Reviews from

in the past

Hmmmmm today I will make Aurora spend 1 hour on a 5 minute puzzle because I think trapeziums and pentagons are the same thing - my best friend, probably

This was a step down from the first game in my opinion, as it's just a less memorable experience with more annoying puzzles. All around it's still a decent co-op game though.

Not as fun as the first one – a lot more occult themes, but still a fun way to spend a couple of evenings solving puzzles.

fun, but only really worth buying if the first one really scratched your co-op itch. first one and expeditions are better. still good co-op experience. 3.5/5 stars

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SACOLA NÃO! "Tamo aqui/10"

I didn't enjoy as much as the first game, but still one of the better shorter co-op games I can think of.

I liked the structure of the first game more, but I understand the change when making it a longer experience.

huge step up from the first entry, but that one maze puzzle was perhaps a bit too punishing lol, I felt nauseous afterwards

I like how the puzzles were more involved this time around for BOTH parties

Great co-op game, clever puzzles that feel rewarding.

Fun, but I know me and my roommate nearly beat each other up for one of these puzzles

Plus de contenu et des énigmes bien meilleures que dans le premier.

team building exercise, but also good and a video game.
You can try before you buy by playing the first game (it's free on steam). Like my review on that one when you backlogg it.
These series are on perma steam sale and definitely not worth the full 10$ for individual game.

I'm not happy with this arrangement, why make the ending dependent on passing each stage of the game if you can't go back to them anymore. In fact, this is an attempt to get people to replay, but the bottom line is that it is almost impossible to figure out how to finish the game in this way on your own. As for the passage itself: The game turned out to be much more beautiful and interesting than the previous one, although there were also various bugs and just strange missions.

thank god for coop puzzle games cause this stuff would be mind-torture to do on my own. really fun puzzles to figure out and it's pretty short and usually pretty cheap! I love these kinds of coop experiences.

Glitched like 3 times through the floor, nice castle tho.

me and my friend finally got back to playing the game after a one year break. we only had 2 puzzles left...

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The game bugged and didn't save the levers for the secret ending :|

I love puzzles and hate my friends

Excelente jogo de puzzle co-op

Os puzzles são ótimos, a dinâmica de cada jogador é muito boa,
tem alguns segredos muito bem escondidos.

Apesar de curtinho é muito divertido

too short, but it was pretty fun but not that good

Explaining how shapes work was not something I thought I'd be doing today.

We Were Here: Too builds upon the original brilliantly, the puzzles are more fleshed out with multiple stages, each room is interesting, and communication between players is even more vital.

If you've played the original I'd highly recommend picking this one up, and if you haven't go play that now.

A co-op puzzle game with some pretty fun puzzles. Online players can be very toxic.

A short game, yet hella fun. It requires 100% co-op with communication, with puzzles that can be hard sometimes. I had a huge dose of laughter with this one.

Um bom jogo de puzzle cooperativo, mas dos 5-6 puzzles apresentados, só uns 2 eu realmente me diverti, enquanto o do Labirinto eu achei péssimo. No geral uma experiência decente.

You can definitely tell that there was more time and care put into the game with its puzzles than into its prequel. Fun coop puzzles.