Reviews from

in the past

This game on its own is an empty sandbox, and is only fun if you make it fun. maybe its because i don't have nostalgia for it, or its more fun when your a kid, or maybe i just suck at using it, but i don't really see the appeal.

Yes, I did enjoy doing the stupidest shit ever on this game when I was 10 like having an all out war against hostile SpongeBob NPCs.

Yes, I did have to search up every slur in the dictionary to know what the fuck folks in the RP servers were saying.

Great experience.

Garry's Mod é como o eterno vovô dos videogames, se recusando a se aposentar e continuando a surpreender com sua criatividade ilimitada. É basicamente o "Roblox original" para quem gosta de construir, quebrar e reinventar.

Enquanto o Fortnite tenta ser o rei do battle royale, Garry's Mod permanece como a enciclopédia caótica e hilariante dos jogos, onde a única regra é: não há regras.

Em Garry's Mod, a liberdade é a palavra-chave. Ele é como um playground interativo onde você pode criar seu próprio universo de jogos. Com a vasta biblioteca de mods disponíveis, você pode transformar Garry's Mod em praticamente qualquer jogo que imaginar. Seja pilotando naves espaciais, enfrentando zumbis em mapas pós-apocalípticos ou até mesmo criando seu próprio game show, as possibilidades são infinitas.

Além disso, a comunidade ativa contribui com skins e modelos gratuitos, permitindo que os jogadores personalizem seus personagens sem esvaziar sua carteira.

Enquanto em outros jogos a customização pode custar "rios de dinheiro", em Garry's Mod, a diversão personalizada é acessível a todos, o que o torna uma experiência única e econômica.

Garry's Mod was actually my introduction to Half-Life, as I'm sure is the case for plenty of kids. It was the Bananaphone video and then classics like Full Life Consequences that made me interested in it. GMod, as a platform, is perfect. It deserves a five star rating for longevity and content alone.

This game is the definition of "sandbox". You can call Grand Theft Auto an open world game where you can do anything, but you can't. You're constrained by what Rockstar will let you do - here, the sky is literally the limit. Scripts, models, sounds, maps... if it has been made in the public eye, it's probably in GMod in some form. I have fond, fond memories of just wasting hours in this game.

But I don't think I could go back to it now. I lack the imagination now, the "but what if..." aspect of interactivity. Something in modern game design has made me this way exclusively for this medium - I can still pull off all sorts of wild ideas in my head for other subjects but games tend to stump me. It feels like experimentation in a lot of games is unrewarded at best and punished at worst; but with GMod there isn't any reward beyond self-satisfaction, which I'm very fond of.

In the grand scheme of things, 123 hours really doesn't seem that much compared to other people's runtimes. It was the first game I owned on my own computer - and then I discovered I needed OTHER games to make this one work, since I got the Steam release and not the original sourcemod version. But GMod opened up an entire wealth of gaming history to me. This daft, "only as wild as you are" exercise of a game helped shape my taste to this very day.

Another one of those truly uncompletable games, but fuck it I have hundreds of hours in this from just dicking around so completed it goes.

I originally remember seeing those old idiots of garrys mod/machinima videos back in like 2010 (they probably haven't held up very well) where they make skits in Gmod and assumed that's what the actual gameplay was like, so you could imagine my surprise when I first booted it up, went on gm_construct, and stumbled around trying to figure out what to do. Gmod is many things to many people, but at its core, it's just a way to mess around with the incredibly dynamic Source Engine that powered Half-Life 2. Going in without exactly knowing that, however, meant that I really didn't know what the hell I was supposed to do or how the hell to build/do anything.

Eventually I found out how to add mods to import various weapons, models, maps, and NPCs into my game properly, and from there the doors were blown open. The game basically became my own personal action-figure toy set I could slap together using the genuine models from the games I enjoyed. Not only was Gmod an endless playset with an unending number of explorable maps to screw about in, but it also gave 12-year-old me a bit of insight as to the various tricks and tech games do to inherently function. I never ported or coded anything within Gmod myself, nor did I use Gmod to chase any sort of computer science degree, but just dicking around in this game over the course of years made me much more game-tech and modding literate than I was before.

