Reviews from

in the past

real tired of going through the entire game with completely fair bosses that match my level just to reach the endgame where i lose 3 hours of progress since im severely underleveled for 5 one-shot, max HP bosses in a row, and no save point. i will not be returning to finish this game, but i enjoyed the rest of it

This style of 3D graphics is the best and I'm so glad that it's making a resurrgence.

Out of the original games, this one is hard. It requires plenty of grinding for multiple bosses. Enjoyed my time with it though. The onion knights are pretty forgettable but the games just get better from here.

Review in progress:
Painfully mediocre. Hasn't held up well at all. I hate the chibi art style.

Favorite of the first three but the final dungeon is pushing this game's luck. Also I played with the original music option and I have to say FF3 has one of the most under appreciated soundtracks considering just how good it is.

A step back from Final Fantasy II, i assume from the backlash FFII got at the time. The game is overall quite safe and an upgrade from FFI, but isn't too incredibly memorable outside of being carried by the Job system.

Final Fantasy Numero Tres!

I did not chose the Pixel Remaster to play this game because I organized my list of what was the best version to play each game in the series in 2020, so before the announcement of the Pixel Remaster. Or simply because I didn't bother spending 15 bucks on Steam so whatever lol.

The story follows a similar formula to the first game, with 4 Warriors of Light being tasked to restore the world balance and obtain 4 crystals with each giving them more power. The original release only had 4 unnamed orphans while in the 3D remake, they have their own separate names and personalities.
Personally I prefer that the protagonists have actual names, since FF2 onwards the series featured characters that have more life to them, making players care about them, so it feels weird to me that 3 omitted this to further push this game as this "FF1 2.0" that 2 didn't. I think they could have just kept the gameplay as is while maintaining the stronger sense of story from the second game but I guess that's all they could've done during the NES era. And even besides that, the story is enjoyable but nothing too groundbreaking and there's a pretty small amount of character interactions between the MCs. Wish there were a bit more of them.

The gameplay introduces a mechanic that will reappear in numerous titles since then: The job system, where now characters can choose 23 jobs during in-game as opposed to the first game's selecting jobs when booting up the game. Now because I skipped 2 and 3 due to my poor first impressions of 1, I got a taste of the job system in 5 instead, where it was more refined and allowed you to take 2 abilites from each mastered job. This game doesn't do that and jobs have to reach level 99 to master, which will reward you with an item so you just have characters stay in those jobs until you decide to change. The 3D remake featured what they called a "job adjustment phase", where characters get a minor stat penalty when switching jobs to maintain the game's balance. Since I didn't bother trying out most jobs (and finding out most jobs are shit anyway), the feature acts more like an annoyance than helpful, although I hardly felt the side-effects when switching jobs.

As for the rest, with what the remake touched upon, well I liked the visuals, keeps that chibi, innocent artstyle that both the classic games and artworks are familar with 'cept including Amano's art. I was never a big fan of 8-bit music in general, I turned my attention to the orchestrated OST instead and find it entertaining to listen while playing, in contrast to FF4's OST where I sticked mainly to the SNES original.

Overall (without going too much in detail cause i'm writing this at 1 AM), Final Fantasy 3 is without a doubt the best of the NES trilogy games, it manages to make the game engaging without being frustrating and bullshit unfair. That is not to say the game was super fun, merely acceptable but often times tedious. If you want to avoid that "tediousness", especially with the 2nd part of the game, you have to grind.

And grind.

the minor changes they made to the story is whatever, a fine way to experience ff3 if you don't mind grinding

"Four souls will be blessed with light, and so, it shall begin..." :')

I played the PSP version of this game and, linearly, this is the first FF game I would recommend. This is an enhanced version of the original FF in everyway except for maybe difficulty. Although the Job system can seem overwhelming, building a team is quite effective, with new jobs being added later on. In terms of difficulty, nothing stood out as difficult except maybe Final Area + Final Boss. There also seems to be clearly better classes than others but finding these is part of the charm with easy switching allowing flexible decisions. Music was great and routing wasn't as difficult as the two prior numbered FF games. Don't skip it.

One of the best (if not the best) FF. Until the final boss battle atleast.

primeira vez tocando nesse aqui, interessante ver onde muitas ideias do que viriam a ser o Final Fantasy V vieram daqui, o job system no geral é bem competente, claro que no V foi amplicado, a historia e os personagens são simples, mas funcionam bem pra proposta do jogo, eu gostei do estilo grafico, me lembrou até o que viria a ser Bravely Default no futuro, numa maneira geral experiencia sólida, acho que os maiores problemas são a ver com reviver personagem, o fato de voce precisar de uma fonte especifica pra isso, e não vender Phoenix Down, é uma coisa irritante, fora isso, uma boa experiencia.

The combat is relatively simple as is the story and the characters. However, for some reason, this game charmed the heck out of me. Perhaps, its because the class system is fun to play around without being too complex. Its an ideal jrpg to chill with after a hard day's work.

I can see the last stretch of the game being hard/annoying with the double dungeon gauntlet with no save points but personally, I loved grinding so I did not have much trouble with the big boss.

i have a soft spot for this game but man is there some bullshit in here

I'd say mechanically 3 is on par with 2, perhaps even a little bit better. However, I hate the 3D models used for this remake. The pixel art on the other two remakes is incredible and kept a lot of the charm from the original versions. This remake feels like it was made for mobile phones and they ported it to PSP to get some more money out of it. It's not bad, it just feels lifeless compared to the sprites of the last two games.

A cool setting doesn't make up for the fucking awful grind and tedium.

This was a fun experience. Definitely better than the first two games.

Seria um jogo muito fofo, sobre essa jornada de amadurecimento de um grupo de crianças, num mundo coberto de escuridão, onde os resquícios de luz se encontram nas pessoas que tu tromba pelo caminho, infelizmente é só um jogo que eu não gostei mesmo. É incrível como eu consigo discordar de absolutamente todas as escolhas e mudanças feitas para esse Remake. Fico triste por ter jogado justo essa versão, pois é um jogo cheio de criatividade, que se perde numa apresentação tão pouco inspirada e num balanceamento tão mal feito que chega a ser frustrante.

Nao achei q iria gostar tanto,mas me surpreendeu muito.
Bonito,com uma ost muito boa e os personagens bem legais.
As boss fights sao boas e algumas bem desafiadoras.
Os jobs sao bons e variam bastante.
Ingus gigachad e Luneth por algum motivo era sempre o alvo dos ataques.
Gosto como cada 1 dos 4 WOL sao diferentes,é um jogo bem divertido(principalmente se a pessoa sai direto da carniça q é o ff2 pra esse).

meu primeiro da serie clássica, decidi pular os dois primeiros
e assim, não tem muito q o dizer sobre esse jogo, tudo é muito medíocre, a jogabilidade é o padrão, muitos não gostam de terem deixado o jogo 3d e tirado a arte do original mas eu gostei, trilha sonora como qualquer FF é bem boa, os personagens não existem praticamente, não existe um desenvolvimento em cada
em resumo um jogo mediocre mas q me divertiu no tempo q joguei apesar de ficar perdido a cada 10 minutos.