Reviews from

in the past

Emulador, é claro.

Jogo bastante inferior ao Megaman X1, mas ainda diverte. Não zerei, cheguei no penúltimo boss e tudo que senti nas fases finais do jogo foi tédio.

Os 8 primeiros bosses tem fases legais, mas depois o jogo se perde. Gostei, mas tá longe de ser bom como seu antecessor.

Mega Man X2 I would describe just as being more Mega Man X. I'm saying this as a compliment to the game though, as I really had a lot of fun while playing Mega Man X2. But at the same time though, I find the same issues I had in Mega Man X persisted in Mega Man X2.
I love the movement of X. And with the new upgrades X can get during the game increased how well X plays too. Air Dashes especially make movement feel just that much better. And the levels really compliment X's movements. When I got the hang of the dash jumps, platforming got really damn fun too. When it came to the controls, it was really well laid out, though I did have issues keeping a charge while trying to do a dash jump. And this is a pet peeve that I had that was also in the original Mega Man X, but I've just never been a fan of off-screen respawning enemies. And lastly in the vein of levels, I really miss how the levels sort of interacted with each other in the original Mega Man X, and how clearing out one level may impact another.
I also found the bosses to be a whole lot of fun. I wouldn't say they were as memorable as the first game's, but theres a lot of fun ideas sprung into the mix. One of my favorites in particular being Morph Moth. I also really love the X Hunters too, they were fun additional side bosses that add a bit of flavor to the mix. I would say if anything, I found one boss in particular to be a bit of a pain, but aside from that one boss, the bosses were really fun to fight against. The power-ups you get from the bosses were really fun to use as well.
Mega Man X2 is about on the same level as Mega Man X1. Great gameplay and level design, but having some of the same issues that I found in the first game. Regardless of those issues Mega Man X2 is still overall a really good game, and I'm glad to have gotten around to it.

A little less polished than the first one but still a classic

I will never understand how someone could think this is just a worse X1. Maybe those people aren't human? Maybe they didn't play it. X2 is the standard by which I measure all Mega Man games.

Finally, it doesn't matter if you're new and haven't a bog what the weakness order is cause you can feasibly tackle any of the bosses with just the buster. Several go on the defensive if you bring out special weapons so it's not as simple as trivialising them. They actually got the difficulty balance in a Mega Man game perfect. I'm astounded.

This might be the best kit X has had access to. The double charge shot is the single most powerful upgrade in the series. Spin Wheel rips through hallways. You can chain air dashes into charged Speed Burners for massive airtime. If you set him up right, you can pelt Crystal Snail with a charged Magnet Mine that will keep shoving him back til he dies. It's hysterical in motion. Check out the speedruns.

Giving X the dash by default enabled so much innovation in Mega Man level design. You go all over the screen in this game and there's MASSIVE stage diversity. Dodging around the searchlights in Magna Centipede is a grand time. Bubble Crab is the unequivocal best water stage in the series. The soundtrack completes X1's innovative rock style with emotional undertones. Fun fact, the composer of Chill Penguin's theme headed this game's music!

X2 is far and away my favourite Mega Man game. It has some stiff competition in the Inti games and 11, but the stars aligned here somehow to produce my most enjoyed and replayed Mega Man.

(Played on switch through the Mega Man X Legacy Collection)

Good things:

-The stages are really good. Highlights for me were Overdrive Ostrich Stage, which lets you drive a hoverboard motorcycle, and Wheel Gator Stage, which takes place on a giant awesome dinosaur tank
-The weapons are still fun to use, even if they are a little less cool than Mega Man X1s. Charging the speed burner opens up secret locations that seemed impossible to get to, you can platform on enemies with the crystal hunter, and the x-buster gets an awesome double shot with the arm upgrade. The only weapon that wasn't fun to use was the strike chain. Its not fun to use on enemies, and it requires almost pixel perfect timings to obtain some of the items (I'm looking at you, heart tank in Crystal Snail Stage)
-It is very flexible with minimum backtracking 100% playthroughs if that's how you want to play

Bad things:

