Reviews from

in the past

I love this game and it's atmosphere. Altrough the map feels very hollow in reality, Rockstar mannage to make a beliveable city in it's first jump to HD consoles. (PS3 was subpart HD though, can it still be consider HD? SD).

The story was great. Gritty, depressing and a bit dark. Remember, this was after San Andreas a game all about fun, progression. We get very little of that here. I don't think is that fun of a game, compared to San Andreas. But I love for what it is, a very realistic aproach to the Grand Theft Auto Series.

Compared to V, it has some difference. But GTA IV still stands tall against his famous little brother.

Don't try to complete all the achievements for this game. I did and I'm broken inside. It doesn't get any better, in fact it gets worse. It's a big waste of time. But, if you are up to it. I wish you luck, brave warrior.

If the PC Port wasn't so bad I would've ranked higher.

5* for GTA IV alone, Niko is one of the best protagonists in any game I've played.

Episodes from Liberty City are OK. TLAD is the inferior of the two, TBOGT is much more energetic and fun. I think it sets itself apart from the other 2 games on this basis. TLAD was more depressing narrative while also being worse written than the base GTA experience and TBAGT. This, along with the gameplay being a little worse, makes The Lost and Damned a dud. You fly a golden helicopter in the Ballad of Gay Tony, and drive around in an APC!

the best open world game of all time imo, amazing crime drama story that takes inspiration from the likes of tarantino and scorsese. must play.

Great way to play the game and DLC's all in one. Since GTA IV is fantastic, The DLC's help fill the gaps in the story really well. We really don't get DLC like this anymore

Edit 1: Updated to include sections on the two DLC!

GTA IV Review


I've never played a GTA title before this one, mostly because a life of organized crime has never really appealed to me if I'm being honest. I'm too much of a wimp to be a criminal, I'll probably just end up doing office work until I retire.

Anyhow, this series must be doing something right if it's this ingrained in popular culture. In any news about a shooting involving a teenager who's being playing video games, GTA is sure to be mentioned at least once.

With such a beloved, acclaimed and popular series, I figured it was finally time to give it a shot (heh), so I picked up GTA IV and started my adventure.


You are Niko Bellic, an illegal immigrant fleeing from war and crime back in your Slavic hometown. The stories your cousin Roman sends you about him living the dream life in Liberty City, USA attracts you to cross the Atlantic and never look back again.

Little did you know, it is never so easy to escape your past. Niko's dream shatters in front of his eyes as he meets Roman, realising that all the exotic cars, amazing penthouses, and of course beautiful woman, were nothing but mere delusions.

In order to make ends meet, Niko soon becomes involved in the dark criminal underbelly of Liberty City, a journey that takes many tumultuous turns and causes much heartbreak.

The game's story is dark and depressing, no doubt about it. It really showcases the dark and gritty mood and atmosphere of Liberty City.

Like I said, I never wanted to be a criminal, but this game does a good job of making me care about the cast. Every character is larger than life, even the various unlikeable, slimy criminals you face have their own distinct vibe.

Death is commonplace in Liberty City and you will be seeing plenty of it, friend or foe.There are actually various points where you can decide between killing someone or sparing them, which is quite neat.

The actual narrative progresses nicely with plenty of strong set pieces, driving the story along and very rarely letting me down. I can definitely see why it is praised as the best amongst the series. I also appreciate that it doesn't overstay its welcome, clocking in at just over 25 hours for my first run through.


For a game made in 2008, the graphics are phenomenal. Driving down the streets of Liberty City while listening to Marvin Gaye on the radio for the first time is an absolute vibe.

That being said, the performance of this game needs to be pointed out. It is, to put it nicely, not good. Lag spikes happen for no good reason even outside of combat and this just shouldn't be the case for a game this old. I do think this has to do with my shoddy laptop, but even then I've played more modern games that run far better. Even on 720p low settings I face severe lag spikes!


The moment-to-moment gameplay of GTA IV is stellar. The driving admittedly takes a while to get used to. My initial impressions were that cars felt extremely heavy and sluggish, and were comparable to a boat. However, as the game went on and I got better at drifting round corners, I could better appreciate the heavier feel.

As for the other transport modes, boats felt even more sluggish. Helicopters though, oh dear. Oh dear indeed. To begin, who on earth thinks NUMPAD 2 and NUMPAD 8 are good default controls? I dreaded every single helicopter mission, which is a shame considering they tended to be the most epic.

