Reviews from

in the past

Fun, but dated game. Especially if you don't have an original DS, requires heavy use of the stylus to properly play. Recommend Tales of Almia over this, if you have to play a Pokemon Rangers game.

I think the spritework and animations in this game are very well-done, but the core gameplay loop's simplicity doesn't justify the length of this game. I didn't get far into it before it became really obvious that they didn't have many ideas of how to progress the plotline.

I dunno. I do think that the sheer existence of this spinoff's premise adds a lot to the Pokemon universe, and that that's great- but as a whole, it just feels kinda half-baked.

Also fuck whoever thought to make the unskippable tutorial sequences span that much of the game. I figured everything out before I was told about any of it, why do minutes of my time need to be wasted explaining every minute detail? I get they make these for kids, but no kid is THAT dense, sheesh.

Okay, how are these literal monsters and gods so weak that they can be caught by a spinning top controlled by a little kid drawing circles on a screen?

The balls I could understand but what the fuck?

Pretty fun for what it is! It's also pretty short but that's okay :3

a very fun game! it definitely feels like the first installment in a spinoff franchise though, its a little rough around the edges. i feel like the game ends a bit abruptly and i almost wish there was more to do, however i can understand making a shorter experience when its the first try at it. they succeeded in making exciting gameplay with lots of potential! ♡

It’s alright, but any charm that it has can be found in later Ranger games that are much better than this one. The mechanics are expanded and improved upon in later titles, too. Nonetheless, I still wouldn’t say that this is a bad play; if anything, I appreciate it for utilizing the DS’s touchscreen in a way that is unique and fun.

This game has some bullshit

and wow, its crazy how much a sequel can copy and still manage to be so much better

This shit ruined my DS's touch screen dude

I have 2 DS just cuz this bastard made me scratch the shit out of the first one screen and it was horrible to play on that.

A ver, por dónde empiezo. El juego es claramente para usar la gimmick de la pantalla táctil de ds, y además es super antiguo (no hay nada de cuarta generación), pero el juego tiene un montón de problemas que me impiden decir 'nah, ha envejecido mal'. Para empezar, el juego es de puzles, supongo, porque aunque tiene sistema de nivel, este es ajeno a la progresión y completamente innecesario, solo te permite hacerte el juego más fácil si no te saltas enfrentamientos, lo cual es estúpido, porque al ser un juego enteramente skill-based a veces se dan las condiciones para que captures un Entei en 5 segundos, pero si tienes mala suerte con los ataques se te dificulta cualquier otro pokémon sencillo. La mayoría del juego es moverte de un lado a otro, sin botón de correr y guiándote con un minimapa inútil que no te marca las paredes, así que solo tiene 4 iconos tontos horribles. Lo peor de todo es la historia, que aparte de estar localizada por completo (haciendo que me tenga que tomar en serio a personajes como 'Emilio', 'Carlos' y 'Eustaquio'), tiene el equipo de villanos menos carismático que he visto en ningún juego de pokémon. Son literalmente una banda de música y su padre, dicen una catchphrase de mierda como 'Pokemon a gogo' (se llaman equipo go-rock), se pasan todo el juego vacilándote y tú les haces caso porque no te queda otra. La pokédex del juego está cursed de cojones y se inventa el orden. Aunque he de decir que el juego se ve bastante bien y los sprites de los pokémon están chulos, la música es goofy de cojones y suena terrible ( Debo jugar las secuelas porque las recuerdo mejores.

The only thing i remember about this one is making circles and not liking it

My first ever game.
Will forever keep it in my heart for that reason :))

the pokemon ranger games had no business being as good as they were and the first outing was the most memorable as well as difficult, that fucking charizard man

Jugablemente fue innovador, un soplo de aire fresco para la saga.

Ahora dar 40 vueltas seguidas sin parar o empezar de 0 es una odisea, por ese motivo es un juego que nunca rejugaré.

get treated like shit by everyone around you: the game

Another "my poor ds screen" game xD but this was one of my favorite eras of pokemon!! (pre gen 4/end of gen 3) I will always be nostalgic for it :'3

Cute attempt at showing off the prowess of the Nintendo DS as a gaming device, with some smoke and mirrors to hide its limitations. The core of the game revolves around the adaptation of the Pokémon mainline gameplay loop in order to accomodate the introduction of the touch screen and stylus. The gameplay loop revolves around monster capturing, an offshoot of monster collecting from the main series. Pokémon are captured with the only intention of temporarily using their abilities to remove obstacles and then releasing them back to freedom.

