Reviews from

in the past

Seria bem foda se isso tivesse virado uma franquia.
Infelizmente teve o pior marketing da história e morreu no esquecimento.
Mas esse jogo é bem divertido.

I think 2010 was an interesting transitional era for western game design, as studios that wanted to develop more "cinematic" works still felt compelled to base their design on what worked in the PS2 era, I'm talking about games like Prince of Persia and God of War. Modern cinematic design wouldn't really find its footing until The Last of Us in 2013, and I think if Enslaved came out now, it would 100% be a behind the back style action game like those new God of War games.

This is all preface to say that Enslaved is a very pretty game, but with all of the gameplay simplified to a point of feeling like its there out of expectation, rather than to do anything interesting with it. Automated platforming, simple combat, and puzzle rooms are underscored with dynamic camera zooms and Uncharted-esque set-pieces. It feels stuck in-between two eras, which is appropriate considering it came out right in the middle of the 7th gen.

I think it's an interesting experience, but it feels "Enslaved" to what was conventional at the time. A shame really, I think if it came out a few years into the 8th gen, with the aforementioned behind the back style, it might've done better.

This is one of those games that no one played when it first came out, but then a few years later people finally take a chance on and find out how great it really is.

I was enjoying this game until the last few chapters. Then the story started moving way faster and I didn't feel a good sense of conclusion for all the build up in the first half of the game. I didn't hate the game but I didn't like it as much as I wanted either

I really enjoyed this game. Thought it was really fun, had a solid story and characters and of course it's a post apocalypse environment which I have a weakness for. I've noticed those who don't like it expected it to be something else. so if you're not looking for a Tomb Raider/Uncharted (lol I know right) game you might enjoy it.

A cool and interesting setting with very simple but fun combat. Unfortunately it's very short and ends rather abruptly.

I wanted to like it due to the lore and setting, but it is so repetitive. The combat is boring and has no variety in skills or weapons. I love the first segment of the game but nothing spectacular happened after. The ending feels rushed, the final boss is easy, and the reveal is anti climactic.

Between a story that undermines its character development through its central narrative. A world that doesn't truly ever capitalize on its inspirations. And Gameplay that is little more than spectacle I can't find many reasons to look on this game with a positive light. I truly believe that its epilogue is probably the only reason people remember this game so fondly.

It's not the worst game ever but you've played better titles similar to this before. Because of that I recommend you skip this.

Mochte die Charaktere (außer Pigsy) und die Musik. Gameplay war allerdings herzlichst langweilig, unausbalanciert und buggy af.
Die Story war außerdem vor allem gegen Ende hin ziemlich verwirrend und hatte größere Sprünge drauf als Monkey.
Grafisch waren die Face Animations schon ganz nice für die damalige Zeit. Die Kamera ist ein Huso.

I tried my hand at playing Game Theorist after finishing the game, but realized there wasn't enough depth here to qualify (not that MatPat ever let that stop him). But it got me thinking, and it might have been the prettiest game of the generation.

Not sure why, but everything Ninja Theory does ends up feeling utterly lame, try hard and un-cool. Maybe they should switch gears and leave narrative driven games alone for a bit. Make a crazy racing game (with no dialogue please).

Este juego se siente como un punto intermedio entre el inicio de un desarrollador y su punto álgido, en este caso, Senua. El juego es algo tronco, pero la historia no está mal, los personajes son muy entretenidos y es bastante relajado para ser un plataformero cinemático con combate raro y la voz y presencia de Andy Serkis en todos lados. Nada, nada mal.

Mais uma daquelas pérolas da geração PS3/360 que foram esquecidas.

O jogo começa meio morno, mas me capturou pela história. Uma experiência que não se estende o suficiente para se tornar cansativa de alguma forma.

História legal, bons personagens, gameplay divertida e final surpreendente!

I put this game off for years because I thought it was bad but I was surprisingly wrong. The graphics were really amazing when it came out and still look decent compared to games that came out that gen. The gameplay isn’t really different than other games at the time either. It’s an okay game and that’s about it, I didn’t regret playing it.

Though I enjoyed the story and the intriguing world of Enslaved, its tedious combat and suffocating linearity made me lose interest in completing it.

A really interesting game. One of the first post apocalyptic games that featured vivid colours and lush vegetation instead of greyish, deserted areas. The story (a retelling of Journey to the West) is pretty nice and the characters are both lovely.
Unfortunately it suffers from the typical gameplay conventions of the seventh generation like autopilot platforming, boring combat and excessive linearity. Still a very nice experience that I would recommend.

esse jogo é uma joia perdida, maravilhoso

I really wanted it when it was new, got it gifted like a decade later.. and a decade later "it ain't it".

Another very cheap last-gen game that's really great. The game mechanics are somewhere between Infamous' climbing and SplatterHouse's brawling, but it makes for a great combo. The story is also a very cool take on the post-apocalyptic genre, with the world being immensely colorful and full of plantlife, although not really human life. That said, though the separate characters in this game can be named on one hand, they really tell a cool and interesting story with just the couple of them.

Verdict: Very highly recommended.

Esse jogo me surpreendeu muito , pois paguei baratinho nele e nunca tinha visto review por ele ser antigo .
recomendo , combate gostosim

Okay gameplay with great story and characters.

Underrated game retelling the story of A Journey to the West.

andy serkis plays a weird version of sun wukong in this game based loosely on journey to the west. despite being written by alex garland, the story is kinda ok at best. the gameplay is climbing and fighting the same enemies again and again. its a brainless endeavor that becomes mushy after a while but it was the perfect mush for me to play while i lie in bed really sick

Resulta que Enslaved: Odyssey to the West es un reflejo de otra época; unos tiempos en los que todavía se apostaba por grandes producciones originales y hasta cierto punto arriesgadas.

No es perfecto, pues el sistema de combate está muy limitado y no funciona como debería en las dificultades más altas y la cámara hace de las suyas de vez en cuando, pero la experiencia general es muy buena, con estampas de un viaje larguísimo que nos llevamos para el recuerdo.

Juegazo infravalorado, con una buena historia, y mecanicas variadas e interesantes.

feel like this could have been so great. i very much enjoyed the story and what it was trying to portray. the actors (andy serkis) were good but the chemistry between monkey and trip could have been so much better. there was a lot of development missing, i feel like the graphics and environment (which do not hold up that well) were huge for its time and i can appreciate the scope in which ninja theory was trying to achieve. i am also a sucker for post-apocalyptic cities. yeah a good time but could've been so much better.