Gunplay in GTA IV is great. Enemies aren't too spongy so long as you aim for the head, and you have a small array of weapons to choose from. Combat in this game feels more tactical, often requiring you to take cover and slowly pick off enemies when the time is right, which is welcome.

But here's where I have to address the single biggest problem I have with this game. One that greatly frustrated me as I played through it - the lack of checkpoints and saves during missions. I can already hear the cries of "wow you're such a noob", which is fair, but hear me out! I am completely OK with repeating parts of missions. If I die in an intense combat encounter, I deserve to have to repeat it, but what I do not appreciate is how I have to redo entire missions. This is OK early on when most of them are short, but when you get to the longer ones which involve minutes of driving before getting to the combat scene, it is such a chore. Having to get armor and health again adds to the tedium and frustration of repeating entire missions.

Which, by the way, you will be repeating plenty of missions because even tiny things can cause you to need to restart, such as hitting a single wall or shooting someone on accident.

All this adds up, and by the end of the main story I got very frustrated after repeating some missions a handful of time, which is a shame because the missions themselves were good.


I think GTA IV could've been a perfect game, but it stops just shy. Who knows, maybe it's just the age showing, or maybe I'm bad, but either way, I think it could greatly benefit from less tedium and repetition.

All that said, the story and atmosphere is still absolutely superb and well worth enduring the little quips to experience.


GTA IV DLC Mini-Review


I'm not going to go into as much detail about the DLCs, as they share a lot in common with the base game. Instead I'll just highlight what I found to be particularly noteworthy.

GTA IV: The Complete Edition comes with both of the game's DLCs - The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony. Both these DLCs feature different protagonists and take place parallel to the main story. Throughout both of these stories, you will encounter missions that take place concurrently with ones from the main story, the most notable example being the exchange in the museum, which can be played from all 3 perspectives, which is really neat.

Both the DLCs have around 20+ missions and take about 6-8 hours to complete each, which is a pretty hefty amount of content for a DLC. If you are a fan of the base game, the DLC are just more of the same, which is good, but if you weren't already into it I don't think they are going to change that.

The Lost and Damned

The Lost and Damned tells the story of bike gang The Lost MC. You control Johnny Klebitz, the vice-president of the club. You go pick up the president, Billy, from prison, yet despite the two being brothers, tension soon takes hold, leading The Lost down a dark path.

Overall this expansion continues the dark and gritty vibe of the base game. In fact I think they might've gotten a bit carried away as the whole story is played with a grainy filter on.

As expected, most of this DLC is played on bikes, which are fun to control, but also provide far less protection. Weaving in and out of traffic is fun though, so I ain't complaining. New weapons can also be found, though I don't really have much thoughts about them.

A solid experience, if not particularly groundbreaking.

The Ballad of Gay Tony

As expected from the title, this one is far more colourful, with a huge variety of missions and an eclectic cast to match. You are Luis Lopez, a former criminal working under nightclub owner Gay Tony, who took you under his wing. You do work for Tony as well as other various unsavoury characters in an effort to keep the income coming.

The things this DLC makes you do borderlines on terrorism, which leads into some seriously epic missions. A standout is the subway heist where you shoot down helicopters as you await an airlift. Speaking of helis though, this DLC has way too many helicopter missions. Given the horrible controls, I do not appreciate it one bit.


I personally enjoyed The Lost more, but both are solid and any fan of the base game has no reason not to play both DLC.

Boring, horrible PC port, can't recommend.

There is something about Nico and NYC that I love.
The premises is so plausible that you get immediately involved in the game.
I love the ragdoll physics of the bodies when you crash or hit something, feels so natural.
Feels like a underdog GTA game but in my heart is special and I will always love it.

"Oyuncularına bu kadar değer vermeyip, oyuncuları tarafından inanılmaz sevilen iki firmadan birisinin oyunu. Diğer firma Bethesda..."

En önemli mevzu, her şeyi geçiyoruz ve oynanabilirliğe bakıyoruz; oyun kendi zamanında da olmak üzere bilgisayara bozuk, yanında saçma sapan uygulamalar indirmek zorunda bırakılarak çıkartılmıştı, insanları uğraştırma yolundaydı, şimdi ekstra program olarak sadece "Rockstar Launcher" indiriyoruz en azından. Bir diğer iğrenç mevzu ben bu oyunda "Cyberpunk 2077"de aldığım "fps" değerinin aynısını aldım, hatta yer yer daha fazla düştü. Bazı görevlerde oyun kendini sonsuz yükleme ekranına kilitliyor, bu sebeple saatlerimi hebâ ettiği de oldu, oyunu açıkçası teknik sorunları yüzünden üç ayda zor bitirdim, yer yer oyunu oynamak dahi istememişliğim oldu.

