Reviews from

in the past

In my humble opinion, one of the best games ever made.

In terms of just sheer variety of gameplay, story, visuals, style, it's hard to think of many games that match up with this.

There's a real magic to the way it bounces so effortlessly from 1930s gangster stuff in Chicago, to Gothic Undead Horror in 1800's Notre dame, to Sci-Fi Terminator-Future War. Each with it's own gameplay, music, visual look, array of time period correct weapons. In Chicago you'll meet an informant, bust up barrels of liquor, whereas in the robot factory you'll control laser-turret cameras, and fight a giant drill-armed machine boss. One is moody with a noir sort of jazz OST, and the other features pounding techno bass.

All this is held up with a tight responsive control scheme, a huge array of unlockable content, a side arcade league mode filled with bots to face off against, challenge mode content. But best of all a full comprehensive multiplayer, that practically never stops being fun.

I can easily return to this game whenever, it's perfect.

single player campaign is the most fun I’ve had with a shooting game in years. whatever happened to this franchise

Seiner Zeit voraus.
Endlose Spielmodi, alle im Splittscreen spielbar.
Meist zu viert spielbar.
Teilweise Modi, bei denen bis zu 10 oder 12 Bots hinzugeschaltet werden können, die man dann noch in bis zu 4 Teams verteilen kann.

Geiler Arcade Modus, netter Story Modus. Das Spiel kann man 100 Stunden spielen und hat noch nicht alles gesehen.

Heute sind Leute froh, wenn Dinge gemoddet werden können. Früher war das einfach nicht nötig.

Incredibly influential game in my life, racking up hundreds of hours as a kid. There is an incredible breadth of replayability here; a story mode with multiple difficulties and optional co-op, arcade league full of challenging matches and a wealth of unlockables, arcade custom where you could sit down and play matches with friends, challenge mode with a decent variety of additional and usually silly challenges, and personally for me the crowning jewel: the map maker.

I have entire memory cards full to the brim with maps made in TimeSplitters map makers. It was simple enough a child could use it but decent enough to allow for a vast amount of creativity. I made hundreds of levels in that thing, entire campaigns with stories I wrote to link it all together.

Regardless of how the game holds up now, its legacy for me is that it made me believe I could make my own games and pushed me towards my current career path. For that alone it's 5 stars.

this game is funny, you can play as a monkey and he has a gun, thats funny right

A slight step down mechanically from Perfect Dark, but makes up for in charm and theming. Tough campaign on hard difficulty and screw the "Nice Threads" challenge.

Didn't play it much but what I did play was definitely fun.

It's like goldeneye but its own thing. 60 fps on original Xbox is pretty wild. I remembered renting future shock as a kid but never really played much more, it's a fun series so far.

peaked a little early with the siberia level. it is a very fun and arcadey shooter that knows its thing and does it decently well. little archaic sometimes with its objectives which got annoying by the end. but it was short and sweet and id recommend blasting through it in an afternoon if you have the time.

A little rough around the edges sometimes, but it’s aged exponentially better than something like Goldeneye 007. Really fun game with friends still in the big 2024.

The controls alone bring this from a 5/5 down to a 3/5. Really wish they'd remaster this with modern sensible controls

i preferred FP but TS2 is an all time classic and deserves a remaster ;-;

No other game has let me stick an explosive mine on my brother's face so there's that.

spent less time with this but still fun

It still perplexes me how this came out on the PS2.

so not only do you have a tight-ass campaign with amazingly varied and brilliant levels (even if some of them get a lil bit frustrating), but you have a bunch of awesome arcade features and minigames, and a whole ass map editor and to work with. thats pretty damn impressive. plays like a dream and is only held back by its slightly outdated level design, and later levels do get quite frustrating which sucks. other than that this is pretty much one of the best shooters of the generation. i love its sense of humour, and i love its characters even if they get practically no screentime. poor hart :(

I remember getting this game from my local Hollywood Video like three months before it shut down. One of those games I didn’t fully appreciate until I got older because I was a dumb kid who wanted to play Modern Warfare like everyone else but was stuck with 6th gen consoles. I don’t have much to say about this game except it’s damn near a masterpiece and it’s an absolute shame Free Radical just doesn’t exist anymore.

Mi ricordo solo la scimmia 😭

I need to go back to this FPS gem and complete its campaign cooperatively with a friend or family member.

This was a classic on the PS2 and a ton of fun... I liked the graphics and all the different eras you go to during the campaign. Gives you quite a wide assortment of guns as each level you play you are jumping through time. Music is shockingly good too.

Super challenging from what I remember, even coming from someone who is relatively decent at the FPS genre (or at least I was... but probably not anymore...).

I played this for a decent amount of time and liked it way more than Goldeneye stylistically and gameplay wise although they’re both cut from the same cloth. This could very well be a skill issue, but I died a ton which eventually demotivated me to continue or some other game grabbed my attention. Either way I do want to return to this and maybe finish it. This sounds like a game I’d want to emulate on dolphin with keyboard controls.

Heehoo recently replayed this bad boy and I still luv it <3

hard as balls but still a super great fps. would love another entry/spiritual successor


the siberia opening is still one of the greatest levels in video game history. fun shooter packed with quite frankly an absurd amount of content

TS2 still reigns supreme as the ultimate offline multiplayer FPS.

This game reminds me a lot of animations made in source filmmaker, in a good way. Every character and their movements are filled with expression, the game itself has a very unique style that makes it stand out among its competition. I'm sure that to play this game with other people most be way more entertaining than alone (Not that it wasn't). TimeSplitters 2 is filled with content and it can keep you hooked a long time. It's a good game, but I can see why it isn't more popular. The controls can be confusing or hard to use, the hard mode itself is very very difficult (It makes sense, but it can be enfuriating), the last level and planet x level can be very confusing considering the fact that since the game offers no direction whatsoever you can spend all the time in the counter (In the last mission) running around aimlessly. Overall it was pretty good, eventually I'll play Future Perfect, the one I have fond memories of my childhood with, let's see if it stands up to the nostalgia.

It's a strange feeling when you don't enjoy a game highly regarded as one of the best of its kind. It's even stranger when I played the first one just fine, which is considered inferior to its succesor, and enjoyed it regardless. I thought TimeSplitters 2 would be just more fun shooting time with better graphics, sound, gameplay and imporvements overall.

But I couldn't do it. I gave this game so many oportunities, I forced myself to play it numerous times thinking to myself "Come on, it's short and everyone says it's good, just do it". But as I said I couldn't do it.

But why? Why did I enjoy the first, more archaic TimeSplitters more than the second one? For me at least, comes to the Goldeneye style aiming system which was the same for the first TS too so you must be thinking that I'm going insane. But the truth is that in the first game guns were more spammy, with higher rates of fire so aiming wasn't such a problem. Also TS 1 was simpler, you usually just ran to the end of a level and ran back to the beggining. TS 2 is similar in concept but there are more objectives to do, both main and secondary and little explaining on what to do most of the time. And finally, the worst for me, the quantity of enemies which I think in TS 2 is exagerated to the point that it's barely managable. Basically the awful aiming, slow weapons and overwhelming number of enemies made me want to quit.

You could say that all that whining like a baby was due to severe lack of hands, and I would agree but in the end video games are art, and art is subjective. You may like TS 2, and even I like TS 2, its charming aesthetics make me smile. But most important, video games are for having fun, and I wasn't having fun at all so I stopped playing.

O jogo da minha infância.

Monkey is going for the final kill