Reviews from

in the past

the puzzle pieces of a good platformer are there, but are not quite put together that well

I remember playing Sonic when I was little and never beating it. When I started playing this again, I remembered why, Sonic is hard! I am more of a fan of the 3D titles, but this was a challenge I am happy to have finished.

labyrinth zone is the worst thing to ever happen to humanity.

goddamn does this game have awful level design

É incrível como isso teve uma sequência, esse jogo é um amontoado de ideias bostas, game design terrivel que vai totalmente contra o que o jogo quer que tu faça, po a mecânica principal é momentum né? Que tal por um game design que te pune se tu n ficar parando e pensando noq e pra onde ir???? E é toda santa hora zonas e zonas longas que não fazem sentido nenhum, que te punem por correr ou por ir pelo instinto, em especial a marble e labyrinth zones que tem fácil piores levels designs q eu já vi numa franquia renomada. As músicas ajudam a transformar esse jogo numa experiência torturosa, pois são repetitivas, irritantes e toda vez q tu morre elas começam de novo, virando uma espécie de alucinação auditiva maluca e infernal. Yuji Naka devia ter sido preso em 91

anything past green hill zone makes me wanna kill myself

Sonic 1 has a strange level order and confused design dropping it's main selling point of speed based platforming for precision based platforming almost immediately after Green Hill Zone and not really revisiting it outside of maybe Starlight Zone, and the difficulty whips between easier stages like Green Hill and Spring Yard and harder stages like Marble and Labyrinth. Despite it's odd pacing it's still a great platformer, and while the controls and momentum aren't as polished as later games it still stands out above most of it's peers from the time that aren't about middle-age plumbers.

I think I'm in the minority here but I really do NOT like this game.

It's shocking to me that Sonic even got a sequel, because for a game advertised as a faster paced platformer than Mario, this game has WAY TOO MANY levels that try their hardest to slow you down.

I get that they want you to learn the level layouts so you can get better at them and clear them in record time, but they just are NOT fun to play in the first place and I don't have any motivation to get better at them.

Sure, Green Hill is fun, but Marble Zone, Spring Yard Zone, LABYRINTH ZONE IN PARTICULAR... These are TERRIBLE! and I do NOT understand why you would put the slow ass lava level right after Green Hill Zone, THE VERY FIRST LEVEL OF THE GAME!

I never beat this game as a child but I did recently practically out of obligation. It's not an awful game, but don't try to play it the way you would expect to play a good Sonic game.

Ironically a slower and more tedious game than any Mario game I ever played.

Labyrinth has led to my eventual suicide

Assim começa minha dívida com o Quirante.
Visualmente é muito bonito pra época, as trilhas são bem marcantes apesar do looping agonizante de curto, level design é um dos piores que já vi em toda minha vida, pra um jogo que deveria te dar o sentimento de velocidade ficar te parando a cada 10 segundos pra tomar dano não é muito agradável. Os controles são uma bela duma bosta, parece que estou na fase do gelo 100% do jogo, e a falta do spin-dash é detrimental. Aquele bonus stage é pior que ter uma epilepsia. É um pontapé bem ruim pra uma franquia consequentemente bem precária na sua qualidade.

Love love love this game, and I feel like it's shorter gametime helps prevent boredom. While initially it'll seem shit since you can't turn your brain off and go fast, the point was that truly skilled players would be rewarded with speed while beginners would have to learn that level layout. Gop tier music as always, spike bug sucks though and OH MY GOD DO NOT PLAY TJIS ON PS3. THE INPUT DELAY IS TERRIBLEEEEEE IT WAS SO HORRIBLE TO 100% THOSE TROPHIES

if you play this game once you will hate it for its bad level but, when you play it again your mind will gaslight you into thinking its okay and not as hard as you thought. This game is the definition of Stockholm syndrome.

