Reviews from

in the past

A very punishing game, sometimes unfairly so. Despite this its still a very fun game and is extremely addicting.

they should make an easier version of this game just for me and call it the samantha version so i can finally beat cosmic ocean thank you derek :)

If you don’t like this game you haven’t put enough hours into it. You’ll like it, then think the game is bad, then like it again, kindof hate it, cuss out Derek Yu for a bit, and then you’ll love it. This game has hurt me like no other but 350+ hours into it, it’s like seeing the light. You get it. You understand it. Everything is perfect.

In theory better than the original but suffers more from uncontrollable bullshit and there's way too much deterministic stuff this time. All of the bosses are terrible. I feel mixed on this game but I do still enjoy playing it.

Wish i was better at it but the game fucking rules

Don't be fooled by its cartoon charm; Spelunky 2 is one of the most devilish games in existence.

Being one step away from death really makes you appreciate life.

i wanna snip that girls fat red nose off

My greatest game of all time. Creating a sequel to an already “perfect” game in my eyes seems impossible, but Spelunky 2 changes just enough to keep old fans engaged and new ones grinding away. Highly recommend for anyone that’s a big fan of platforming and rougelikes.

Pretty much the same as the first but bigger. The perfection required for Cosmic Ocean runs kinda bring the game down.

Somehow manages to make random bullshit fucking you over fun and funny. Painfully hard the beyond the first ending

Man, I am not good at video games

Love that robot, bet we'd be good friends.

My friend's game kept glitching out and we couldn't play together because it would give him infinite life lol

Improves on the original in all the ways I wanted but dang is this game freaking hard. And in some ways feels more 'rube goldberg' than the original, or like deaths are out of your control sometimes. I don't think I'll ever reach 7-99 but its one of the best roguelikes for sure.

spelunky is the kind of game i like thinking about playing more than actually playing. maybe im just a total scrub but spelunky just feels WAY too unforgiving at times, and while i appreciate a lot of what it does in terms of secrets and discovery, after a while it just feels like smashing my head into a brick wall, and i just get frustrated and give up. i like hard games, just not when losing one bit of hp makes me want to reset the entire run, because i know itll be a whole ordeal to get that hp back. i gave up on getting to cosmic ocean long ago because it just feels infinitely out of my reach, i dont feel remotely good enough at the game to do that, even after more than 170 hours of the game. dont get me wrong, spelunky 2 is phenomenal, it just gets a bit too punishing for my tastes

It took me a while to 100% but i had fun every single second. it's just so fun explore and find out the secrets this game has, every single time you play you find something new. its better not to say anything about the game since playing this blind is the best way to play it, but the fast pacing and thight controlls makes this one of my favorite roguelikes, you can learn and predict the terrain generation and its just so charming and creative.

The most painful and rage inducing game I have ever played, the amount of frustration I have received over my hundred hours of playtime doesn't even come close in comparison to any other videogame. 10/10.

After 1,5 years of playing this game on and off I finally beat it. This is genuinely the hardest game I've ever played. It is painful and absolutely brutal and I still have so many secrets to go for but man it's such a great game.

Strict upgrade from the previous, and the only complaints I have might be seen as unfair so this game is well worth your time if you enjoyed the predecessors.

The game feels almost TOO ambitious. The endings requiring certain paths is a bit lame when each one sends you on a specific route. There feels to be less interesting subversions to each path, while each one clearly serves a purpose in the first game some of the side quests would clearly be just for something silly like a costume or some gimmicky side thing.

It's not worse for this, but this game requires a lot more commitment to be worthwhile. For some this might come naturally and not be a deterrent but for me this felt a bit astray from the formula I had grown to love in the first place. I love this game to pieces and have spent an absurd amount of time in the multiplayer but this time I feel like it's for different reasons than it's previous. It's up to you if that really means it's worthwhile....

Wild how that works, huh?

Hands down one of my favourite games ever & also one of the best games I've ever played.

gives me immense physical and mental pain

This review contains spoilers

Em Spelunky 2, mais especificamente em um dos possíveis segundos níveis do jogo, a Selva, existem homens da caverna tribais que aperecem através da geração procedural dos levels aqui e ali. Um dos inimigos mais comuns do jogo nesse estágio, o homem das cavernas tribal vem em algumas variações: Às vezes não carregam arma alguma; às vezes seguram um bumerangue (uma variação bem perigosa, inclusive, capaz de te matar por stunlock sem grandes problemas); em telas de escuro na Selva, seguram uma tocha que arremessam ao ver o jogador, antes de sair correndo para persegui-lo.

Uma outra variação é o que segura um escudo simples e rústico de madeira, uma proteção limitada, que pode ser facilmente quebrada com uma arma ou ataque adequado.

Foi o que eu pensei ao, dentro de uma das minhas 1000+ runs no jogo, dar um tiro de shotgun nesse homem das cavernas com escudo pela frente, minha arma era forte e o adversário, patético. O tiro saiu, o escudo quebrou, ele morreu imediatamente, e eu morri também.

