Reviews from

in the past

ayy que petit donkey UUAUA AUAUUAUA AUA A

É um segundo Donkey Kong, nos apresenta ao Donkey Kong Jr pelo menos, que é um personagem bem reconhecido na série de jogos de esporte do Mario, mas nada de incrível, não, era a diversão da época quando o objetivo era ganhar pontos e não passar de fase.

What's this? The original without any RNG and requires 100% actual skill to beat? Waiiiiiit

Comecei o jogo apenas para concluir uma missão do Nintendo Switch Online.

Gostei do que joguei e acabei por concluir o mesmo. Divertidíssimo, a meu ver!

this one was on an episode of muppet babies

It's just the arcade version minus the interesting cutscenes.

A sequel to the original Donkey Kong where Mario is the villain for the only time. It's ok and average, understandably very short and limited being a very early NES game and all that.
Idk if I liked this better or worse than the original.

baby donkey on the switch i played it about 3-5 years ago. donkey kong jr. this playthrough was NOT 100%.

It's Donkey Kong Jr. What you see is what you get.

Played on the same day as the first one. Its better, I like the concept more, its longer. Whatever, its a video game.

Just an average arcade game that isn't very fun.

Agora o inimigo é o bigode, e o pequeno DK vai salvar o pai em plataformas desafiadores e bem interessantes com o esquema de cipós e boas animações, o jogo também tem bons controles.

Nota: 7/10 (★★★☆) - Bom

This game is similar to Donkey Kong (1981) but now you play as Diddy Kong (I think) and try to rescue Donkey Kong from Mario. A clever sequel with more mechanics than the previous game. I enjoyed this one a bit more.

Feels like navigating a very primitive playground-- I like it! The difficulty is fair, it's a bit more fun to replay than OG DK, there's fun tricks you can pull off (the spring comes to mind) and it plays well. Very short, but that's just how it is.
And what's Mario's problem, man..!

in donkey kong, one plays as jumpman, but in donkey kong jr, jumpman has taken our beloved dk, so jr must be controlled through four hazard-filled screens of jumping, vine-climbing, fruit-dropping fun. my favorite part has got to be seeing the mustachioed kong captor fall to his death at the end of the four stages, but he unfortunately comes back from the dead with a vengeance on following loops. or perhaps it’s only unfortunate if you’re afraid of a challenge, which i’m not. bring it on, you vile snapjaws, nitpickers, and sparks! rahhh!! anyway, great arcade game, great nes game, big w.

I don't give a shit about this one imma be real

Pues, a comparación del primero, este es un poquito más flojo, solo tiene 4 niveles(uno menos que el anterior) y sus mecánicas no son tan llamativas. Lo único llamativo es que Mario es malo aquí.

Played through NSO. It was some fun 20 minutes or so, cycling through levels around 3-4 times. I had played this in my childhood before in a rip-off console, so I'm glad I was finally able to properly beat it, and surprised with the controls that aren't too bad.

the junior is better than the senior

nes classic 4/30

More fun than the original IMO. Maybe cus its easier. Cute little jungle setting. Played NES Version via Switch

the fall damage is somehow even more janky in this one

I competed in this game with @MigMouse123

Not nearly as good as the original game, just a desperate attempt at cleaning Donkey Kong's image as a villain, while tarnishing Mario's reputation forever.

How did they misunderstand the point of the original game?

It's pretty fun for like 15 minutes but it's an arcade game so altogether that's not bad