Reviews from

in the past

oh look it's that FF entry that gets despised by everyone who haven't actually played it

this game's overall design is hella counterintuitive

A huge step up from the first game. So many staples of the series started here, most importantly Chocobos. This game actually ruled.

Honestly man I will remain a FFII defender. The story is such a step up, and yeah its kinda just Star Wars but so is a surprisingly large amount of these games. The leveling of this version specifically I find pretty playable which lets the cool story live on its own.

A game that surprised me in an amazing way, a massive upgrade on the first game with some flaws on their first attempt at a more fleshed out story, but the extra post game they added to this version wraps the game up to a very high peak.

Was at the last boss and decided I actually didn't wanna finish this game. Cool character designs tho!

The remaster version is pretty solid and the extra content is nice, but FFII by itself is a very polarizing game.
Why did the devs decide to throw away most of the things that made FFI good, I shall never know.

يا رجل, لدي الكثير لقوله ما اعرف من اين ابدأ
اظن ببدأ ب كيف اني غيرت رأيي ب ان العب نسخة البكسل ريماستر
انا بصراحة ندمان على هذا القرار شوي لاني اراهن ان تجربتي مع اللعبة كانت بتكون سلسة اكقر مع تحسينات الريماستر, لكن المحتوى الاصافي في نسخة البسب غرني

ببدأ اكتب عن اللعبة نفسها. اوك, من البداية, تصميم الدنجنز خرا
كنت احسب ان المشكلة في الكومبات لكن لا, مع الوقت اكتشفت ان الدنجنز مصممين بطريقة مزعجة مرة و شفت اني استمتعت بالقيمبلاي عندما اسوي قرايند او اي حاجة ثانية ما تتعلق بالدنجنز
القصة مرة جيدة, سمعت اكثر من رأي عنها و اغلبهم ما يعطون القصة حقها
القصة لوحدها اعجبتني لكن يا ولد خلني اقول لك عن المحتوى الاضافي لانه بجدية مجنون

سول اوف ريبيرث هو اللي خلاني ارفع تقييم اللعبة لهذا المستوى
يحبطني كيف اني ما سمعت اي احد يتكلم عن رهابته من قبل
واضح ان هذا بسبب ان سمعة فاينل فانتسي 2 بكبرها سيئة و مافي احد يريد يلعب المزيد منها و انا اتفهم
لكن بجدية التكملة هذي مبهرة بشكل لا يصدق
اعشق الحوارات الاصافية و الزعيم الاخير الجديد كله روعة

يوجد ايضًا دنجن(ات) اضافي مثل فف1 على البسب. و يب. هو خرا ايضًا. لكن به قصة حلوة
حسيت انها ممكن تكون موجودة في اي لعبة غير 2 ولا بيكون في فرق لكن برضو تضل قصة حلوة

ما انصح احد يلعبها ابد من كثر ما ان الدنجنز عذبتني لكن لقيت الكثير اعجبني بها و كان لازم اكتب عنها
عندما اوصل ل 3 بالتأكيد بلعب البكسل ريماستر

I find this game very interesting, on hand it's easily among the worst Final Fantasy Games, on the other the game tries a lot of ambitious things for being the second game in the franchise like the unique leveling system, and the constant rotation of party members... these two thing are for the worse btw, buffs can miss because how spells work, and the rotation means by the end of the game your main trio has vastly out scaled your final member, your most recent one of which having just caught up before he's removed for Soul of Rebirth. I must say as a port, this game is among the finest, adding a lot of QoL and improving the visuals magnificently, but that's not enough for me to ever recommend it. SoR is cool, but it's hardly worth beating this game for. The plots bare bones, but I assume it was interesting for its time. The grind to power level can be unbearable at times, but not necessary, however if you don't grind the game become a lot more tedious. I think this game is a treasure for it's historic value to the series, but I think this game is also a great example of what not to do in a RPG. Would never recommend it, but I'd say it's worth playing if you're trying to experience the franchise highs and lows. Also Emperor is based wish he had more screen time because I'd love to see more of his goofy evil ass.

FFII is a nesting doll of interesting but completely invisible systems attached to some incredible early jrpg gimmicks, all held together by the sudden, startling presence of an actual story with a bad guy who rocks. The world is in peril and The Emperor hates you.

