Reviews from

in the past

It doesn't play as expensive as it really is, and I feel like CyberConnect2 cut costs that affected its presentation... Stop making so much merchandise, for the sake of the company and series!!
I feel like the intermissions didn't happen enough. There was so much to do during the intermissions, but most of the game is just fighting after fighting, so it takes a really long time and disinterests me. I never did any scrap fishing, but I'm glad that I don't have to worry about equipping items.
I wish I could have let the children get to know each other. Most of the children's affinities to each other were only 4, even though I spent time during the intermissions to let them get to know each other...

A great first attempt at something special. It's a game that's carried hard by it's style, setting and combat system. Between the story, dialog, gameplay sections and management everything the game does feels rather bare bones and shallow, but as a complete package it keeps you interested and entertained through the end. Excited to play the sequel as the framework for something really special is here.

Very solid rpg with an interesting story. Combat was surprisingly addictive as it felt good destroying tanks with the abilities that were given. Only gripe I had was I wished there was a speedup function for not having to watch companionship bar fill up slowly every time you level up your companionship level with someone(Gets really tedious watching that bar go slowly up when you are in NG+ and trying to get every gear.).

don't care + i can experience childlike wonder + let's kill god

By metrics, the best game CC2 has ever made. That's not a high bar, however. The Soul Cannon sounds really interesting but it’s very limited in the game and doesn't change much when you do use it. There are barely any cutscenes of characters reacting to things that happen in the story and their allies despite the game having nearly no voice acting. I still liked it and I hope they make more games in this series, the gameplay was the best one they’ve made so far in that I had to actually use my brain cells sometimes. gross pee minigame what the fuck.

this is one of the first strategy rpgs i played and its the best, especially with the warmth the artstyle gives off but it can get cold sometimes

On one hand, I think the people who refuse to play Disco Elysium because it's "too mean" or because Cuno is so vulgar are depressingly childish.

On the other hand, after the fourth fat joke about the fat character, who is fat, I lost all desire to help anyone in this game and shut it off.

Everyone's a hypocrite somewhere!

Would have been a much better game if it were half as short. It should be no more than a 10 hours long experience with the somewhat interesting but eventually monotonous battle system.

Can I please shove Wappa in the cannon

Crianças furry se fudendo num tanque de guerra na Bósnia

Fuga was, for me, a highly enticing and charming adventure overall. The gameplay loop, for half chunk of the game, worked well, in that, maybe because of its streamlined JRPG structure, every system seamlessly fed into each other.

So yeah, just saying that I really do like this game and can feel all the heart and passion that went into creating it. I had never played a CyberConnect game before, but am now eager to do so. Fuga is unique and brings, for the most part, battles that feels like puzzles while also having great risk/reward and tension/relief gameplay structure. The things this game gets right alone made it worth it for me.

Even with all that, though, I can point out a lot of major things that hinder the overall experience from reaching the full potencial it has.
Starting out the bad stuff, then, I must admit that the game does overstay its welcome, so that after around 10 - 15 hours (beat it at ~20) I started to notice that some of its parts were not working that well anymore. Its difficulty, while engaging at first, was, at a certain point, completely overcome by my finding of optimal strategies, and even though I continued to iterate and experiment upon some different party combos, the challenge just wasn't there anymore, and the battles started to feel unnecessarily long and repetitive, for my solution to most of them was kinda same, even more due to a certain degree of repetition of skills across party members.

The intermissions were interesting, but after the point when the game started to drag out more there were not a lot of incentives for me to keep up the micromanaging of resources (namely AP) I set out to do doing at the start of my run.

This part also circles back to the battles, in which at a certain point I had like almost 20 high SP recovery items which, even when using lots of highly SP-consuming skills, I only had to use 1 or 2 of per chapter. This, too, reduced the necessity of a stronger strategy, and with that the stakes of the battles were also diminished, which in turn affected the stakes of the overarching war story in general. I ended up dying only once throughout the entirety of the game, at the beginning/middle of it, because of some dumb decisions I made in a fight, since I didn't have enough familiarity with the fights to understand the streamlining process of each of them yet.

Speaking of stakes, there is the soul-cannon, and while it seems to be a cool idea on the surface, the thought of using it never crossed my mind, since I faced no hardships that would lead me to. If the cannon were in the game simply as tone-setter or stakes-elevating mechanism, it would be ok, I'd just choose to never use it and matters would be settled. The problem is that, much like in Mass Effect 3 where, because of the suicide mission at the end of 2, there would be no way of the devs building a strong story centered around its characters since half of them could have straight up died in the last game, they effectively didn't, here in Fuga any of the characters could be shot out of the cannon and died at any moment. This complicates things, since there are close to none deep character development because of that, those being left out for "link events" during the intermissions, which (even though I didn't see all of them) usually are filler and don't bring much new things to the table, while the main story could, if more fleshed out.

All of that, though, didn't break the game at all for me. The combat kept being fun at times, even after the 15 hour mark, and the longer battles were not such a slog since I had podcasts on in the background during most of them at that point. I still think it is worth playing through, and still believe it is an 8 out of 10 game, a great one, stopped from reaching the peaks it could because of a handful of problems.

It's an excellent game, but not without its fair share of caveats. It's a prime example of everything japanese narrative gets right and wrong at the same time. I like at how they used rather heavy themes without being an outright tear-jerker and with an positive message overall. It also completely lacks subtlety in anything it does. Characters are sometimes trope-y to the extreme. Certain twists are very predictable. Sometimes it feels like the stakes aren't as high as it should be.

Gameplay-wise it also does the best and worst of the genre. Its tactical options are great in offering more than just raw DPS to roflstomp everything on your path. But the combat also overstays its welcome at times. Technically it has no "flaws" in the combat, but it still gets tiring.