-The OST is just okay. A huge step down from X1s OST
-It suffers from trying to continue X1s perfect but simple story. The plot was also remarkably predictable, but I guess that doesn't matter much anyway since it's basically impossible to play it without getting spoiled. Future X games and even the Mega Man X Legacy Collection itself basically spoil the whole game
-There are a lot more frustrating instant deaths like the spikes in castle stages 2 and 3 and being crushed by giant blocks in Magma Centipedes Stage
-Like every Mega Man game, every boss has a weapon that they are weak too that you can get from beating a different boss. This is an amazing concept since it provides more thought and strategy into making and executing an order to play the levels in. However, this can make a couple bosses very boring and stale by exploiting their weakness and not having to try at all. The good news is that this is much less of a problem than it was in X1 and Mega Man 2. Some of the bosses are actually easier if you just use the x-buster optimally compared to using their weakness

I hope to enjoy this game more whenever I get to replaying it, especially because it's a lot more flexible with minimum backtracking routes as there are multiple ways to 100% it without backtracking at all. This was one of X1s biggest flaws. However, playing this game through the first time didn't mean much to me since I used a guide for all of the non-castle stages.

Basically I think it's Mega Man X1 but just a little bit worse (at least for now). But definitely play X1 first that game goes crazy. I'm looking forward to what X4, the Mega Man Zero Series, and Mega Man 11 have to offer (I don't know if I will play X3 or not yet since it doesn't seem as good as X1 and X2).

My expectations between the classic Mega Mans and the X series differ significantly. You could pump out 20 more classic-type games that all play exactly the same, and I'd eat them up like the tasty junk food that they are. X is not like that for me. There's a higher amount of complexity going on in X1, thanks to its introduction of optional upgrades, backtracking, and more durable bosses. These aren't the sort of games I can marathon one after another, as even playing just one is enough to call it a break from the franchise for at least a couple months.

So, when a sequel to X1 comes along, there's this sort of hope within you that seeing as they took the strides to raise the complexity of gameplay, the future of Mega Man looks to be one with more creative liberties attached to it. Alas. I'm already a Mega Man fan, and the folks at Capcom have like, 8 months to make a game, so I know where it's all going. X2 is... wait for it... more of X1!

And my god, is it all a blur. I could tell you what's going on in each of the 6 NES Mega Mans, but X2 (and X3, while we're at it) feel like a blip in the timeline, a dot in space, as if X4 was really supposed to be the 2nd game to come out, while these SNES sequels serve as the beach episodes that you're not even sure they exist. The freshness of the X series has been evaporated. Now, all you got is a Saturday morning cartoon, where every episode ends with X staring out at a sunset, pondering such deep questions as "why must Reploids fight", or "same question, but big emphasis on the WHY"

But even if we stripped away the part where anybody gives a shit about Mega Man being the same thing as ever, and we just enjoyed X2 because it does the good things that X1 does, I think that only applies to about 70% of X2, while the other 30% involves you having to contend with the game's final set of bosses. At least before that, the main 8 stages pull their weight, give you a good variety of things to see and do, and design-wise, they hold up. Nowadays, I'd honestly turn the game off after clearing those stages, as the finale that ensues goes into full tedium mode, with fights that go on for too long, and are packed with some pretty dreadful attack patterns. Maybe that's just me, but I don't remember my fingers hurting in X1 like they did here.

Then there's X2's main concept of collecting the parts of your robot friend in order to re-assemble him and obtain the good ending. The optional bosses that carry these parts are randomly chosen to appear in any of the 8 stages, and eventually, stop appearing. The idea is that you're pressured into going out of your usual boss order in order to pursue these parts, which WOULD be something interesting, if it weren't for the good ending somehow being worse than the bad one. For one, you miss out on an extra cool boss. For two, your friend gets re-assembled at the very end no matter what ending you get, so what was the point?

So that's X2's main thing just waved away, almost as if it wasn't completed on time. And the rest is... just an X game. For me, more complexity in a Mega Man game means a lesser desire to replay it. And with X2 being so similar to X1, I really feel like I'm just replaying X1 again. Doing all the same things that I enjoyed, but also some of the things I could've done away with, like backtracking and the larger enemy health bars. Overall, I'm feeling more iffy than jiffy about this one.

I think a very different "Sigma Virus" has infected the minds of white people across the nation

Not as good as the first one but still gives those HOLY FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK THIS IS AWESOME feelings that the previous game had

A bit weaker than X mostly because of the increased amount of instant death obstacles and more waiting both in stages and with bosses utilizing invincibility phases.

Very cool sequel, my first playthrough with this was definitely a blast.

Ótimo jogo, evolução normal do primeiro, no entanto por preferência pessoal continuo a gostar mais do primeiro.

