Reviews from

in the past

Not my cup of tea but I can’t deny that this is a well-made game, if a bit more hollow than I’d have liked.

i love this game deeply, with all of my heart

i played this nonstop through the pandemic. kept me and lots of others sane. unfortunately there's just not a lot to do after you've been playing it as intended for a couple months.

Loved this game until it came to getting recipes. An absolute punch in the balls when you play for 3 months straight and every single day is just

"You already know this DIY recipe"


I doubt I would have spent 250 hours on this if it didn’t come out during the Pandemic when I had nothing else to do. Enjoyed the fishing, partner did the designing. Wish there was a little bit more to do but hit a lot of the right notes otherwise.

Lovely game, relaxing, fresh……I just wish it had everything from the start. This is textbook “Play for a week, don’t play for months” because of those updates

Ainda tenho de pagar as minhas dívidas de 3646784747465748476575 bells.
Viciei-me muito mas adoro decorações

Le meilleure AC, avec tout son contenu il n'y a plus vraiment se côté vide que j'avais du mal à gérer dans les autres, la si je veux y passer 20h d'affiler je peux, et c'est tout ce que je souhaite (dommage de pas pouvoir placer le café par contre, le bâtiment aurait été si cool), ça reste assez overwelming de commencer à terraformer

seriously loved this game until I realized that animal crossing unfortunately fell off compared to other simulation type games. still really good for what it is though.

Gostando do ritmo que o jogo propõe (esperar um dia pra terminar certas ações, estações de acordo com o calendário, etc.) e dando tarefas para se fazer ao longo do dia, gosto tbm do carisma dos npcs

Absolutely loved this game during the pandemic. Haven't played earlier AC games.

Lo dejé de jugar hace un tiempo, y viendo que no voy a volver puedo considerarlo como "acabado". Qué le voy a hacer si no me gustan los simuladores de vida

egbert best villager and its not even close

Admittedly, despite loving these types of games, I have a hard time with it. The slow pace (as in, using IRL hours to pass time) is a huge killer for me and I'm not that much of a fan time travelling (I still do it though just to pass time).

I took a year break from the game and recently picked it up again, I haven't even decided a theme/ fully decorated my island yet but I want to. The DLC is super fun though.

Gameplay: 4.5
Art Style: 4
Story/Lore: 3
Systems: 3.5
Character: 4.5
Total: 3.9

Good game but after basically industrializing my island and abusing the turnip stock market, I had nothing left I wanted to do. I haven't played much of the updates, but I think I will just stick with New leaf for now.

Initially fun but the more you play the game the more its slow pace and limitations wear on you and burn you out. Oh, you placed your $90K bridge in the wrong spot? That's one real life day and an extra $15K just to remove it, and now you have to buy another one. Oh you want to terraform, or make a path? Have fun doing each tile individually. Villager dialogue becomes repetitive, as the game compromises on being a life sim by trying to be a sandbox at the same time, and ultimately struggling with both.

evidentemente es bueno y tal, y le eché sus 50 horas, pero para mí que no soy tan creativo ni tengo tanta iniciativa, tras el tutorial puse los 2 puentes que quería y no hice nada más mientras todo el mundo se hacía islas temáticas japonesas y movidas

también es que el "tutorial" es tan largo y tiene tanta cosa que uno se acostumbra a que le digan qué hacer en una saga que se tiene que caracterizar por falta de objetivos impuestos desde el principio. así que a mí que me cuesta eso, no seguí luego xd

el online me parece limitadísimo y muy decepcionante, vas con toda la ilusión a jugar con amiwis, das dos vueltas y ya está porque por algún motivo no dejan que te ayuden con nada en la isla

eso sí, al césar lo que es del césar: fue la cura del covid y salvó la cuarentena.

This game got me through a lot

This review contains spoilers

It’s good

I have such a love hate relationship with this game- find myself getting burned out if I play it too often these days so I like to return sporadically. hoping the next animal crossing game feels more populated.

This game had the world hooked in 2020 I'll never forget it. This game is great but like most simulation games, it becomes very tedious at times. Even talking to the villagers becomes tedious, their dialogue is mostly the same and there isn't a whole lot of difference in the personalities when it comes to how nice they are. I didn't get a chance to play the 2001 game or City Folk but I know that the villager conversations were varied. Not to mention the villagers RARELY play games anymore like they used to. The best part of villager dialogue now is the conversations between them. Now I won't act like Island customization isn't amazing in this game. Don't like your layout? Flatten the entire island and terraform it to your liking. I remember hearing this game was supposed to get updates for the next 4 years, (2020-2024) but that never happened and I'm not really sure why. It honestly upsets me because this game has tons of potential that we'll never get to see. I hope they make the villagers less friendly and the friendship building better in the next game. I have faith in the future of this franchise. 3/5

Game came out at a perfect time, but through cheesing the day cycle through the system clock, got burnt out of the game faster than I should have and ran out of things to do. Beautiful looking game, just needs more options of things to do in the same style of stardew valley

march 2020 idon'twanttogetoutofbed-core