Reviews from

in the past

The game begins by dropping your car at the top of an active volcano. I obviously tried to drive the car straight into the lava, but the game FADES TO BLACK BEFORE YOU REACH THE HOT MOLTEN GOODNESS. What is the point of all the realistic graphics if I can't even melt my car???

A little while later, while driving through a cloud of kicked up dust, the commentator shouted "WOOOO RIGHT INTO THE EYE OF THE STORM!!" Gamers, I furrowed my brow so hard at him. It was a dust cloud! There is no eye! The eye is the calm area in the middle of a tornado or something, a phenomenon in which the center of the destructive force is the safest place to be! That doesn't apply to the current situation at all!

I generally try not to be a Surly Nitpicky Gamer Boy™, but a lot of big budget AAA games really do bring it out of me. I get it, it's very pretty and the cars go fast. But I finally tried Ridge Racer Type 4 a few months ago, and the cars in that 26-year-old game not only felt better to drive, but it had an actual visual identity that was beyond cool. This is just boring!

Com certeza, esse jogo de corrida arcade é um dos melhores que já joguei, deixando seu antecessor para trás, especialmente por não ter corridas na neve ksksks. É tudo muito divertido, mal posso esperar para experimentar as DLCs.

my favorite racing game, its arcadey but is the epitome of "easy to learn, difficult to master" and I love that, I'll never fully learn the tuning system but I still appreciate its depth. The map is significantly better than the previous entry and offers more vehicle variety. Biggest downside is that all the leaderboards around the map are dominated by speed hacks and speed glitches making it impossible to ever see your name in the top 500 using legit methods

Não joguei a campanha, não joguei o modo online, mas tenho 40 horas de puro drift usando itasha(carro de anime) e é tudo que eu preciso.

uso ele quando to muito ansioso, ou quando quero escutar um podcast despretensiosamente simplesmente o melhor jogo de conforto.

I've spent 120 hours playing FH5, finished all normal races, I think. the game has too many things to do; it is kind of overwhelming, but it is still a solid game, I just loved customizing my cars, and it made me fulfill my dream of riding a Lancer Evo and a Subaru Impreza.

A lot of the time I just booted the game and started driving and drifting around, one of the best moments I had was when I was drifting in a mountain, and a group of people started following me, and we did drift together.

played this game from day one, amazing graphics and really good driving sensations the perfect mix between arcade and sim.
loved fine-tuning the cars to have the best time in the uphill section of the volcano, the multi was plagued with meta-cars and tryhards unfortunately so it wasnt very fun and the battle royal mode just sucks.
then one day in 2022 i just stopped playing i dont even know why.

Sla se tem final isso, só conclui as missões de historia, mas o jogo é bão demais, o motor faz sututututu

Ok, vamo lá.
É ''só'' um jogo de corrida mas eu não poderia ter amado mais.
Eu joguei ele numa gamepass PC que eu consegui, numa época que minha cachorrinha de 13 anos estava doente e nas ultimas
Esse jogo foi extremamente reconfortante, divertido, alegre e feliz. Minhas madrugadas foram incríveis, nunca esquecerei de uma corrida especifica que começou a tocar ''Caution'' do The Killers, foi a melhor corrida de todos os jogos que eu já joguei. Que música incrível, que jogo incrível e que ambientação incrível.
Infelizmente, minha cachorrinha morreu 1 dia depois dessa corrida, praticamente na mesma madrugada. Não sei explicar, mas o jogo me reconfortou muito.
Então, depois de 1 ano eu comprei o Xbox Series S só pra ter esse jogo pra sempre e também tatuei ''FORZA'' na mão.
É só um jogo de corrida...

Forza Horizon tem que ter música boa e esse aqui não tem, além deles terem me dado um puta carro esportivo em 10 mins de jogo e me tirou um pouco a vontade de jogar, o 4 foi melhor.

It's close to being a great arcade racing game, but there are so many downsides. First, it vomits cars and other rewards at you from the first second, so there is NO sense of progress and obviously no story. Bigger than that though, the user generated content, which had the potential of making the game live forever, is buggy as hell, and it's impossible to find what you want and even harder to play what you want, especially with friends.