Oyun zamanının ilerisinde değil, eğlenceli de değil! Gerçekten eğer ki ben "1985-1994-1997-1999-2003" yapımı oyunlarında daha fazla eğlenebiliyorsam, bu isimlerini vermediğim, yapım yıllarını vermiş olduğum, ancak benim bildiğim daha düşük bütçeyle yapılmış oyunlarda daha çok eğlenebiliyor, saçmalığın içinde kaybolmuyor, zamanımın çöpe gittiğini hissetmiyorsam, bu oyunun çok büyük sıkıntıları var demektir. Oyunu bitirebilmek adına kendimi zorladım, kendimi zorlama gereksinimlerimden birisi de genel kültürdü, oyunu ve ek paketlerini bitirdikten sonra da pek mutlu olduğumu söyleyemeyeceğim. Oyunun iyi yönlerinden değil, yaklaşık üç ay dağınık şekillerde oynamış olduğumdan sadece hatırladığım özelliklerini değerlendireceğim.

Oynanış mekanikleri, fizik motorunun saçmalığı bambaşka bir seviyede zaten, gerçek hayata en yakın oyun diye diye övdüğünüz bu oyunda arabalar ayrı işkence, motorlarsa inanılmaz bir işkence. Duran arabaya değip öldüğümü hatırlıyorum, araba sürmesi yeteri kadar eğlenceli değilken ana oyunun bir çok görevinde araba kovalaması görevi bulunuyor, eğlenceli olmayan bir yönü fazlaca kullanmak ilk kırmızı bayraklarındandı, oyunun ilk on saatinde kısır döngüye bağlamayı başarmıştı zaten oyun, sürekli aynı işleri yapıyorduk. O motor sürüş mekaniklerini de kim yaptıysa gün yüzü görmesin, ne kadar iğrenç bir iş çıkartmışlar öyle, üstüne üstlük motorcu çetesinin konu olduğu bir ek paketin var olması zaten ne kadar iyi iş yapmaya çalışmadıklarını gösteriyor.

Oyunun hikayesi, bu konudan bahsetmeye tenezzül bile etmek istemiyorum, ana oyun ve ek paketleri de dahil olmak üzere hikaye inanılmaz dağınık işliyor, asla bir tempo yok, hikayenin ilerleyişini anlatmak için aracı olarak kullanılan görevler birbirinden sıkıcı bir halde oldukları için ayrı bir işkence çektiriyordu. "TLaD" ek paketi hikayenin en toplu olduğu hikayeydi, diğerlerinden bahsedecek olursak, dağınık dağınık, oradan buradan, paçasından ♥♥♥ damlıyordu.

İnkar edilemez bir sunum kalitesi var, bakın bunu asla reddedemem, çünkü gerçekten parasını vermişler, animasyona, sahnelere, müziklere iyi para verilerek, sanatçıların üzerinde uğraşmasını sağlamışlar, son derece gaza getiren sunuma sahip ara sahneler bulunuyordu, inanılmaz da keyfi arttırıyordu, ancak sunumun bu kadar kuvvetli olmadığı zaman inanılmaz derecede daha fazla olduğundan genel tecrübe çok acı bir tat bırakıyor.

Oyunun karakterleri ve şehrin yaşamı, ana karakterimizin psikolojisini rahatlıkla anlayabiliyoruz, rahatlıkla yönettiğimiz karakterin rolüne bürünebiliyoruz, yan karakterlerin de başarılı yazıldığını söylemekten çekinmeyeceğim. Yan karakterleri sevmeniz gerekiyorsa size sevdirebiliyorlar, sinir olacaksanız sinir edebiliyorlar, nefret etmeniz gerekirse ettirebiliyorlar, olabildiğince başarılı anlayacağınız. Ancak şehir yeteri kadar yaşamıyor, tabii oyunu bu dönemde oynamış olmamın etkisi de bulunuyor, oyunun ana hikayesini, ardından ek paketlerinin hikayelerini bitirdiğim gibi oyunu sildim. Eğer ki bu oyunu zamanında oynamış olsaydım, bütün başarımlarını almaya uğraşabilirdim, kesin olarak söylemiyorum ancak şöyle bir gerçek var ki on sene önce yapılmış bazı oyunlar bu oyundan daha toplu, daha düzgün bir tempoya sahip, bu öğeler de hikayeli bir oyun için çok önemli.