More of the same, and the same is the best around.

1994’s Mega Man X 2 is a fine game. The character designs, music, and settings all live up to the standard that 1993’s Mega Man X pushed the limits to set.

X2 pushes things further by adding new armor parts abilities and three roaming bosses to defeat in exchange for story-related items that slightly changes how the endgame goes. If you don’t beat them, you’re out of luck, so the game demands some pretty slick gameplay.

Unfortunately, you might find that gameplay a little less than slick. Finding the buster parts to upgrade your charged shot gives you a double shot that ignores i-frames and melts through bosses without resetting their ai (this makes Wheel Gator’s fight a breeze compared to using his weakness). The Double Shot is very cool and X does a cool punch animation when he fires the blasts. However, you can’t dash while his charge shot is going, it forces you to stand still. The most iconic thing about the Mega Man X series and X2 denies us constant usage of it. Such a shame.

This doesn’t ruin the game by any means, I’ve played and beaten it multiple times with only a smirk of frustration out of it. It’s just that after X1, my standards are staggeringly high.

Mega Man X 2 is a great time and you should play it just to hear Bubble Crab’s theme.

I want to live in crystal snail stage

Just like Megaman 2 from Nes, Perfect.

X: If I was truly made for peace why am I such a powerful weapon... even if we do reach that peaceful world we so desire I'm unsure if it will be a world with me in it...
Zero: I want you

A big improvement over the first game in some areas. The boss fights in particular are miles above the bosses from X1; their difficulty is a lot more balanced and their patterns are more advanced. The level design is just as good as X1, with a good balance of platforming and shooting. The upgrades are well placed most of the time and you can finish the game with almost no backtracking if you know what you're doing. The game isn't perfect though. Some of the items are hidden in pretty lame spots (like the heart tank in the weather control stage), and the radar item to find them is a pain to use. The special weapons acquired from bosses are almost useless. The soundtrack is also pretty weak in my opinion. Those are fairly minor flaws, but the one major problem with this game that always annoyed me was the X Hunters. For a new gimmick that had so much emphasis on the story, they sure did a bad job of implementing them. They have some of the worst fights in the game, and having to go out of your way to find them is not worth the effort. Thankfully, you can just completely ignore them and you'll have a fun time.

Overall, a great game that I personally enjoy playing more than X1, even with its occasional issues.

Decent improvement over the first game, also shoutouts to the arm upgrade charge shot love that fucker

Vencí a Virus Sigma a la primera LOL

A lot better than people give credit for, the level design is pretty great, and has some pretty decent weapons. The big thing the detracts it for me is some bosses are pretty annoying, and the final level being reused kinda sucks.

This review contains spoilers

I first played X1 in middle school and I've never played the rest until now. I'm playing with a fan translation of Rockman X2, since I was told everything after the first game isn't translated accurately.

The Cx4 chip produces some really killer effects, like the wireframe X on the title screen and the final Sigma form being a giant wireframe head (the miniboss of Magne Hyakulegger's stage is also a wireframe effect, it's cool that they used it so much). The fact that Capcom produced their own in-house chip for visual effects is really cool. This game was presumably in-development before or during the development of the Super FX chip, so it's cool that they pulled this off without using THE graphics chip that everyone knows as being responsible for 3D on the SNES. Unless you use HLE on the coprocessor on an emulator, the game is normally EXTREMELY laggy in those "spectacle" moments that utilize it, but it's to be expected when it's an older game like that.

I liked the Counter-Hunters and their plot to resurrect Sigma, except for Violen. I think he has to be one of the worst bosses in any video game I've ever played. Agile and Sagesse were really cool, though, and it's interesting that they imply that Sagesse is Dr. Wily? Potentially? It was a cool game design choice to include the Counter-Hunters as optional fights with the reward of being able to skip the Zero boss fight on the last stage if you beat them all. You have to wait for them to cycle into one of the stages and then find the hidden boss door somewhere in the level to fight them, but you can only fight them before you beat the Irregulars. And aside from reusing the Magne Hyakulegger stage for the final stage, the final Sigma fight was cool. I thought it was funny that the first game gave Sigma a lightsaber, and this game gave him Wolverine claws. He rivals Dr. Eggman in how often he plagiarizes other media for weapon ideas lol.

