Reviews from

in the past

vou fazer uma review no meu canal do yt ksks @rafaiel07

Plataformer aconchegante e bonitinho.

Procurava desligar a cabeça e jogar algo curto e tranquilo, mas que ao mesmo tempo tivesse mecânicas interessantes e um level design bacana. Bom, meio que Flynn: Son of Crimson cumpriu com isso, é literalmente desligar sua cabeça e aproveitar a energia do game.

Ele não é grandioso em nada pra ser sincero, mas atendeu perfeitamente o que eu buscava, o que me fez simpatizar bastante com ele. A sua arte é muito bonita também, o que ganhou pontos comigo e deu um carisma a mais pro game.

É o típico jogo para zerar numa única sentada em uma tarde de sábado após uma semana cansativa.

Very good action platformer. Combat was very good. May play again just because of that.

Flynn: Son of Crimson is everything I want from an adventure platformer. The music is fantastic, the art style is beautiful, and the gameplay was never punishing. It was a great mix of cozy and action. Gamers who like very challenging combat may find Flynn's to be a little too simple, but I find the level of difficulty to be just perfect. Boss's challenged me, but natural progression through the story and collecting power ups left me always having fun in regular levels. Absolutely recommend.

impecavel, 10/10
que jogo bom, fazia tempo que não me divertia tanto jogando algo, não faço ideia de como achei essa perola no meio de um monte de jogo aleatório, um jogo tão bom que tanta pouca gente conhece, simplesmente adorei jogar, a gameplay e muito legal, os mapas são lindos, os bosses são todos diferentes e com mecânicas muito diferentes cada um e é simplesmente muito divertido de se jogar, planejo platinar em breve, a historia e bem simples mas me cativou bastante, os personagens muito legais, e tudo mas TUDO muito bem feito, os designs dos personagens as pixel arts, os cenários e tudo MUITO LINDO e absurdamente incrível, não consigo colocar em palavras o quanto esse jogo me cativou e provavelmente vai ser especial pra mim por um tempo, só adorei.

Mecânica tranquila, jogo bonito e bem de boas, a maioria dos chefes você passa sem dificuldade, é ótimo pra pessoas que não curtem se estressar muito com jogos de plataforma. No geral ótimo, vale super a pena.

An incredible action-platformer with some beautiful pixel art and animations. The platforming wasn't too challenging but very engaging. The story was fun and easy to follow. I highly recommend this game to anyone who really loves classic platformers!

Gostei muito do jogo, principalmente pelo fato de que eu coloquei no ''difícil'', a mecânica do jogo é bem divertida, mas sinto que parte dela foi por ter aumentado a dificuldade, os bosses são bons, mas a história fica mais complicada do que deveria, mas é um bom jogo

Un jeu d'aventure 2d tellement générique que j'en ai aucun souvenir alors que je l'ai fait il y a moins d'un an. Le gameplay est assez soporifique, et les décors pas très originaux non plus.

A fun platformer/brawler. The game constantly introduced new mechanics such as elemental weaponry and ridable steeds, which helped make every world diverse. Certain platforming gauntlets and puzzles were quite fun to solve, and the combat was often enjoyable. It was quite enjoyable to swap between the different weapon types, whether to take advantage of an enemy's weakness or simply to experiment.

I did feel as though the super form, while fun and powerful, was a bit too simple. It's very easy to just spam the attack button until the meter runs out without giving it much thought. While certain upgrades can be purchased to alter the super form, more options unlocked by default would have helped. The story also felt a bit undercooked. The rival's character arc felt rushed, but at least she talked, as opposed to the main bosses. I enjoyed seeing the dog grow stronger and stronger as the game went on, but a final payoff was absent.

Flynn is generally enjoyable to control and the game looks great. The length of the game at 7hrs to 100% is short for the genre, but that's not a dealbreaker. My big problem with this game is the extreme lack of enemy variety that makes experimenting with the game's combat totally pointless. Staggers, environmental hazards, unlockable combos and weapon switching could provide the basis for a rewarding combat system, but they don't.

Flynn does very little to make itself stand out and I felt like the first enemies and platforming sections with any interesting ideas didn't appear until the final area. If you've played any other action-platformer then this game has no surprises for you.

Beat the whole game just in case it got better.
It didn't.

Lindo! Simplesmente lindo!

Eu sou um amante de jogos de sprites e pixelarts e devo dizer que, pra mim, esse jogo foi uma coisa linda de se ver! Tudo muito fluido e muito gostoso de se ver e de se jogar.

O jogo é um jogo de plataforma onde você vai rodando varias fases até chegar no boss final, o que é uma coisa já simples e feita pra ser direto ao ponto e Flynn faz isso magistralmente!

A historia do jogo é simples: Flynn é praticamente o heroi escolhido e tem que salvar o mundo e, ao mesmo tempo, salvar Dex, a "cadela" guardiã.

A gameplay é simples porém bem desafiadora e intuitiva: Chegue ao final da fase e gaste seus pontos para ter novas habilidades.

Não tem muito o que falar: Pra quem gosta de jogos de fase, plataforma e com elementos de ação, esse jogo é um prato cheio!

A average to good game. None of the aspect of the game is bad, but none is great either.

Action platformer correct sans plus. La direction artistique est sympa, en revanche le level design est très peu inspiré, le combat est un aspect clé du jeu et pourtant il est assez peu poussé, avec des ennemis peut varié qui ne requièrent pas au joueur de s'adapter, en revanche la présence de plusieurs armes avec des coups spéciaux à débloquer est un bon point qui permet une évolution des mécaniques et des combos sympa en fin de jeu mais cela ne suffit pas à rendre l'expérience mémorable.

I really wanted to like this, but the game feel is just off.

Flynn is so slow in comparison to every enemy you encounter. You move slow. You charge magic slow. You swing your sword slow. The result is that combat never feels fun. It's never outright bad, but it only seems to range from tedious to frustrating.

It's a shame because it's otherwise a well made game. It looks great, sounds great, and runs great. I just wish it played great too.

Excellent visuals and music, but the mediocre story and poorly paced gameplay leave something to be desired. The opening few hours are very slow to get rolling, with a lot of very simple platforming. Once additional skills/magic are unlocked the combat opens up quite a bit and becomes a lot more engaging. Many of the levels are just a bit too long, and although the enemy design is very appropriate they are reused enough that combat can feel like a bit of a grind later in the game. Exploring is fun and the rewards are appropriately satisfying, but I wish obtaining the "secret" items was a bit more challenging, if not harder to find. Although SNES-era platformers are successfully evoked, the design is overall nowhere near as tight as something like Shovel Knight. It's a beautiful homage, but arbitrary design choices hold it back from being a great game.

starts off very slow and boring but gets better towards the middle. i wish there were more platforming abilities like a double jump. combat is okay and basic. very basic linear platformer. if you got 5 hours to kill, then this is an alright pick.

A rather mediocre experience but not one I regret. The high point of the game is definitely the pixel art which is gorgeous. The rest though is just alright. The level design does get a bit interesting in the last third of the game, but by then the game is just about over. The only aspect of the game I would call outright weak is the combat. It feels a bit off in general, and most of the enemies can be taken care of with the same basic strategy. Overall, I’d say it’s worth playing if you are in the mood for a more relaxed platformer that is extremely forgiving.