Reviews from

in the past

does "watching saltybet" count as playing this

This is both the worst fighting game ever and the best fighting ever, at the same time

mugen means endless possibilities.
I've spent so much time with this engine over the years. And there's also Saltybet and Ikemen that came from this and, of course, tons of finished full game projects.

i renamed the exe file of this shit as "the fanfic i made in my bed 9 years ago at 4AM"

Everyone is here, and I do mean everyone.

A customizable juggernaut classic, tho I now retired it in favor of Ikemen GO but hey, this is still the legend that started it all and its what Ikemen uses assets for

Also what the hell is that boxart lmao

Can't really put this game as completed, can I? But that's what makes it so great, it never ends, you can always come back to add more user-made fighters and stages.

jerma and el chavo can duke it out in this game 10/10

You can create pretty much every match, but has some issues tho.

One of two games where you can feasibly shoot Peter Griffin to death on a Minecraft survival map, so, basically, one of the two best games of all time.

To be fair: there are plenty of customizable MUGEN fighting games that are done with passion and very well done. I played a lot one JJBA themed with almost all characters from each part. Something mindblowning for me in 2010 (or 2011, can't remember).

This said: if you know how to customize and have confidence with it the game can give lots of satisfaction and infinite (while still limited obv) possibilities.
The memey part of it (aka putting Homer Simpson or Peter Griffin fighting Goku SSJ) is funny for the first week, after that...yeah, not my thing.

It was still very way ahead of its time, that's for sure.

I love the game's concept, and how vastly different the community made characters are

On one hand, I can beat the shit out of John Cena as Goku, and, on the other hand, I've got Venom mopping the floor with me

itll be 5 stars when someone makes an avatar the last airbender fighting game

Playing this was almost an event between friends around here from the early 2000s to the early 2010s

Sheldon Cooper, Adolf Hitler, Goku Black and Peter Griffin go to war. Fortnite is two steps away.

I found this game in elementary school and this and halo were my first experience with modding and game dev
I made a fighting game in middle school using this engine using photos of my school friends and wrote a report about it for an english class. I adore this game and I'm happy it still has a community

used this to log how long it took me to hit top 1000 on the saltybet leaderboard

Simply a pop culture legend, MUGEN!

the angry video game nerd and perfect cell can fight in this game

If adolescence were a video game, it would be M.U.G.E.N. ...I'll explain it another day.

Every fighter making tutorial is cringe, I'll never get my OC into this stupid engine

Accidently gave one of my friends a character that just summons animals to fuck the opponent and another that just vores the opponent. On the other hand it includes the dancing banana. 10/10

im gonna use this to review SaltyBet

SaltyBet is supremely flawed and not all that great and the creator monetized it in a lame way and tied his completely garbage bullet hell and third person shooter to it, but man it's fun and it feels great when you bet underdog and win big. community is full of some of the biggest weirdos in existence