What Ranger shines in is putting Pokémon at the center of the game. I think the mainline games have always made some mistakes in how they create an experience centered around Pokèmons, for example the exclusivity of starters leading to them having way too much staying power on your team and thus heavily affecting team composition in absence of incentives to rotate team members, or how Pokémon are observable only in tall grass. These things have been worked on slowly through generations, but Ranger took and reworked them immediately in a pleasant and rational way. Pokémon are now visible on screen during travels and a capture starts on touch; no more tall grass. The gameplay only involves player vs pokemon through the stylus, pokémon do not and cannot fight each other here. Pokémon are modelled and animated through splendid sprite work, and all have curious and neat individual animations. Pokémon are also coherent with their descriptions and stated behaviours and thus feel like proper and diverse living beings. Always a big fan of letting creatures be creatures.

In general though this level of precision in Pokémon interaction comes at the expense of most other things affecting the game. This is a small game. The main story can be finished in roughly 10 hours, while total completion of the regional pokédex might take 15 hours. The world of the game in particular is quite small. There are just 4 cities and only an handful of other locations. There are little tricks that make the game seem slightly larger than it is: for example, the camera is oddly centered on and close by the player character to create an illusory sense of breatdh of environment. Although cities are just an handful of houses and exploration involves three or four screens of walking at best, this give the illusion that exploration takes just a couple seconds longer than expected and hides, best it can, the map's general weakness. Pokémon capture sessions also take place in rather uninspired stages, which also feel comically small because the Pokémon you are trying to capture can and will run past the borders of the screen, where you cannot reach them. From a gameplay perspective, this is a fine concession to the cpu in order to even the odds against your capture possibilities, but from an experience perspective, this all leads to the game being played as if looking through a microscope. That same microscope is used for the plot of the game, a sufficiently competent work decorated with mildly entertaining and goofy characters, but nothing to write home about.

Post Edit: One thing I completely forgot to mention with respect to gameplay choices and tricks that try to manipulate your perception of the breatdh of the game: you cannot run in this game. This is small, but it's also been seriously bugging me during the whole 10 hours of gameplay I had. Running and faster-than-walking travel is somewhat of a staple in Pokémon games, through the running shoes and the bicycles. Here you get nothing of the sort. Although your walking speed is solid and brisk, it seems tailored to the small enviornments I've talked about. I don't know if I should have a legitimate expectation of being able to run in any RPG Pokémon game (take for example the Mystery Dungeon games), but I can't deny I had a few moments where I really wished I was faster. And in relation to the little world of the game, I realize if I were going any faster the game would undeniably become excessively short and unsatisftying.

my friend william kept raging at this game it was funny

The best game i hope i never play again. One of my favorite games from my childhood, i would go through it again and again, probably at least a dozen times throughout the years. However, now grown up with large adult meat hands, twiddling a stick around a 3 inch screen sounds miserable. Regardless, the game itself is such a unqiue and fun look at the pokemon universe, temporarily recruiting pokemon to help solve puzzles and catch other pokemon. Evil teams arent exactly a new idea in pokemon, but the Go Rock Squad stands among some of the most amusing, and many of their lines stick in my head to this day.

This review contains spoilers

I love the Ranger series. It’s my favorite spinoff, even beating Mystery Dungeon. That said, the first is the worst. You can tell they were just testing the waters for just about everything. Parts of the game feel like a tech demo. I know that mainline Pokémon games don’t have fantastic dialogue, but the dialogue in this one is another level of bad. This game was clearly meant for kids, so duh, but playing it again as an adult just makes it so obvious. They don’t capture the villain because “we don’t capture humans, he will see what he did was wrong”. THAT GUY TRIED DESTROYING THE WORLD!!! PUT HIM IN PRISON!!! ARE RANGERS NOT POLICE??? ARE THSY JUST ANIMAL CONTROL?!?!?!? That said, still has its charm and sets the stage for two much better games (from what I remember, fingers crossed).

El mejor juego de pokemon que no sea de la saga principal

Uno de los mejores spin off de pokemon junto con mundo misterioso una pena que no siguieran mucho

it took me 7 years to beat entei

i still suck at drawing circles

solid baseline for what was to come

Imposible jugarlo en emulador, y mi DS se rompió, DEP.

When my wrist hurt because of Pokemon Ranger and not fapping

NOTA: 7,5

CONSOLA: Nintendo DSi

SPANISH / No me esperaba que fuera a ser tan divertido. Había momentos en que me cagaba en todo, sobre todo con el Steelix.
Aún así, me lo pasé bien y para los siguientes que voy :)

ENGLISH / I wasn't expecting it to be so fun. There were moments where I was getting furious, especially with Steelix.
Other than that, I still had a great time and I´ll eventually get to the other two games :)

It is one of the weirder Pokémon spin-off games to ever come out, but that's not to say it isn't horrible. My favorite part was the fact the DS had a stylus so you could spin as fast as humanly possible and I always had fun doing it. This game could only work on the DS and could never come on the switch unless it got a stylus to come with the game. But in terms of gameplay and the game itself, it isn't that fun and I would much rather play Pokémon Rumble or just the regular Pokémon games.