, both provide a different kind of fun that I enjoy equally.

Dig Dug 2 is a solid game that pretty much completely changes most thing about the original. For starters, instead of a vertical cave system you move along a flat island, which does remove a bit of the beauty of the first whilst also allowing a new gimmick to take place. While you can still blow enemies up like the first, this game allows you to also dig the island in order to make pieces of it sink. This gives significantly more points than killing them normally, especially if you sink multiple enemies in one go with it, so it's a pretty interesting mechanic.

Overall a pretty solid game, though the music is certainly not as iconic as the original's legendary theme. Would recommend if you like arcade stuff, my highscore is 45,800 on Round 9 (which you can easily beat!).

Not nearly as fun as the original Dig Dug, but it's a competent arcade game.

Rather than digging into the ground this time, you break off chunks of island to dispose of your enemies, though you can still also blow them up like a balloon. It's an ok change up from the first.

I genuinely really love Dig Dug 2 I think it’s fun to collapse the islands and any problem with it is also in Dig Dug 1

Muito mais difícil do que o anterior, porque os inimigos estão bem mais livres pra correr atrás de você, a fase quase nunca tá toda na tela, e o novo esquema de afundar com parte da ilha e extremamente desafiador porque você não sabe pra onde cortar e até saber, 15 já se amontoaram em cima de você

This is Dig Dug without the DIg... so I guess it' just DUG

The idea of taking this Namco icon with really dstinct gameplay idea nad just... get rid of it almost entirely is indeed weird, but honestly
The final result is not the worst thing in the world.
You got Dug, stuk in a island or something, and e is gonna kill all of the enemies near him, either by pumping them to death, or by literally dig the grounnd around them to make them fall in water. It's a weird blend that combine pump action and enemy swarimng with map manipulation... which in a sense is still the core of OG Digdug

It's a simple concept but the game plays a lot with it: I especially remember Stage 10 (I am pretty sure was that one), where you got an island made of 2 sections: you are on the left alone, and on the right you got a whole squad of like 10 enemies ready to beat you up.... figure how to destroy your own part of the island to trap them all.

But aside from these fun gimmick stages, the game doesn't really evolve from that: enemies never change, challenges are not that impressive after a while and the formula quickly becomes repetitive.

It' not a bad experience, just a bit of a mediocre one.

Also Digdug life icon reminded me of the Amogus crewmate, I dunno why

Money isn't worth as much as it used to be, google "Inflation" to find out more

This isn't an improvement over the original. There are still only two enemy types and the perspective change doesn't add anything.

in this one you break off the island. it's not quite digging a hole, but it's still pretty good.

Fun new features and gameplay

Digdug 2 is a top down action adventure arcade game published in 1985. I played both the arcade and NES versions of this game.

Basically much like the first one you want to kill all enemies which are either the dragons or the red monkey enemies like last time and much like before they behave the same way. This time the game takes place on island mazes and you can use a jack hammer to break the island in pieces and sink it into the ocean and kill the enemies or use the classic pump harpoon gun thing and blow up the enemies and just like the last game the enemies sometimes try to escape and jump into the water so that's another thing to watch out for. Now personally I actually really like DigDug 2. I put a lot of time into it and had a lot of fun progressing pretty far into the levels. I know for a lot of people the first ones better and I do agree. Theres just something really special about the original but I also highly recommend 2 because it is a blaste!


It’s nifty how companies made sequels to Arcade titles.

It’s all the same but different, same Dig Dug, same inflation mechanic, however this time Dig Dug is above ground stranded on a series on island stages. Foes can be sunk by drilling across fault lines, sorta like sectioning off enemies in QIX.

It’s not bad, very much a ‘85 arcade title with a NES adaptation. I wasn’t sold on it.