Oyunun görev yapısı, inanılmaz tekrar ediyor ve hiçbir şekilde eğlenceli değiller, yeni hissettiren içerik çok az, sürekli birisini öldür, birisini kovaladan ibaret, hayatınızıdan inanılmaz bir miktarda süre çaldığını rahatlıkla hissedebiliyorsunuz. Onun dışında oyunun temposu o kadar dağınık ki, heyecanlı geçmiyor bile, oyunun en heyecanlı olması gereken görevleri size heyecanlı gelmeyecek bile, çünkü sizi gereksiz işlerle o kadar yoruyorlar ki, mutlu olmanız gerektiği zaman, sadece bitmiş hissediyorsunuz. Görevlerin kayıt noktaları çekilmez noktada, çok uzun sürenizi çalmaya yönelik.

Yan etkinlikler, sıkıcı, inanılmaz tekrara dayalı, eğlenceli bir açık dünyaya sahip değil, oyunun trafiği de berbat, o kadar çok belirgin şekilde yapay zeka önüme arabasını kırıyor ki, asla yaşayan bir şehirmiş gibi hissetmiyordum. Bir yerden bir yere giderken eğer köprüden ya da büyük tünelden geçerek ada değiştirmem gerekiyorsa asla kendi gitmiyorum, taksi arıyorum ve taksiyle gidiyorum, çünkü dediğim gibi fazlasıyla sıkıcı bir dünyaya sahip.

El mejor juego de toda la saga, y probablemente top 3 mundos abiertos favoritos de toda mi vida. Sencillamente espectacular. Cuando lo jugué me volví loco. La historia es demasiado buena y seria, los personajes son todos memorables y por si le hacía falta COLOR al mapa, nos dan The Ballad of Gay Tony que es EXCELENTE! y tiene toda la alegría que le falta al juego base. Me gustó de principio a fin.

The best game in the entire saga, and probably the top 3 favorite open worlds of my entire life. Simply spectacular. When I played it I went crazy. The story is too good and serious, the characters are all memorable and in case the map needed COLOR, they give us The Ballad of Gay Tony which is EXCELLENT! and it has all the joy that the base game lacks. I liked it from start to finish.

my pc sucks, so for half the time i was playing i had like 5fps until i just gave up for until i get a pc with more than 4 ram, it was pretty good though

Foi uma longa jornada de estresse e alivio cômico, a partir da 2 Dlc cansa o suficiente para termina tudo apenas por terminar.

Se fosse em 2011 seria divertido jogar online.

çöp optimizasyon yüzünden oynayamıyorum aw

This should be a 5. But the PC port (even though its had a lot of work in the past few years) is still fucking fried. It can and will probably crash. The bugs are still running rampant and modding this game is like gambling you may or may not get fucked. The story though is peak. The gameplay is fucking great too the cars just handle like shit despite it being "realistic". Very depressing game but hey liberty city (NYbeef) is a depressing fucking location so as it should be. Niko is a great character and the whole cast is dope. You got a lot of dudes that you want to murk but a lot of people you care about. And the dlc ? mann TLAD is just badass and TBoGT is such a massive improvement over the base game and the club life style is just a fun addition. This is one of the best GTA titles out there. And if for whatever reason you don't or can't do a run I do have a chronologically spliced game movie modded up and at 4k ultra 60 fps here:

El mejor gta que he podido jugar...

Berbat araba sürüşü, aşırı hantallık, berbat şehir tasarımı (Atmosfer bakımından değil. Harita dizaynı), berbat vuruş mekanikleri ve dahası.

Üç beş detay ve araba çarptığında hasar alması oyunu iyi yapmaz. Dayanamadım, bıraktım. Birden fazla kez.

Completed the base game and both expansions, and can confidently say that this is easily better than GTA V, albeit is worse when it comes to multiplayer, but that's a given due to differences in releases.

A great story, gameplay somehow more refined that its successor in many ways, a better map imo, and overall just feels more defined and less bloated than V does. Combined with the atmosphere of the city around you, nothing feels better than cruising around the city, seated in a Comet listening to JNR, all the while listening to the rain pour down.

Damn, this is what games should be.

If you've so far neglected to enter Grand Theft Auto IV's stunning modern metropolis of Liberty City, by all means get this game. The overall GTA formula has been refined and retooled in this version to be more convenient, more realistic, and ultimately more mature, though it still gets stuck on brambles held over from games past. As far as living a virtual life goes, managing the social network, night life, travel habits and explosive forays of virtual dynamo Niko Bellic is one that'll stick in your thoughts for years to come.

