Reviews from

in the past

I've gotten this game like twice and I haven't managed to get too far in both times I started it.

Not sure if I it's because I get bored for the lack of new stuff, since this is a very continuist level pack. I must get back to it and finish it sometime.

Madre del amor hermoso que desastre. El prólogo ha sido tan duro que no pienso volver a tocarlo, aunque estar en tierra firme ayude.

O a envejecido como la leche o no entiendo las críticas positivas. Esto es malo de narices.

It’s honestly so bad that I got it for free when it was on Steam and I still refuse to download it because of how awful my experience with Dead Island:Riptide was on the Xbox 360

Кто придумал насрать зомбаками каждый кусочек земли, тот просто конченный ублюдок. Кооп едва спас от дропа

Probably spent 400 hours on this game. I loved it. Super fun. That mission where you defend the mission might be the greatest zombie defense I’ve ever seen

No tan bueno como el primero, es como un dlc estirado pero tampoco es malo

This is such a downgrade from dead island that I am dissapointed. Quests are either defend or fetch 90% of the time. Co-Op straight up doesnt work and the zombies will just not stagger at all through your attacks no matter ehat weapons you are using. Gets 2 stars because the weapons still feel satisfying to use but thats about it.

It started to wane a bit towards the end and the story is barely there, but not bad for $4.

It's almost identical to the first game but the story is different because its a new island still it just feels like adding to the first game and I'm all for that so I'm giving it 5 stars

me and my brudda glitching a car into the water and driving it around like a boat will last forever in my mind, love this rubbish game

Run con Nicola evai e il bastone di merlino


Not as enjoyable as the original dead island.

Not bad, little harder then I remember

Bem fraquinho e repetitivo.

Intankável. Não fosse pela gameplay divertidinha seria difícil se sustentar enquanto sequência, mesmo com co-op.

A worse and overall more tedious addition to Dead Island. It reaches credits in about half the time, but wears out its welcome before it hits 5 hours in. I attribute that to the fact it's opening is not nearly as strong as the opening for the first entry was. The difficulty gets to be way more aggrivating much early as enemies will overwhelm you with numbers you don't have skills to sufficiently manage, with movement and defensive measures being about the same, with the addition of a few extra attack options and a few new weapon types. A few interesting missions do stand out, but otherwise, it's not as worthy as revisiting as it's predecessor.

mesma coisa que o primeiro nada demais poderia ser mto melhor

Молот тора! Второй!

Mindless zombie smashing for 10h

It tries to be the first one and its too similar i think even though its a follow up i was expecting more.

Cara que jogo é esse, nada nele é bom, o mapa é ruim, o combate é ruim, a história é ruim. Joguei 4 horas e o jogo já era extremamente repetitivo, não sei nem o que criticar porque pior que ser apenas ruim ele é desinteressante.

It takes a thousand witnesses to call it a game. Because this game looks like a torture device.

not nearly as good as dead island 1 but still pretty good!

Top 50 Favorites: #27 (Definitive Edition)

Games I Like That Everybody Else Dislikes

So rigorously, fundamentally garbage that it actually spins back into brilliance. I've always found something tantalizingly awful about this series, they're so fucking stupid and hilariously bad that it's a blast every time - I really don't think these get the meme treatment they deserve a la something like Knack does. Literally just an even lazier reskin of the original with bugged trophies, a wide array of laughable visual errors, and another disgusting showcase of the seventh generation's Play-Doh facial animations. Evokes such peaks of human emotion as you go from wanting to die to heights of side-splitting hilarity at its total incompetence that you reach some form of enlightenment. Have such fond memories with this one, objectively a huge disaster - imagine wanting your name attached to this in any way lmfao. "So bad it's good" has never been such a shrewd motherfucker, even better with friends.

For what was very clearly an epilogue DLC stretched into a full game, it's honestly pretty good.