The last things I can really compliment X2 for is that dashing is just a default ability now, and your upgrade is for an airdash, instead of having to play through all of Central Highway without your leg upgrade, and then basically mandating starting with Chill Penguin every playthrough to get your boots. It's something that Maverick Hunter X should've considered having as a change, or at least having as an option in the same way there was a New/Old Style for Mega Man: Powered Up.

Otherwise, this game was Okay. It's hard to improve on the perfection that was X1. With all its highs and lows, I'm just glad the story and graphics were impressive enough to warrant an extra half star, because this game is pretty cool even when it kind of sucks.

I had a really good time with this one! I've always heard somewhat mixed reviews for both this and X3, but I thought this was really fun. The collectibles were good, I never felt it was too difficult (other than those FUCKING floating platforms in X Hunter stage 3. I cannot stand that segment). Good game!

This wasn't near as good as the first I'll give it 3.5 stars though.

Has Capcom ever heard the saying that too much of a good thing is a bad thing? Someone might think that I’m jumping the gun applying this adage to Mega Man X2 considering it’s merely one follow-up to the company’s advanced spin-off series that ushered in a new and improved era of Mega Man. However, anyone who is adept with the series and also possesses half a brain can already determine that releasing a sequel exactly one year after the first Mega Man X is a clear precedent that will follow the same long-winded trajectory as the classic Mega Man series. Five subsequent sequels to Mega Man X are going to render the blue bomber’s shiny, futuristic suit of cerulean armor as clanky and depleted as his 8-bit model through overuse, and it doesn’t take a soothsayer’s astronomical level of insight to come to the same conclusion. Also, a worrying aspect of the Mega Man X series compound its eventual fate is that the degradation process was liable to begin even sooner than its preceding series did because the first Mega Man X was such an exemplary entry. Mega Man X naturally dwarfed all of the older iterations on the NES thanks to the SNES’ superior hardware, so a case could definitely be made that it is objectively the blue bomber’s finest outing. How does one go about beating near perfection with a sequel? Well, perhaps I’m giving Capcom too much benefit of the doubt that their efforts stemmed from artistic inspiration as opposed to monetary gain, but the former is ideally what game companies should be striving for (in an ideal world where it rains beer and dogs live forever). As expected, Mega Man X2 is starkly similar to the first X game but proves to be much less impactful.

I guess one of the recurring attributes that a Mega Man X game will consistently implement is an introduction sequence that sets the scene of the game’s narrative. Destroying Sigma in the previous game wasn’t enough to dismantle the Mavericks, for he’s another example of a martyr whose ideas still persist long after his initial reign. However, X and his mentor Dr. Cain believe that they can extinguish the remainder of the Maverick forces that reside in an abandoned reploid factory and ransack the place hoping to finally oust the meddlesome resistance. After defeating a rotund robot boss with an endearingly primitive utilization of 3D graphics, the screen pans out to three figures named Serges, Violen, and Agile discussing how to eradicate the blue bomber who is projected as a running holographic still in their headquarters. Apparently, these new Maverick officials are cooking up a diabolical plan that is going to catch X by surprise, and the player has to wait for the events of this eventual disaster to unfold. Witnessing the game’s main villains plotting X’s demise is ominous, or at least it would be if the first moments in the opening didn’t inject a heaping load of exposition to set the scene. Removing context and simply catapulting the player into the game’s first level as the first game did and then filling the vagueness with the scene that follows would’ve been a more effective method of establishing the game’s narrative. Alas, this is the product of the earlier, pixelated era of gaming when narratives couldn’t have been presented with such liberal subversiveness, for the concept of gaming narrative was still in a vestigial state. However, the credit I will give this introduction is demonstrating that X is much stronger in will and mind than he was in the first game’s introduction, and his adept experience will avert the need for big brother Zero to rescue him.