Um jogasso, eu tinha pulado ele quando saiu mas ao retornar tive uma ótima experiência, esse jogo é muito bom

Simply the best scenario of any gta, made my mother thing it was a racing game so she would buy it back in 2010 lol.
was frustrating that the whole map wasnt unlocked in the normal version of the game so actually my first experience was tbogt. loved the more relaxed approach. then went to the normal version and absolutely loved it. played tlad last but didnt rally care for the biker aesthetic

To me this is the best GTA out of all the games one of my favorite games of all time definitely worth your money.🎮👍

lo disfrute mucho al principio, pero es tan largo que se nota lo monotonas que son las misiones cambian un par de cosas pero son casi igual, como en todos los gta y no me parece del todo malo ya que aun asi logran ser de sierta forma unicas y entretenidas, pero al se tan largo le baja puntos.
El port esta mal hecho y hay crashes sin sentido, la fisica de los autos es un asco, los controles a pie son como en la play (te moves como si jugases con analogicos) lo cual en mi opinion es horrible, pero se deja jugar, recomiendo jugar con mucho tiempo y paciencia.
Lo califico con 4 estrellas por el juego completo mas los dlc's, el port esta hecho como el orto pero no deja de ser una de las mejores o quiza la mejor de las historias de los gta.

Si lo queres jugar decentemente te recomiendo estos 4 mods de fixes:

A jornada de traição e vingança!
Que jogo incrível, como eu disse no título, a história do jogo se baseia nisso, e é simplesmente sensacional!

Praticamente, toda pessoa que paga o Niko para fazer alguma coisa, no final acaba sendo morto por ele, e não por conta dele ser mal ou algo do tipo, mas sim porque as situações obrigam Niko a fazer isso. O que mostra como é a vida do crime, uma vida onde você sempre é traído, uma vida onde todos estão pisando em todos para chegar no topo. A única coisa ruim da história é que as vezes, você esquece qual é o objetivo principal, qual é o intuito do Niko estar fazendo tudo aquilo, porque cada missão tem sua própria historinha e quase nada no fim acaba se conectando. É uma crítica que também fiz a GTA SAN, não sei se vai ser um problema recorrente na franquia GTA.

No jogo, temos algumas escolhas em alguns momentos também, e ela sempre é ou de matar ou não tal pessoa, ou matar personagem A ou B. Ela não afeta tanto a história mas ainda sim, gosto muito de ter essas opções, e no final do game, você acaba fazendo uma escolha que define o final. Pra mim, que sou apaixonado em escolhas, é incrível.

No quesito de gameplay, é muito bom no geral, tem algumas coisas ruins, por conta de ser uma mobilidade de um jogo de 2010, mas nada que prejudique muito.

No geral, é um jogo incrível, acho ele melhor que o GTA SAN (o único outro gta que zerei até agora) e gosto muito da temática dele, muitos reclamam falando que é um jogo triste, mas é só conversa. Recomendo muito!

На деке играбельно, на ПК не могу смотреть на эту графику, четверка меньше всего понравилась, баллада о Голубом Тони больше всего, в целом нормик, под пивко пойдёт.

Completed at least a dozen times. My favorite game of the franchise, despite not being a popular take.

Siento que manejara barcos y no autos.

Coming from San Andreas, seeing this game for the first time was mindblowing, and I tried to get a PC specifically for this game in 2008, only to realize the port sucked ass.
The base game is the best out of the 3 "games". Shame the driving sucks though.

Personally don't see the appeal to these games. I just prefer a generally more linear game, so these open-world ones where I just drive mission to mission doesn't do all that much for me

Cool, passé de bon moment.
Le C4.

I've twice given this game a go.
I can't get into it. I can't be bothered to stay with it long enough to find what I am sure are many things about it that make it a classic.
I can see what people enjoy about it, I guess, but it's just too brash, too crude, and not a nice world to spend time in.
I'm sure it's something wrong with me, and it's my loss.

This review contains spoilers

Played on Steam sometime in 2020 - 2022. Did not finish any of the games - did not start either Episode from Liberty City; did play through at least Playboy X vs. Dwayne Forge.

One of the high watermarks for me in being immersed into a game world. One of my most favorite gaming moments: leaving a safehouse, walking into a building across from the safehouse, going up the stairs to stand on the rooftop and hear a random preacher talk about the end of the world.