Reviews from

in the past

The gameplay for Drakengard isn't good, it's engaging. What you're left with is a game that simply spills the blood of your victims, never allowing that element to be muted or sped through. It's pure in presentation, and I love it for that.

обязательно как-нибудь выдержу старые игры йоко таро, геймплейно это вобще пиздец худшее что я видел, но есть чувство, что на сюжете и vibeke вывезет как нир

Love this game, but it is borderline unplayable

Beautiful gowns, also Growing Wings is my jam

Oh stupid, stupid, all of you, fleeing the resurrection. The gods are watching! It is their last judgment! We will be transformed! We fear nothing! We are loved! You hate me, don't you? Kill me if you want. I don't mind. Come on, warrior. Kill me. Don't hold back. Whoppity whop! Kill little Manah! I don't mind. I am loved, you know. See, mother has to love me, if the gods love me.

Wow, what an insane storyline! Although the game can be frustrating at times (and it progressively becomes more difficult to progress with each ending), it holds a unique charm. It's the type of madness that you rarely see with such a budget nowadays. This game feels incredibly authoral and unhinged, and even if I don't agree with every decision, I can certainly appreciate the boldness it took to create something like this. Personally, I don't find the gameplay as bad as some people claim, but a remake could greatly enhance the experience of Drakengard. However, the real standout is the OST, which is truly one of the most outstanding compositions in video game history. It reaches its peak just before the end with that incredible, haunting piece in Ending E. It's pure brilliance.

A masterpiece that has aged like milk

This game is not as bad as people say, it is not as good as drakengard 3 or NieR but it is still great, the gameplay is simple but effective at conveying the psychotic nature of Caim, my only real gripes with the game are the music and the camera controls, the camera controls are non existent, you have to just pray to god that it looks where you want it to look and most of the time it does not. And the music is fine but it is not on par with the rest of the series, the ending B song was great but every other one was just kind of meh, and the ending E boss, even if cool as hell was definitely lacking an incredible song like the one in Drakengard 3 , in this one it is a rhythm boss without the rhythm, but overall , good game and great story and characters

Only really played to see the start of the style i love so much in the nier games and to more easily play drakengard 3 sometime later. I can see some of the seeds that will become yoko taro style of storytelling a lot of it can be hard to follow as you have to go through extra chapters and missions that take place between the main chapters and also change those same main chapters. The grounded combat is pretty bad and makes the whole game a blur which might of been the point but still makes the game hard to ge through but i did end up really enjoying the flying sections.The really bad part was getting to the last ending. Collecting all the weapons without a guide might be a good replacement to a live sentence as i dont think i would be done finding them all even if i started when this game came out. I did enjoy the endings as they got worse and worse the more fighting was done as it really drove home the point the game was making about war and fighting without knowing the other side and just letting rage take you. I also think the music also adds a lot to the themes with it sounding as chaotic as a battlefield. As a storytelling medium i give it a 5/5 but as a game i give it about a 2/5. Probably just watch the game on youtube if you interested that way you can skip playing it unless your insane and a superfan of yoko taro like i am.

its not good but it is certainly an experience

Eu não sei porque deixaram o Yoko Taro fazer mais quatro jogos dessa porra

So I came into this after playing the second game (which I can still replay even now) can't say the same for this one, I remember I got up to Chapter 9 and peaced out after that.

And well in the second game Caim didn't make a great first impression, and that kind of soured my experience of having to play as him.

Good narrative. The gameplay is terrible but it's easy enough that it doesn't drag the game down. Worth at least watching the plot on youtube

Quero a erva que o yoko taro usou para escrever essa bomba.

esse jogo é como bater uma com o dedo no ponto g, a sociadade vai te julgar, você vai se julgar, mas no final, o prazer de ter vivido a experiencia ficará para sempre na sua memória

Probablement un des jeux les plus unique auquel j'ai joué
Dans les + :
l'histoire, les personnages, l'ambiance du jeux bien sombre bien dark fantasy/mediéval, les ost et le doublages sont aux top et les cinématiques sont très belles pour l'époque.
Dans les - :
Le gameplay à chier c'est une vraie purge, rarement eut autant la boule aux ventres en jouant à un jeux c'est terrible.

You either love this game or hate it. Due to how frustrating the gameplay actually is, you will remember it for the rest of your life and the insane characters in it.

se nao fosse pela gameplay ridicula de ruim seria meu jogo favorito

I just played 5 hours straight of this game to finally get ending E, I think I had hallucinations partway through it and it was quite interesting maybe that's the way Yoko Taro intended to make this game truly a genius
Anyways the story is pretty good and so are the characters and the gameplay is so yeah a really unique experience overall

awful awful terrible first playthrough. gets slightly more points bc the story is slightly interesting but only at the end

a weird, kinda obtuse, kinda frustrating kinda experience, but somehow it really works for me. i love the ui, the music, the voice acting. it's all really something. definitely worth checking out, but i would not be surprised if you ended up not finishing it.

probably the worst rpg/musou whatever the fuck this game wanted to be ever made


This game is dogshit.

It's good because it's dogshit - if it wasn't dogshit, it would be dogshit.