its alright.. for all the fuzz it gets i expected more of a master piece or something, what i got is a game that wants to sell the idea of going fast but doing so will get you killed by level design made to torture you

esse jogo é um clássico indiscutível mas é MUITO frustrante. me rendi a mecânica de rewind do emulador pra ter uma experiência melhor e realmente ajudou, o jogo ficou bem divertidinho até

o level design é ok, a soundtrack é maneira e a parte mais memorável do jogo é obviamente Green Hill, o que não é lá uma surpresa. metade das zonas são bem chatas e a que mais se destacou pra mim foi Spring Yard

no geral, ainda é jogável, sem dúvidas, mas não jogar em um emulador pode te trazer problemas psicológicos severos
57% no kybbo meter

You know SEGA really knocked sonic's design out of the park when they somehow managed to trick people into playing past marble zone

eu te odeio fases de agua

Trilha sonora muito foda, joguei pensando que seria tipo um mario e me senti jogando um soulslike nunca morri tanta na minha vida

This was a rough start for the franchise sure in retrospect. However, I enjoyed the challenge of playing through this and I am so thrilled to say I finished Sonic the Hedgehog. I am so glad this game proved successful enough to spawn a franchise because we would never have gotten more music, story, and or characters from Sonic. And most importantly we would have never gotten Mario and Sonic at the Winter Olympic Games lmao.

I had a good time revisiting this one. Most of the time I felt it was better than I remembered, though there were numerous points that were annoying enough where I was sure I had to keep my rating the same. If you're interested in Sonic this is definitely worth playing at least once, I'd recommend playing it through Sonic 1 Forever if you can.

This game's greatest strength and weakness is the level design. Green Hill and Star Light are a joy to play and even hold up to the later Genesis titles in the series, though Labyrinth is nightmarishly bad and Scrap Brain Act 3 basically acting as Labyrinth Act 4 is really a kick to the teeth at the end of the game. Marble and Spring Yard are hit or miss even within the same acts, and Scrap Brain is an appreciated challenge that unfortunately doesn't play well with Sonic's controls.

The game would be a 3.5 nonetheless if it weren't for the sluggish physics in this game. Sonic takes a ridiculous amount of momentum to start moving at a reasonable speed, and most of the game is designed around start-and-stop rhythms that highlight the worst parts of the game feel. And the special stages are certainly a contender for the worst in the series.

Forty-first GOTW finished for 2023. Unless you have nostalgia for this game, I don't see how it's enjoyable. Terrible levels with a lot of stop-and-go slog. Why does a character synonymous with speed get punished so frequently for actually going fast? The music is the only good thing about this game, aside from Green Hill Zone Act 1.

This review contains spoilers

This game may be primitive, but I think 1991's Sonic the Hedgehog still holds up surprisingly well. The bare bones of the series are all there, but it doesn't feel compromised much.

I know it's a bit antithetical to the foundation of the Sonic franchise, but I actually enjoy the more present platforming challenge here. Some of the later games ( cough cough Rush ) feel like all you do is mindlessly move forward with no further thinking involved. I even kinda liked Marble Zone ( for the most part ).

Of course, there's problems here. The three Act structure was a poor choice when the Acts are barely different in function and appearance, and I'm glad it's just two in the newer titles. The level design could be tightened up in spots, and Sonic lacks his iconic spindash. The bosses are also just less impressive than even the other titles on the system. From what I saw, the final boss is Eggman.... In a metal tube. Slowly moving up and down. That's it. Riveting.

Despite the game's age and apparent "first game syndrome", Sonic the Hedgehog is still a fun time and I recommend it if you're new to the series. There's first entries out there that've aged a lot worse.

