Reviews from

in the past

Still lots of fun even now, could only imagine how good a remake would be.

the most fire emblem for sure dude

im a moron and even i was able to beat this game, never in my life have my fingers reached for the ZR and ZL buttons on my pro controller more than i have in this game. even then the game for the most part was easy aside from the final chapter. that last chapter was total horse shit, i spent an hour and a half on it at least. overall this game was cool but wow do i need a break. cant wait to play sacred stones!

Honestly, this game is very overrated and is nowhere near the best Fire Emblem game. However it is still a Fire Emblem game, and thus good by default, so you should still play it.

haha eliwood funney haahahaaha 9 strength hahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahah lyn had 6 strength
sain was cool though

Really addictive and satisfying gameplay, the animations are sooooo cool!

Definitely gonna pick this back up when I have the chance.

I find it funny that this is the fire emblem game I've played the most. Hector and Eliwood are BFFs 10/10 character dynamic.

The first Fire Emblem I played. It was great. The GBA FE artstyle is godly

My first fire emblem which means it has a special place to me but I've never had a desire to replay it unlike with the other games
Need to play Hector hard mode sometime

Some of the most likable characters in any FE game. the trio of main characters are super memorable and have great chemistry. Main plot is also quite good, which isnt always the case for FE games. Very good gameplay and lots of replayability as well. Great entry point for the series as its easy to get into and doesnt have any confusing of obfuscated gameplay mechanics.

Love this game, very close to beating it but the maps just kept getting longer. May finish.

I think my first tactical game was either this or Advance Wars, i don't remember. Either way i started off good.

would love to go back and beat this, loved this shit so much when I was younger I even made a shitty rom hack

In time I have come to see Blazing Blade as the most Just Okay Fire Emblem

boring boring boring. terrible map design, dirt easy enemies, boring structure, boring cast. the core fire emblem gameplay remains fun enough to not be irredeemable but still just not good

hector in smash when?

one of the few fire emblem games i've played (still playing), and it's a great time! the story is engaging and i rly like the different units and their abilities. the sprite work is insane!! animations are so fluid and dynamic, makes battles that much more enjoyable. my only complaint is that the combat can get a little tedious after a bit, but luckily this game allows you to get through it at tremendous speeds if you want! pretty accessible, pretty fun, i think im turning into a fire emblem fan?? uh oh

The first Fire Emblem game to be released in the West, Blazing Sword is a very cherished game for many long-time Fire Emblem fans. While I myself am not one of those players, I do think there are a lot of enjoyable aspects about this entry.

The sprite work and animations for this game are fantastic for its time. Several of the unique animations for major characters are incredibly fluid and enjoyable to watch.

The map design as a whole is pretty enjoyable. While there are a couple of maps that aren't great to play, I didn't have many issues with most of them.

The story does have some surprisingly emotional moments, but I do think the story as a whole is hit or miss. One of the biggest misses in my opinion, is how the game neglects Lyn after her story. Even worse, some of the plot points they set up for Lyn during her story are never fully resolved, which does take a bit of the experience away from me. That being said, I do find the other main characters, Hector and Eliwood, to be very enjoyable for their own routes in the game.

The game itself isn't terribly difficult. The enemies overall are rather weak, and there are multiple instances where you can simply field some of the later pre-promoted units and they'll outperform earlier growth units quite a bit. Unless you highly invest into some of these growth units, many of them (barring Florina, Sain/Kent if Lyn's story is done) are just outclassed by later pre-promoted units given to the player.

I think this game is enjoyable to play through and is worth a try for anyone interested in the earlier entries of the Fire Emblem series.

P.S. Why the hell is Lyn a weaker unit than just a normal Swordmaster. Like, HOW???

good intro for the series, otherwise underwhelming
fuck lyn

The most standard Fire Emblem game of all time, I mean that in a good way. This game kinda sets the standard for what Fire Emblem is for a lot of people, even if it's not a personal favorite of mine.

Simple de jugar y con unos protas que pegan mucho

the gameplay is really adictive, which is a thing for all fire emblem games, but this one especially. the characters are quite nice too. not my favourite cast, but they do have some really great characters here! sain especially is my boy! although i am hoping for a remake for this game, because i think this game could be even better with voice acting and better graphics, even though the current graphis are very charming!

Easy to bust this one wide open unless you restrict yourself a bit, love the characters and simplicity of the story. Love that it was brought to NSO, hope they bring more.

Absolutely adore me some GBA Fire Emblem.

Terminado em 2023. Fire Emblem foi uma grande surpresa para mim. A gameplay com o combate tático é divertida e difícil. A história é simples porém boa. Esse jogo ajuda muito a passar o tempo. Alguns aspectos como o jogo ser apenas ir avançando nos capítulos sem poder fazer outra coisa é algo chato mas entendível. Além disso fazer coisas como trocar de armas ou até comprar armas durante a batalha não é tão legal para mim.

so so so much fun simple and awesome gameplay. awesome characters. the story is so hard to follow it's awesome. this game changed my life

Map design in this game is so weird. You have maps which give you all these tools and incentives to go fast, and it's fun to go fast, and then it also has the highest density of "now sit here and do nothing for 8 turns" maps in the series.