Anything related to the story sucks total ass. The dialogue treats you like a child, the characters are annoying, and the missions are boring. Other than that though, amazing game. A step down from the previous games in terms of story, but a step up in terms of driving. Map is ok. Not my favorite out of the horizon games but certainly not bad.

Forza Horizon 5 has it all, a gigantic map, hundreds of activities, a roster full of the most exciting cars in the world and almost instant access to all of it. You want for nothing in Horizon but when you want for nothing you end up having little to strive and work towards.

Horizon 5 is still a great game, it looks great, sounds great, plays great, it's well made, it's polished and you could get lost in it for hours at a time or just hop in for a race a day. But it didn't quite hook me after playing Horizon 3 and Horizon 4 for hundreds of hours each. Maybe that's just a bit of fatigue on my part but ultimately I feel there's just too much Horizon 5 and too much all at once. Even going slow unlocking festival sites there's dozens and dozens of map markers in just a few hours and a garage full of half a million dollar sports cars almost instantly. I get that it provides full freedom in what you want to do and when you want to do it and even with that accelerated pace there's still hundreds of hours of content but the trade off is you don't really get to savor any of it. I have like 5million dollars in 25ish hours of playing but why buy cars when Horizon gives them out like candy. There's plenty of excitement to be found in playing but no excitement upon unlocking anything, no excitement on finally saving up to get that expensive Ferrari or Lamborghini after driving Golfs or beat up off-roaders for a while. You can only go so big with these games and I would love to see more purposeful and focused progression for Horizon 6 a bit more restraint in rewards, I just think Horizon is due for a bit of a change up.

I really feel like microsoft only uses these games to say "We make pretty graphics" and for car lovers to have a chance to drive their dream cars

A experiencia definitiva de um jogo de corrida. Tudo nesse jogo flui perfeitamente, e os modelos estão impecáveis.

Lindo com Forza.

Estou longe de ser um grande fã de jogos de corrida mas é absurdo como TODO JOGO da franquia Forza Horizon me conquistou de alguma forma.

No quinto jogo da série, o que mais surpreende (Além do visual que é facilmente o mais lindo de todos os jogos Forza até agora) é o mapa ser enorme e cheio de conteúdo (Missões/corridas/tarefas secundárias). Além do jogo beirar o incrível em algumas corridas com tempestade de areia ou perto de algum vulcão por exemplo.

Existem algumas historinhas legais porém o formato delas é sempre igual. Aí caímos no maior problema do game: As corridas e o vasto conteúdo não se conversa, logo o jogo vira aquele "monte de coisa pra fazer". (Offline enjoa rapidinho ter aquele mapa enorme com inúmeras coisas pra fazer porém todas parecidas e desconexas umas das outras).

Porém não tem erro, a experiência de Forza Horizon ainda é a melhor que um jogo de corrida tem a oferecer (Queria muito jogar esse daqui com um volante, pedal e marcha).

- O jogo mais bonito de corrida que já joguei (Graficamente falando).
- Mapa enorme e vasto conteúdo de jogo.

- Vasto conteúdo de jogo não se conversa.

honestamente, eu esperava mais, meu hype tava absurdo pro 5º jogo da franquia horizon, mas o q eu encontrei aqui foi decepcionante ao ponto de me fazer dropar em poucas horas. Por ser focado no online, o jogo NÃO TEM sistema de recompensa, ha uma facilidade extrema para se conquistar carros e dinheiro (justamente para competir no on) e isso deixa o jogador casual com a sensação de tédio, o mapa é básico demais e não tem o encanto dos outros jogos da franquia. Entediante apenas.

Após um bom tempo sem jogar jogos de corrida, resolvi dar uma chance pra Forza Horizon 5 e me surpreendi com o quão a experiência de jogos assim podem ser reconfortantes. Por se tratarem de jogos onde muitos vezes você vai repetir várias corridas e ter uma jogabilidade até que simplificada, baseada em repetição, o jogo não demanda tanto de você, claro, isso jogando nas dificuldades padrão, pra quem quer desafio, acredito que consegue encontrar aqui ainda, sejam em níveis mais avançados de dificuldade ou no próprio online do jogo. Mas eu me encontrei mesmo foi nessa versão mais simplificada que ele apresenta.
Recentemente, sempre que quero escutar um podcast, ou simplesmente relaxar e ouvir música, eu sei que o Forza Horizon 5 vai ser o que vou procurar fazer enquanto isso, e sinceramente, me divirto bastante com isso.