Minha primeira reação foi achar que algum bug extraordinário tinha acontecido. Imediatamente salvei a gameplay em vídeo e fui rever o que aconteceu. Pra minha surpresa eu vi, ao assistir a minha morte de novo em slow motion, as múltiplas balas/ partículas individuais saindo da minha shotgun e chegando ao escudo, exatamente duas delas sendo refletidas de volta pra mim, uma quebrando o escudo e as outras acertando o homem tribal.

Não há como descrever o quão prazeroso é perceber a profundidade de detalhes e variedade de interação que existe entre níveis, armas, ações, mecânicas, cenários, jogador e inimigos nesse jogo, o qual parece simples a princípio, mas que está sempre pronto pra te pegar de surpresa com um acontecimente inusitado como o descrito ali em cima. Todos acontecendo por motivos que o jogo propõe, justifica e te desafia a experimentar.

Sim: Profundidade, variedade e precisão, esses são os melhores substantivos pra associar a um jogo como Spelunky 2 (e o seu antecessor). Uma vez dominadas as mecânicas do jogo e com um certo nível de familiaridade com o que ele tem a oferecer, o jogo se torna um passeio intenso, onde o jogador se sente uma especie de ninja, capaz de prever múltiplas interações entre coisas e lidar com elas em tempo real. Estratégia e habilidade se misturam em um flow de gameplay único. Mas o jogo nunca para de te surpreender mesmo assim.

É importante ressaltar que essa satisfação eventual não vem a baixo custo. Um grande pilar da franquia Spelunky é o nível de dificuldade altíssimo. Por horas, as mortes inusitadas parecem mais injustas que inusitadas e runs promissoras podem ir por água abaixo em uma fração de segundos: Algo vai bater em você e te jogar em um buraco com espinhos no chão, você vai cair em cima de uma planta carnívora ao tentar pular no meio do escuro ou talvez uma gota enorme de lava caia na sua cabeça vinda de uns dois patamares acima, onde algo explodiu sem que você pudesse ver ou saber e abriu o chão. Lidar com isso é o grande teste de Spelunky e, se o jogador se dipõe a aceitar a realidade do que aqui está sendo proposto, as frustrações e a relação de amor e ódio se tornam uma experiência única, meio difícil de descrever, mas profundamente instigante. De fato, as runs mais longas e vitoriosas, que eventualmente acontecem, acabam ganhando um ar épico e a adrenalina e a sensação de recompensa por chegar onde nunca se havia chegado antes é ímpar.

Spelunky 2 é um Rogue Like puro, cruel e sem muitas rédeas, mas que está disposto a te surpreender se você estiver disposto a se dedicar a ele. Em comparação ao primeiro jogo (também uma obra prima de duas gerações de consoles atrás) ele é ainda mais rápido, dinâmico, variado e preciso. É a versão definitiva dos jogos da franquia até aqui e (pra mim) um dos maiores jogos de todos os tempos.

Agora, com licença, que eu ainda não cheguei no final extra secreto, que estou tentando há anos. Vou tentar só umas cinco runs, eu juro, e depois vou dormir (eu vou tentar umas vinte runs).

If Spelunky 2 could speak: Your life literally is as valuable as a summer ant.
I'm just gonna stomp you, you're gonna keep coming back, I'm gonna seal up all my cracks, you're gonna keep coming back, why? Cause you keep smelling the syrup, you worthless bitchass fella!
You're gonna stay on my dick until you die. You serve no purpose in life, your purpose in life is to play my game sucking on my dick daily. Your purpose in life is to play blowing a dick daily.
Your life is nothing, you serve ZERO purpose.
You should kys, NOW!
And give somebody else a piece of that oxygen and ozone layer that's covered up so we can breathe inside this blue trapped bubble.
Cause what are you here for? To worship me? Kys!
I mean that with a hundred percent with a thousand percent.

400 hours of skill issue

Have not gone to CO yet, only beat “the hard ending”

This game builds on Spelunky 1 in a lot of ways but it’s also kind of the antithesis, Spelunky 1 is a lot more methodical and didn’t require as much “guide gaming” as this one, this game will fuck you sideways without a second thought if you don’t know what’s up. The guide game to end all guide games, but I don’t really mind.

The different environments are super cool and I love how there’s branching paths! Which is super neat! I do think it sucks that the right answer on most runs is generally gonna be Volcana-Tide Pool though, but I appreciate the option existing and the unique benefits each area provides

I really like this game, Spelunky 1 felt antiquated in a way areas such as graphics whereas this game is gorgeous, and I’m not even gonna get started on the multiplayer since somehow it makes the game HARDER but it’s better for it. Overall, good shit Spelunky 2

This game is to ADHD people what The Sims 4 is to autistic people. I will not elaborate.

I think it's genuinely really cool that you're always one wrong step away from dying in a fucked Rube-Goldberg machine. Got 99 health and the best possible equipment? Guess what, bozo - bear trap that you couldn't even see! Sounds like a skill issue to me!
If that happened in any other game I would uninstall it immediately, but Spelunky secretly implants a chip in your brain that only makes you go "Ha, well played" after even the most bullshit and rage-inducing death imaginable.

This game is the best kind of hell

This game is pure art. Even though I have done absolutely everything I cannot imagine a day right now where I will stop playing it