Um dos Final Fantasys mais odiados, mas que pessoalmente eu tenho um certo carinho por ele. Infelizmente ele pe um jogo que pra época era confuso e ainda conseguiu envelhecer mal, mas eu tento dar valor pra o como o jogo tentou inovar e se diferenciar de outros, apesar de não ter dado tão certo, a ideia do sistema de evolução se basear no que você faz em batalha é interessante, mas acaba exigindo muito farm por parte do jogador e faz com que o Level Scaling do jogo não seja tão fluido como do anterior, as magias apesar de boas muitas vezes acabam sendo irrelevantes perto dos próprios ataques físicos dos personagens que muitas vezes são o suficiente. Então em questão de Gameplay... ele tem ideias boas, mas acaba sendo um completo caos.
Mas o que eu gosto do jogo e não vejo darem muito valor é que esse jogo trouxe a base de narrativa meio que padrão em Final Fantasy.
Enquanto o 1 e o 3 são muito mais voltados em exploração e aventura, o 2 se preocupa com a Narrativa de uma forma que se destaca incrivelmente bem, apesar de simples e sem tantos detalhes, aqui nos temos personagens únicos que vão guiando a historia, eventos que levam uns aos outros, acontecimentos que impactam diretamente o avançar do jogo, algo que querendo ou não se tornou basico para qualquer RPG, mas dentro da franquia aqui foi a primeira tentativa, que foi aperfeiçoada eventualmente com FFIV em frente.
Apesar de todos os problemas esses pequenos detalhes e pequenas experimentações me fazem ter um carinho por esse jogo que as vezes até eu reconheço que ele não merece, mas ainda é um jogo que eu gosto bastante e pra mim está longe de ser o pior como muitos dizem.

The first game was nothing remarkable but this one is not as much of an improvement as I would have hoped. I simply was not engaged with this one at all. The combat is way to repetitive and the story is super bland. I can't imagine playing this on an actual Famicom.

É um grande salto em relação ao primeiro quando se trata de historia, pois agora os personagens que jogamos, Firion, Maria e Guy, possuem um passado, o que torna mais fácil se apegar a eles, a historia é bem divertida, e com toda certeza, bebeu muito de star wars.

Ter apenas 3 personagens, no começo foi bem divertido, você acaba ficando apreensivo de equipar alguma coisa boa neles ja que entram e saem muito rápido.

Agora o ponto que todos pegam no pé e com razão, o sistema de ''level'' nesse jogo é um tanto quanto confuso e meio cansativo, pois você upa um status, magia ou arma, por uso dele, em combate ou fora, com a Maria por exemplo, que era a maga da equipe, eu tive certa dificuldade para upar seu mp, foi tinha que gastar certo quantidade pontos por batalha, o que torna bem exaustivo, no geral é um sistema mal aproveitado.

Nunca se esqueçam de wild rose

It vastly improved upon Final Fantasy I in terms of the story having a bit more going on. While not exactly having super deep characters, all of the heroes and villains you encounter were fun enough. The leveling system is a bit odd at first but it really grew on me as it lets you have a fair bit of party customization. Overall, FF2 was a fun and certainly unique experience.

This review contains spoilers


I went into this game extremely scared as all I've heard about it, is that it's easily the worst in the series, so when I started I was quite surprised to see that I kind of fucked with the level up system.
It's akin to Skyrim in a way, and unlike the first game, that made random encounters more fun due to not just button mashing A the whole time, I actually strategized each battle, no matter how easy, just so I could carefully level up the stats and skills that I wanted, and not once did I feel the need to hit my own party members to up my HP/def stats. I was well over 2000 HP in the final dungeon which I felt was more than enough.
I thought to myself that it's most likely just because I'm very early into the game and that 'it must get worse', but at the end of the game I still found myself fucking with the gameplay.

The story is also almost engaging at times, I can imagine some kids having their eyes glued to the screen when this first came out, as it's just an all out war.
Characters are dying everywhere, towns get wiped out constantly, and there's actual character moments which was nice to see.
It's still very silly, and your 4th party member which is in rotation for a lot of the game dying everytime they're done with a dungeon is honestly pretty funny and stupid, but I'll take what I can get with these early titles.

The spritework in this version is also incredible, much better than the last game. The cutscenes here reminded me of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon's in the best way, gave me a sort of nostalgia kick playing. It looks incredible.

While I wish I could call this a fav to not fall to the popular "gamer" opinion, the dungeon designs are fucking annoying. Trap rooms everywhere, invisible doors for items, and in late dungeons you still have some chests which give you loot from the first 30 minutes of the game, what the fuck is that about?
The 4th slot in your party being mixed all over the place with completely new characters that take up your EXP and items only to die 3 seconds later is dumb, the actual 4th party member literally joins your party in the last hour and a half and he's trash.
The encounter rate is also quite absurd, but I kind of expect that from all of the first 3 games at this point.

Other than that, I had a great time. I honestly don't understand how people like the first game's piss easy mash A gameplay more than this? SHIT IS PEAK.

