Reviews from

in the past

A bundle of 2 of the NES's greatest games. both have aged well and are very fun if you can get your NES working.

Probably my first pair of games ever? What a combo duck hunt is usually not played for more than a few minutes but so neat at the time. Mario is a classic of course and gets so much right though I still hate the lives system when I revisit

One of the most important videogames ever released, and it helps that both of these games are awesome

The Orange Box if it was actually a deal.

sure is a game.....
whisper whisper
huh, what's that? it's two games? oh. uh-uh. ok.

i'm wrong!

I feel silly giving it a rating because hey, it's Super Mario Bros! May as well star rate the sky or the concept of chocolate chip cookies.

(For all the hours devoted to it as a kid, I think I may have only ever beat it the one time) :0

Extremely good for the time. Mario Bros. has a large amount of content compared to game released around the same time, and the light gun was very good technology.

I think I played this at the reception after a funeral.

2 Great Games and Launch Titles for the console, Mario is a classic, Duck Hunt is murder, I love both

Oh, this counts as a separate game? Okay.

My parents got an NES with this when I was barely out of diapers, starting my lifelong obsession. They bitterly regret it to this day.