I love the fast speed intensity of this game, its what made this game different from all other platformers at the time. However this speed can only be felt in Greenhill zone, as all the others don't allow that fast pace movement due to their level design. The game is short only with six zones, but this game was the start to a franchise with plenty of games I hold dear.

i didnt have the best of times but its mostly because I suck at this game so I cant fault it

За всю мою жизнь Соник не значил для меня ничего и никогда. Я человек двадцать первого века, а следовательно, ретро приставочная лихорадка девяностых обошла меня стороной (ну и слава Богу). Единственное, с чем Синий Ёж связал моё детство, так это аниме Соник Икс на телеканале СТС в нулевые. Вот никогда меня не привлекало это колючее существо и всё на этом. Если игры про него и существовали, то где-то там, далеко за пределами моей досягаемости. Однако примерно в середине десятых ненароком наткнулся я в Google Play на оно, то самое. Sonic The Hedgehog образца 1991 года. Мобильная версия не могла похвастаться какими-либо существенными различиями. А значило это лишь одно. Перепрохождение игры с самого начала из раза в раз. Дааааа! За это мы и обожаем старое дерьмо! Вечно тебя где-то прижимает, ты падаешь, роняешь все кольца за один удар, а ты, будь любезен, начни всё заново. Опыт не из лучших, отчего бесстрашный Синий Ёжик отправился в долгий ящик.
Следующая моя хватка за ежа была инициирована в 2020 г. посредством прекрасного эмулятора Sega Mega Drive and Genesis Classics во всеми любимом Steam. И чтобы вы думали? Здесь ты можешь абсолютно ВСЁ. Сохраняйся где угодно, когда угодно, можешь даже перематывать игру, словно VHS кассету. Но что-то здесь не то. Нет для меня чувства честной победы, легитимного удовлетворения. И так я оставил грызуна вновь. Но вот, спустя почти четыре года, оставив позади все те чувства и принципы, я поставил перед собой цель бесцеремонно пройти сие чудо игропрома времён палеозоя. Хоть как, но пройти. Условия дал себе таковы: сохраняться в начале каждого уровня, загружаться лишь после крайней смерти. И всё пошло как по маслу. Загружаться мне не пришлось аж вплоть до босса подводной зоны. Но что пошло дальше - не описать ни словами, ни японским матом. Возьмите всё то худшее, что периодически преследует вас в течение прохождения игры, и сконцентрируйте это в предпоследнюю и финальную зону. Так вы получите кромешный ад наяву, то есть Star Light Zone и Scrap Brain Zone. Мне искренне жаль всех тех геймеров девяностых, на чью нелёгкую долю выпало мучение проходить Соника без имеющихся у нас удобств.
Упал? Перепроходи с самого начала. Прыгнул вслепую? Падай и перепроходи заново. Прижало? Перепроходи, сука. Я не знаю, на что ещё был расчёт с таким левел дизайном, кроме как взрастить поколение психов и невротиков. Нет, я, конечно, всё понимаю. Товарищам с Востока было просто необходимо растянуть играбельность своего творения как можно более завышенной сложностью. Но в данном случае это какой-то особый случай садизма над потребителем, над игроком. Игра, казалось бы, про СВЕРХЗВУКОВОГО ежа, что буквально означает его имя, заставляет тебя мучаться на невыносимых горках и подъёмах, с которых ты всегда скатываешься без должного разгона. Заставляет тебя проходить каждый сантиметр игрового пространства с линейкой в руках и секундомером, лишь бы очередная переворачивающаяся платформа не уронила тебя в подвал студии Sonic Team. Заставляет тебя с ума сходить от паранойи, что за невиданными горизонтами квадратного разрешения тебя ждёт доселе невиданная подлянка, лишь бы ты, жалкий гайдзин, вновь проиграл и молился Голубому Богу Колючек на благословение испытать свои жалкие СКИЛЛЫ в следующий раз.
Но арт-дизайн, саунд-дизайн и саундтрек прекрасны, этого не отнять :^)

Eggman did nothing wrong.
Cons: Greenhill zone, start of the Sonic fanbase, Eggman loses
Pros: Marble and Labyrinth Zone are peak gaming, Eggman, Ost, First game looks visually appealing compared to Marioslop 1

Green Hill it's the peak of this game, the very first level. The rest sucks so bad, but if you have the patience of courage. Go for it, champ.

A tough platformer and a charming take on the platforming genre at the time, and even now.

Great fun, good contrast to Mario at the time, although it aged worse. Music is still killer