As par for the course, Mega Man X2 follows the introduction with a menu that presents eight different Mavericks and their respective domains. One difference is that in the center of the two parallel grids of the Maverick’s headshots is a map of the island where all of the Maverick’s individual districts reside. When playing the classic Mega Man games on the NES, the thought had crossed my mind of where each robot master was located with the others in this hyper-futuristic world, so I suppose one gaming generation and one X game’s worth of hindsight now allows the player to use this neat little visual reference point. The compact space of Maverick Island should negate the eclecticism presented across all of Mega Man’s levels, but I suppose that all of the Maverick stages are artificial constructions built from the ground up with their design tropes in mind. As the eclectic definition would dictate, Mega Man X2’s stages are a diverse mishmash of elemental tropes as the series has always upheld. I guess if there was one elemental signifier that gives a few of the levels some kind of cohesion, it is...moisture? Bubble Crab’s deep, shaded reef is the only level where X is submerged underwater like Launch Octopuses stage, but we can infer that the Gemini Man-esque crystal caves and Wire Sponge’s humid, greenhouse conservatory are dripping with condensation. Infiltration is another relative theme across the levels. Wheel Gator’s stage sees X venturing through the interior of a flying battleship, and the security measures in Magna Centipede’s stage that activate when X triggers one of their alarms by barging into them convey that they’ve erected a solid fortress that has implemented extra precautions to make it harder to penetrate. Flame Stag’s volcanic cavern is turbulent, and Morph Moth’s junkyard has waste stacked up so high that it comes to life with the intermittent minibosses. Overall, the range of level themes is admirable as always, but none of them stand out as true cutting-edge examples of Mega Man’s evolution like the minecart rollercoaster ride that was Armored Armadillo’s domain. The closest Mega Man X2 comes to offering that same seamless exhilaration is riding X’s tricked-out motorbike across the dunes of Overdrive Ostrich’s stage, but the classic NES games already tried something similar with a jetski in Mega Man 5.

With this new gang of Mavericks comes a fresh batch of power-ups for X to absorb upon defeating them, a staple of the Mega Man franchise that should now go without saying. While the ability to charge up X’s blaster still decreases the motivation to use these power-ups in combat, particular instances on the field will at least warrant the shuffle process in X’s inventory. To reduce enemies to the stationary status of platforms, Crystal Snail’s glassy, freezing weapon will give X a makeshift boost when the roofs are too high. The Strike Chain stolen from Wire Sponge allows Mega Man to grapple to inclined surfaces and ceilings, as well as a trusty extended claw to reach for extra lives and energy capsules located in tight spaces. Bubble Splash brings bubbles upward to enemies at an elevated angle, as well as propelling X’s underwater jumps all the way up to the surface. Wheel Gator’s gigantic saw blades are the key to digging through the layers of specifically textured rows of rocks and blocks to gain items, and charging up the heat of Flame Stag’s weapon will transform X’s dash move into a projectile, flaming force of pure energy for a few seconds. The boss weapon gained from the Mavericks that I kept on my side as a secondary offensive tool from the charge blaster was Overdrive Ostrich’s Sonic Slicer, as the several spinning blades flying in all directions cutting down all enemies with little energy expended reminded me of the godly Metal Blade, touching a sentimental nerve in my brain. As lethal as the Sonic Slicer is, one interesting new entry to X’s arsenal is a special weapon where X unleashes a furious explosion that blows everything in the vicinity to smithereens. However, unlike the previous screen-clearing weapons from Mega Man games of yore, this uber tool of mass destruction depletes all of its energy upon using it, and it merely scratches every boss as if they anticipated it and wore reactive armor. Overall, Mega Man X2’s alternate weapons are satisfactorily beneficial and practical. Still, none of them are beating the convenience and inexhaustibility of the charged X-Blaster, which should be a disclaimer for every X game from here on out.

If there is one discerning factor between Mega Man X2 and its predecessor despite the striking similarities, it’s the swift increase in general difficulty. Somehow, all of the fanciful upgrades and quality-of-life enhancements that came with a successive gaming generation did not turn a series known for busting gamers’ balls into a cakewalk because its action-intensive 2D platformer gameplay with limited lives is inherently difficult. Still, the select choices in Mega Man X2 feel very deliberate to ensure that the player breaks out in a sweat. The falling two-ton bricks that slide around in Magna Centipede’s stage are too swift to anticipate and will kill X on impact like being crushed between any two surfaces. In the same stage, a target reticle that is inspecting the area will freezeframe X in place if it catches him, which is difficult to avoid due to the bulky clumps of clay(?) coming from the ceiling. The total number of snapshots the mysterious camera takes of X will influence how durable the proceeding miniboss will be, who is arguably a more formidable foe at his base than the power-up-sucking Maverick who commands the area. Quick ascension is also emphasized in several sections of the game where X must rush to the surface of a narrow climbing section, lest he suffers the scorching lava flow in Flame Stag’s stage or the crushing closing of the vertical surfaces in the first X-Hunter stage. A select few Mavericks have increased their defensive capabilities such as Crystal Snail blocking X’s firepower with his hardened backside, and Wheel Gator hiding in the rusty sludge of the boss arena’s foreground. I grew to detest the latter of these two bosses as he can seemingly submerge himself in the gunk forever and the moments where he jumps out of it to grab X out of the air and chomp on his armor like a seagull were randomly placed. Really, the most apparent case of Mega Man X2’s deliberate difficulty enhancement is seen in the placements of its upgrades. Finding these valuable assets that aid spectacularly during the game’s climax is no longer rewarded to especially observant players as quite a few of them are in plain sight. The catch to obtaining these items is the tight feats of skill needed to even come close to them, namely the two heart upgrades in Wheel Gator and Overdrive Ostrich’s stage whose integration with both the regular dash and Flame Stag’s fire boost felt like my fingers were playing Twister with the controller buttons. I knew from experience that obtaining all of the upgrades was paramount to success in the final series of stages leading up to the final boss from the first X game, so I had to stomach the pain of failure for several marginally imprecise attempts.