I know a lot of people have a lot of fond memories doing multiplayer on Gmod but I really didn't play with others much back in the day. Not only did my addons not properly transfer to other servers properly at the time, but also my internet was horrible so connecting to other servers and downloading all the assets took forever. I also didn't have HL2EP2 or CSS either, so multiplayer was mostly spent in ye ol checkerboard error hell.

Nowadays, roughly 10 years after the fact, I rarely go on Gmod anymore. I know thanks to the steam workshop its super easy to play multiplayer with friends and have everyones addons be synced, but again shit takes forever to load so I have a hard time convincing my friends to play. all I've done in recent memory is pose and take screenshots of the stupidest shit possible and post it to my friends completely out of context

who the fuck spells gary with two r's

i am skibidi toilet pilled

The pros of the game can also be cons. You can do whatever you want. One of the best if not best sandbox game of all time. The cons= you can do whatever you want that means fnaf rp servers. Not the game's fault, but it can definitely get boring after playing for a little bit.

The ultimate sandbox game where the skybox is the limit.

Great game with sometimes not that great people

One of the funiest and more versatile games I had the luck to buy on steam, from messing around with the boys to posing models and making posters, the sheer amount of things you can do with this game makes it a really worthy investment

This game is so fun. I love Valve games so basically making a sandbox game using the HL2 engine is genius. I love the NPC's Ragdolls and the many different add-ons you can get from the Steam Workshop. I played this with friends and made some great memories with them. I love this game and recommend it to anybody.

Thanks skibidi toilet for showing me this game

Incredible game with friends, some of the funniest moments I've ever had was on TTT and Sandbox.
I just wish it was easier to just... do what you want to.. It's super easy to run into errors or problems you just don't know how to fix and troubleshooting can be a pain. Even with mods to make stuff easier and make the UI more intuitive it still can be very hard to find what you're looking for.

This game literally never gets boring no matter how often I come back to it. A lot of servers could use better moderation though.

Garry's mod é ótimo pra jogar com amigos. Mas hoje sinto que não tenho mais paciência para os modos de jogo, fora que é meio chato de conectar, tem que ficar baixando pacote de texture e modelos.

As a child I always used a rope to tie GMan to the car and then drove around for hours on end. Sometimes I even made a rearview camera to watch GMan suffer.

When I found out you could download custom character models it was Master Yoda's turn to suffer the same fate.

I played this game alot with friends. Never online though! It was always just one person at the PC and the others coming up with ideas what to build. Proof that even online games can be more fun when played offline harrumph!! kids now with their online games smh

As vezes, eu gosto de baixar um mapa de cidade na noite, botar mod de carro e ficar rodeando a cidade ouvindo música triste no Spotify fingindo ser um cara que divorciou da mulher, perdeu a guarda dos filhos, foi demitido, nome sujo na serasa e que não tem mais motivos para continuar vivendo neste mundo sombrio e vazio.

Mas também curto ficar baixando mod de bomba atômica e ficar explodindo tudo e no meu lado, o bolsonaro saindo no soco com o picolas cage então, se você me pergunta se o jogo vale a pena, eu lhe respondo que sim!!!

pro: you make the fun
con: you make the fun

The only game to actually make you want a numpad.

Never in a game have I been this scared of a jpg

É divertido pela infinidade de games, que dá pra jogar nesse game!

Source™ jank at his peak. Amazing sandbox game that is also highly customizable.

Either one of the greatest games ever made or a complete cesspool, depending on how and when you play it. From my perspective, the golden days of this have long since passed, with the server browser being consumed by more and more clones of DarkRP.

how am i even supposed to review this

tears of the kingdom but good