o jogo perfeito pra quem ta afim de jogar algo mas nao sabe oq pois está refém da crise de ansiedade.
bota ele, escolhe um carrinho que for confortavel pra vc(por pior que seja), liga uma playlist e só vai, é perfeito pra esvaziar a mente.
pra mim a melhor coisa do jogo é coincidentemente poder jogar com o primeiro carro que dirigi na minha vida (um focus preto 2011 acho), logo que fiz 18 anos, entao pra minha gameplay o jogo veio com esse gostinho nostalgico e saudoso.

algumas vezes tentei fazer as missoes mas confesso que nisso o jogo nao me pegou, talvez pra seja pra quem curte mais carro mesmo, eu sou total desinteressado, nao conheço marca nem nada sobre kkkk

Gráficos excepcionais. Jogabilidade imersiva. Sons perfeitos. Ambientação sensacional. História você nem vai prestar atenção. Grande acervo de carros. Bastante customizações. Simplesmente um jogo de carro/corrida perto da perfeição.


My first Forza Horizon game, and my first Forza game in a hot minute. Racing comes first and foremost, but the open world and its activities is perfect if I just want to boot up the game and relax by driving whatever car I feel like at any given moment.

The game also looks beautiful. This is the only way I've seen areas of Mexico that aren't Baja. That being said, though, the depiction of the country's regions and cities is like the one thing this game got right about Mexico. It's a game set in Mexico, made by a British studio. The progtagonist is confirmed to be the same one from Forza Horizon 4, so they're British. That's kinda annoying. Even more annoying is the almost stereotypical portrayal of Mexican people. We've got a woman who won't shut up about her grandfather and his history with cars, the Vocho is apparently the only car Mexicans are a fan of, and they mix Spanish in the occasional English sentence. I guess that last one's on me for setting the game audio to English, but they should have at least gone for the occasional full sentence in Spanish or none at all before making everyone sound like they only remember what they learned in their high school Spanish class. The radio's also got like zero Mexican songs. The Drum & Bass station is cool, though.

Shoutout to this game for carrying me through my first two years of college. Now it's Motorsport's turn to carry me through the next two.

não me deu a mesma vontade igual o 4.

Em se tratando de jogos de corrida, esse é um dos mais divertidos que já joguei. Ótimos gráficos, carros maravilhosos, muita variedade, som impecável. O único ponto negativo fica pela quantidade exagerada de coisas no mapa, pra mim, cansa um pouco um jogo que te causa fadiga a medida que quanto mais vc avança mais coisas pipocam na tela pra fazer.

Played this while going through a rough relationship. Said I'll quit the game if the call I'm getting from my girlfriend is a break up call. It was. Fuck this game. Guess it's more lush Horizon 4. But whatever, I'm done 😠

Um ótimo jogo de corrida, super divertido e com carros muito bons de pilotar. Recomendo
Obs: zerei com 55h

This game feels more British than the last Horizon game, which is astonishing considering the last one was set in the UK.

ended up ruining the racing genre as a whole by introducing the open world racing formula with the addition of "simcade" physics that feels like you're driving a scania on ice, "peak", according to the four-eyes tiktok consumer who loves to drive their ae86 in a soulless landscape, drifting the straight road using the combination of w,a,d and space buttons (bonus points if they know what powershifting is, takes skill to press clutch and shift up at the same time in order to gain a speed boost)

Quite disappointed with this one. I like Forza Horizon quite a lot more until they suddenly pushed a patch that censored the music to hell and back. Game was absolutely unenjoyable for me after that. But Forza Horizon 5 did nothing I had not seen in the prequel, the graphics are not as good as I had hoped because the game needs to run on the Series S as well. The car sounds are what ultimatively killed any joy I had with the game. I had not driven a car when I played Horizon 4, but now that I drive regularly, the sounds in this game make me crazy. This is not at all how cars sound.

Great open world Arcade racer, haven't enjoyed a racing game like that in years. It's sometimes overly colorful and 'happy' and side missions are sometimes too repetitive. But visually it's amazing and the driving is a lot of fun.