Final Fantasy II, ainda que simples, tenta evoluir os aspectos vistos no primeiro, principalmente em sua história muito mais épica e em sua narrativa melhor trabalhada, aqui com personagens com personalidades próprias, ainda que muito básicas. O mundo desse segundo jogo não é tão criativo ou charmoso quanto o primeiro, muito devido a ele se por como um jogo mais sóbrio durante uma guerra civil contra o império, mas ainda assim vemos montanhas de gelo, mundos de espelhos e o próprio inferno. A coisa porém que mais separa esse do primeiro ou de qualquer outro na saga, é seu sistema de level UP, que aqui é na base do uso, os personagens não possuem classes pré definidas e cabe a você ir upando aquelas habilidades as quais você quer ou precisa que cada membro da party seja bom. No papel esse sistema é bem interessante, e digo já de antemão que me diverti bastante com ele, porém gera um grande problema principalmente em referência aos magos do jogo, pois até mesmo suas magias e mana só upam por uso, assim então tu acaba tendo pouca mana pra upar magia e pouca magia para upar mana, assim tendo que apelar para métodos de farming além de desestimular o uso de novas magias pois elas sempre serão mais fracas do que as que você está usando desde o começo do jogo. Mesmo com erros e uma má reputação, a ambição desse jogo é charmosa e continua sendo um jogo muito divertido

Peak way to enjoy this fine game. I only disliked Soul of Rebirth, all the rest is still so satisfying and nice to play.

I don't think I will go back and play this one, the story was ok, but the gameplay was terrible. There are no levels and you end up attacking your own people in combat to get skill ups.

if i had to compare it to anything, it's like room temperature water that may or may not have been left out in the sun.

One of the most over hated games that gets the same boring complaints repeated verbatim. Just play the game like a normal human and you'll have an okay time.

Combat system is boring asf,the narrative feels sluggish while trying to piece together where to go is really stupid & tedious

all i gotta say wuz tha gameplay wuz a bit annoying most of tha time but everything else wuz pretty decent !

I tried to go as far as I could but as much as I felt attracted to this game the leveling system without levels stopped me from my enjoyment of the game.
The port is amazing, the characters and story are interesting (especially in relation to the first title of the series) and the music is SO GOOD.

I get why people don't like it, but I don't hate it, I had a fun time with it, but just don't feel like finishing it

Honestly had a lot more fun with this than I thought I would from all the fear mongering that surrounds this game
I honestly really like the more stats focused system even if I had some trouble with realising I need to grind my buffs so they actually apply and function
It hit me when I was in a grinding mood anyway so it really didn’t bother me.
The atmosphere of the world is insanely good with being able to walk most places made the later ships feel more like a bonus rather than a necessity for good and bad
I do feel like it dragged close to the end, the ambush rooms were novel at first but just became mildly annoying when it’s almost every room with little to no feeling orlf risk reward and more luck due to the few rooms that have treasures
The cast and world were really well crafted, the music and landmarks added on to the oppressive atmosphere the emperor had created in the land. With the characters and designs really making this game pop.
Although I will say the other party members felt very weak apart from minwu, especially Leon, with everyone else being at least 3k health him being 1k on joining felt very not well planned
I’m not gonna try and compare it to the other nes era games I played since I played wildly different versions of each. But I will say that this way to play the game felt perfect, but we’ll see what happens when I play the pixel remaster or the original nes



This game was so much better than FF1 in almost every way. You can see the first attempts at a narrative and story telling in this one that isn't "Save princess from evil dude". Wish the backstories of your three main party characters were explored, but the rest was interesting enough. The Emperor was weak as a villain though and I preferred the final boss of FF1 to this.

The mechanics get hated on for no reason. It's actually very fun to level up in this game. Putting a shield on all my characters to level up their evasion had such a great payoff for the harder parts of the game. I never attacked myself to gain HP the ENTIRE game. I don't know why you would do that and complain that you have to do that when you don't. You also get access to a location on the map to super grind if you wish to overlevel your stats and it's right next to a castle with a pub (FF1 also had this magic pixel area with harder enemies to farm but the pub was pretty far away).

The key word mechanic was also pretty cool. Didn't have issues with it personally.

Decent game but very far from the best of what FF has to offer.

The first Final Fantasy game still holds up today despite being outdated in many ways: the same cannot be said for this game. The gameplay was completely retooled and the new mechanics are not as classic as the original and aren't refined enough to be good. The SaGa series took the ideas in this game and improved upon them but unfortunately, they don't work here. Despite the lackluster gameplay, the graphics and music in this PSP version are outstanding and at least make the game worth playing. The story is better and more complex than the first game but because of the tedious grinding and monotonous gameplay, this entry is one of the worst Final Fantasy games.