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NES Classic Game # 6 / 30: Donkey Kong Jr.

My perspective on Donkey Kong Jr.'s NES port is about the same as my opinion on Donkey Kong's port. It's a fantastically accurate port but I've never been super duper interested in learning the game to get high scores. However, I'll gladly play a little bit of it to waste time. I think I might like Donkey Kong Jr. slightly more, maybe because it feels like there's more going on here with the climbing. I don't really know.

Considering again that the NES was built around playing really accurate ports of Nintendo arcade games (specifically Donkey Kong), it makes sense that this is on the classic mini. I understand people scratching their heads at their inclusion in place of other better games, but I'm happy these are here. I wouldn't replace them.


I didn't have a great time with this game. It just wasn't fun.

i honestly think it's a little bit better than the original donkey kong. it just feels more dynamic and varied to me, but what do i know? most of my hours in this game are from animal crossing.

baby donkey on the switch i played it about 3-5 years ago. donkey kong jr. this playthrough was NOT 100%.

Enjoyed this more then donkey Kong but still no substance

How did they misunderstand the point of the original game?

A sequel to the original Donkey Kong where Mario is the villain for the only time. It's ok and average, understandably very short and limited being a very early NES game and all that.
Idk if I liked this better or worse than the original.

I prefer the movement in this game to the original Donkey Kong, it's just a lot faster, and I think the way they expanded upon the climbing mechanics from the first was greatly appreciated. The 2nd level and 4th are probably the most intriguing in that respect, and I especially like the twist on DK's last level in this game. Sort of ironic, but I feel due to the fact it's much smoother to control, you kind of lose some of the charm and tension of the original because of that fact, and in general I just find it way easier than it's predecessor in both handling and level design.. but that's not exactly a bad thing.
It still has some of the weirdness of the first but you kind of just get used to it after dying like twice.

My mother loves this game, so getting this is a sneaky way of getting her interested in my retro game collection.

ayy que petit donkey UUAUA AUAUUAUA AUA A

in donkey kong, one plays as jumpman, but in donkey kong jr, jumpman has taken our beloved dk, so jr must be controlled through four hazard-filled screens of jumping, vine-climbing, fruit-dropping fun. my favorite part has got to be seeing the mustachioed kong captor fall to his death at the end of the four stages, but he unfortunately comes back from the dead with a vengeance on following loops. or perhaps it’s only unfortunate if you’re afraid of a challenge, which i’m not. bring it on, you vile snapjaws, nitpickers, and sparks! rahhh!! anyway, great arcade game, great nes game, big w.

This game is similar to Donkey Kong (1981) but now you play as Diddy Kong (I think) and try to rescue Donkey Kong from Mario. A clever sequel with more mechanics than the previous game. I enjoyed this one a bit more.

Fun and a bit charming but it controls really bad.

Not nearly as good as the original game, just a desperate attempt at cleaning Donkey Kong's image as a villain, while tarnishing Mario's reputation forever.

the fall damage is somehow even more janky in this one

(NES version)
This one uhh
Yeah this one kinda sucks tbh

I competed in this game with @MigMouse123

Honestly the best of the Pre-Super Mario Bros. Mario games

the junior is better than the senior

nes classic 4/30

More fun than the original IMO. Maybe cus its easier. Cute little jungle setting. Played NES Version via Switch

Donkey Kong but in reverse with new mechanics

Like its predecessor, Donkey Kong Jr. has interestingly varied level layouts and obstacles, but in practice I find it to be a much less enjoyable experience. Compared to Mario, DK Jr. feels worse to control, which is a kind of major problem. The single-vine vs. double-vine climbing mechanic is somewhat interesting, but not especially compelling. Donkey Kong Jr. is not necessarily a bad game, but it is nowhere near as memorable or fun as the original.

This game is fine. Just doesn’t stand out too much.

This improves on the previous game in a fundamental way by making movement feel a little more snappy and responsive. Moving around on the vines feels intuitive, and even rewarding when dodging enemies. Thankfully, like in the first game, hit detection feels pretty generous which adds to that responsive feeling. Even level design feels more varied, making each stage feel like an unique challenge separate from the others. Sadly, any of that novelty gets thrown out the window as soon as you complete your first loop. I’d genuinely enjoy a game built around this same concept but with dozens of new stage layouts; I think the concept here has a lot of potential. Overall, I can see some positives but they’re all cancelled out by that one big negative in practice. The more I play it the more I dislike it.

É um segundo Donkey Kong, nos apresenta ao Donkey Kong Jr pelo menos, que é um personagem bem reconhecido na série de jogos de esporte do Mario, mas nada de incrível, não, era a diversão da época quando o objetivo era ganhar pontos e não passar de fase.

Comecei o jogo apenas para concluir uma missão do Nintendo Switch Online.

Gostei do que joguei e acabei por concluir o mesmo. Divertidíssimo, a meu ver!