Reviews from

in the past

I had never heard of this game or this console before, and after someone said that this is one of the best of the series i doubted

Well it's true

Doing things that the other consoles could't do it due limitations, this game presented features that we would only see in the next generation: alternative characters, auto save, alternative routes, cutscenes. I will say this is the definitely the best classicvania

An all-around great action platformer, amazing soundtrack and visuals for 1993 and stands the test of time even today thanks to its pixel art.

It is a tough game, but for the standards of the time you'd be hard-pressed to find a game that's more fair than this one, it's fairly manageable even today if you have the patience for it.

Backflip and item-crush are a great addition to the series.

Oooh yeah I love this one, one of the best Castlevanias for me and it just feels so sweet, everything from presentation, the lovely anime graphics (anime pretty boi Dracula lmao) to the beautiful music. I can see why this elusive Japan only game was so sought after by the non-Japanese world. I quite love this and how it evolved things from the previous games. I also dig that Castlevania 2 reference lol. Tho once you get Maria, it's hard to go back to Richter, I dunno if it's my experience at the time but game felt a lot harder as Richter so I just ended up going for Maria, and oh boy, this little girl is a goddamn powerhouse with her animal and spirit powers and can take down the goddamn lord of darkness himself! No wonder she is so OP in SOTN too...
I love this game, among my favorite Castlevanias for sure, my....second fav Classicvania I'd say, kinda varies.
First one is Bloodlines on Genesis.

Used the patch that ports over the PSP Dub, which is quite good and even feels like it was made in the 90s! Considering the quality of the PSP Dub of SOTN I dunno if that's intentional or just how the dubs here are but hey I'll take it
Also went for 100%, granted mostly with Maria, I watched Richter saving the girls cutscenes online as a result

(did a Richter-only run, didn't play Alternate Stage 5)
Easily my favorite Castlevania game so far, especially when it comes to the classic formula.
It's definitely the easiest yet, but it still gives a fair enough challenge so it doesn't get boring. Pretty short too, which surprised me. The alternate routes were pretty fun to find (even if I used a guide for a couple woops), the level design in general is good. Now the music and graphics, that shit is top notch to the highest degree holy crap it is great. Gonna try and replay this sometime soon.
TLDR: the best Classicvania, go play it...preferably via Requiem or a translated version of the PC Engine original.

It's alright. Interesting for people who want the story before Symphony of the Night.

this game has successfully eaten away at my sanity, and i am now a depressed shell of my former depressed shell self. it destroyed me.

4 stars

This is my first Castlevania game and I can tell that Rondo of Blood is in fact a tough son of a bitch. Luckily, even though it has some bullshit moments, I really feel like the challenge was fair. Every obstacle that comes your way is beatable as long as you are patient enough to understand how. The game looks and sounds beautiful and although it took me countless retries, it was a really satisfying experience in the end and made me clearly understand why this series is so special to so many.

Wow. What a step up. The gameplay is stellar, the level design is tight, and the visuals are fantastic. The soundtrack is literally perfect in every way I can't get enough of it. Definitely my favorite of the traditional Castlevania games.

Played it first on the PSP version of Dracula X (I'll try to make this count). Pretty sure I ragequitted after the second level. Game is nowhere as amazing as SCIV but it's still surely a satisfying experience while being brutally hard.

the stages are a true ass kicking but it's exhilarating to work you way through methodically and eventually conquer them and the bosses, the music is incredible and the art is also quite great considering a lot of it was recycled throughout several more games

literalmente pegaram tudo que eu gosto em castlevania 3 (o combate e os caminhos alternativos) e deram uma aumentada. a arte desse jogo é fenomenal. incrível como ele sozinho me fez me apaixonar pelo Turbografx-16 pela sua capacidade em suportar pixel arts detalhadas e lindas e com performance que me parece superior aos consoles da época. já deu pra perceber que eu amei ele né.

I have a really weird and personal reason for dropping this game but the reason is definitely not quality. For sure gonna pick back up

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I have to continue playing in order to find the entrance to Stage 4' (and Stage 3' boss) alongside rescuing Tera and the other one, but otherwise I had gone through the main path entirely as Richter while rescuing Maria and Annette, and sent Dracula, the monster that doesn't belong in this world (steals mens souls and makes them his slaves) to die.

...So for now I could say that I got to the end, killed Dracula, roll credits...beat the game!

And for a game that had a lot of sudden challenges and trials through the bosses (and the way enemies were placed along the levels), the whole thing basically felt like a fight that eventually felt fair when I realized what I could do to work around the obstacles and succesfully execute the strategies. Pair that surprisingly balanced gameplay design for a Classicvania title with the crispy graphics and stellar soundtrack and you get a game that earned its legendary reputation.

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"ok so in this classicvania i will not abuse savestates"
"%¨&* this bossrush"

if i admit richter is a cool character will you guys stop pretending this game is fun to play
the bosses are probably the best part about this game in my opinion

just an extremely solid action-platformer. Definitely the pinnacle of the classic Castlevania formula

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This game has taught me that if you make a game short but extremely polished, I will play it more than most lengthier games.
Not as good as Chrono Trigger, though.

Peak classic-vania. No wonder they felt okay taking a risk with SotN. They had done all they needed to here

the best linear game in the castlevania series but the 5th stage is utter bullshit

I couldn't finish level 2 properly. I liked what I played though