Despite my efforts to gather everything that makes X more powerful, something unknown to me prohibited my completionist reward of being able to execute Ryu’s deadly Shoryuken uppercut move for my troubles. Dr. Cain, who finally shows his face to the player here as opposed to acting as a lore figure, explains to X that the Mavericks have somehow disassembled Zero, and the three goons from the opening sequence are in possession of an individual piece of Zero’s body. To mend X’s red, ponytailed role model’s body, X has to hunt down the three fiends who are located in elusive corners at random in each of the levels. It turns out that the widescreen world map in the menu isn’t a lark, for it briefly indicates where Serges, Agile, and Violen are located. I caught onto that little hint quick enough, but what I didn’t understand is that once a certain number of Mavericks are defeated, it locks the player out of fighting the three core villains and Zero is forever lost. You see, when playing through the levels of an X game, I prefer to cruise through the levels at my own pace and only humor the collectibles if they happen to cross my path coincidentally. All of the other upgrades remain intact once the player revisits their respective sites, so I figured recovering Zero could wait as well. Permanently locking the player out of something valuable with unclear stipulations is the fault of the developers and not due to the player’s inattentiveness.

What occurs if the player fails to collect Zero’s parts beforehand feels like they’re being unfairly punished. Before facing another form of Sigma as the game’s final boss, the Maverick’s cold-hearted leader presents a renovated Zero by his side, and he is fucking PISSED. Zero saved X when his life was at stake in the first X game, and to think that X wouldn’t return the favor paints him as an ungrateful dickhead. Hey, I would’ve resuscitated Zero like an EMT if I had known the time to do so was fleeting. If the player fell victim to Capcom’s miscommunication as I did, a scorned Zero makes for what is easily the hardest boss in the game. Unlike the exploitable hound of Sigma that stalled his fight previously, Zero covers the ground and the air with an equal amount of ferocity and firepower. Because he’s a huge hindrance to finishing the game, it’s recommended to either reset the game or abuse its password system. “Wolverine Sigma” and the beta model computer head that follows are comparatively a joke, so dodging the Zero fight beforehand makes a world of difference. Leading up to this point, Mega Man X2’s ascension to Sigma’s base is a tad underwhelming. Vanquishing the three goons responsible for Zero’s incapacitation formally all makes for substantial bosses that will get every player’s pulse beating. Still, the run-up to all of them resembles ephemeral vestibules fit for the entrance of a final fight. I can’t believe I’m saying this given how it vexed me, but I wish the developers had constructed something like the first stage of the finale seen in the previous game.

Mega Man X2 is a loyal followup to the game that ushered in the new wave of Mega Man games to glowing, unprecedented praise. Because of its loyalty to the template established only a year prior, it really is as exemplary as the previous X game on a technical level. However, its inability to provide the player with anything of notable innovation for the sake of loyalty is what makes me leave Mega Man X2 a tad cold and unfulfilled. Simply because the developers compel the player to take greater risks in the game doesn’t mean they are risks on the part of the developers. Also, the Zero side quest was total bullshit. My report for Mega Man X2 is that for the most part, everything is fine and dandy. However, how long will it be before we’re discontented with being served the same meal every evening?


El mejor Megaman X (junto al 4, todavia no juego el 8), no hay discusion.

PD: Dustman es un pendejo

Level design menos polido que o do X1. Dificuldade um pouco injusta