And more importantly: WHY THE FUCK IS THERE AN SWIMSUIT DLC FOR THIS GAME? For crying out loud man...

- FURROS!!! -
Este es uno de eso juegos que visualsmente me atrapo de una y esa fue la razon por la cual lo inicie. Me gusto mucho al inicio como había el factor de poder perder a tus niños si decidias usar el Cañon de almas, el combate de inicio tambien me gustó y los personajes todos se me hicieron muy agradables y su historia me pareció bien.

Lo malo fue que una vez jugabas, el sistema de combate era muy monotono y cansado, tanto que por ratos pense en dejarlo por ser así de repetitivo y pocó variado.

A turn-based RPG distilled to its basics combined with careful resource management is a great idea on its own. Even while writing this, I still crave more of its core gameplay loop. It is a rather easy game once you figure out optimal strategies, but it was so satisfying that I just didn't care.

Its biggest downfall is that the writers seemed torn between telling a friendship-conquers-all JRPG story and a harrowing war story. This not only holds the story itself back, but its indecisiveness with its theme makes one of its "major" gameplay mechanics - the soul cannon - utterly redundant.

I look forward to the sequel and I hope that they stick to one narrative direction. Preferably the pessimistic one that the game first sold me on... y'know, 'cause I'm a moody bastard.

La historia y el diálogo entre pjs es simplón, pero si te apetece un RPG con combates que funcionan como un reloj, música guay y concept art CUQUÉRRIMO, pues aquí lo tienes.

Y jamás pensé que diría esto, pero: JUGADLO CON VOCES EN FRANCÉS

The game that absolutely destroyed me when I played it for the first time.

Fuga Melodies of Steel es un furrojueguito por turnos la mar de resultón.
Estrategia y gestión de recursos se juntan en una aventura muy justa y asequible.
No me esperaba la unión con Solatorobo, aunque tengo que volver a jugarlo porque no me acuerdo de mucho.

Challenging, mechanically-rich battles combine with layers of subsystems to craft a memorable war story packed with lovable characters and interesting bosses.

Full Review:

i love this series and i love this game im not gonna be able to ever write something unbiased about it go play it

Good game, but the combat can be pretty repetitive and the story could have a little bit better but what we had was really good on it's own right

Fun at first but gameplay wise it unfortunately kinda goes nowhere.

There are a lot of great pieces of media nowadays that are able to tackle dark or serious themes while still being able to be lighthearted and funny when it’s appropriate. Fuga seems like a good case study in how not to do that.

A introdução já chuta a porta com dois pés e introduz uma mecânica que simplesmente custa caro demais, você facilmente fica instigado a não usa-la e tentar zerar sem perder ninguém
A batalha contra o Britz foi um dos melhores usos de status em um RPG, Omori gostaria de ter isso
Existe um brilhantismo em não só desenvolver os personagens off-screen nos vínculos como dar ao jogador a escolha de conversar ou não com o Britz, resumir que as crianças vão perdoar o inimigo ou não se depender do jogador foi um acerto
Minha única reclamação é todo o plot ser muito underlying pra outra jogo ou seu universo, mas ainda amo como tudo pode ser resumido a crianças que acabaram sendo jogadas em uma batalha além da sua compreensão sem razão alguma, perderam suas vidas pacatas e até seus pais por um desejo egoísta de uma entidade, e a qualquer momento podem acabar colocando sua vida em risco, uma experiência akin a Bokurano
Eu não ironicamente não me importei do combate ficar repetitivo, não vou colocar desculpa de que não é pra guerra ser divertida, mas você só se aproveita do sistema quando tem pelo menos uns 7 bonecos com vínculo no máximo e nivel 27, existe um bom espaço para combinações que ajudam a não ficar usando só um personagem
O jogo no máximo peca em ficar fácil na reta final, e o combo Sheena+Boron/Kyle+Hanna recupera recurso facilmente

A decent foundation that's led down by several aspects.

1) The game is too long and too many of the encounters are samey and start to repeat themselves. Repetition can be somewhat mitigated by making the leveling process rewarding and fun, but I don't think that was the case here.

2) The presentation is really boring. The way you're constantly driving from left to right, looking at nothing but your vehicle the whole time makes the game feel even more monotonous.

3) The micro management feels tedious. The way menus work makes it more annoying than it should be to switch out your party members and their partners. Same goes for the Tanaris sections, where the way from A to B can feel a bit more tedious than it should be. Feel like you shouldn't walk around the Tanaris but rather make it a menu.

4) The combat, while pretty challenging at times and dependent on ressource management, is a little let down by it's story bosses. Never are those the actual challenging part of the game. Which leads to the next problem:

5) The soul cannon. The big interesting game mechanic that pretty much got me interested in the game or at least more curious about it. The harrowing decision of sacrificing a character for good to get out of a sticky situation is a really cool idea, but doesn't work, because there's never a reason to use it and you even get a bad ending by doing it. The whole mechanic is useless and not encouraged to use at all. Honestly, the game would work better as a shorter roguelike, where a sticky situation is more likely to occur and can't be save scammed or if the game forces them on you anyway and the decision who to sacrifice is what it's all about.

And finally:
6) The story. I can't even really say much about it. It was bland and the characters felt like stereotypes. Obviously nobody can have a huge stake in the main story because since they can be sacrificed, nobody is allowed to be really relevant. So the party feels like one big hivemind aside from one example.

So, even though this was super negative, I don't hate the game. I like myself a turn-based game that forces me to manage my ressources and time (AP) to take priority in one thing over the other. The decision making is what made the game for me. It's the Persona style of RPG, where everything you can do has an advantage, but you could always spend your time in another (better?) way. Deciding if I want to cook for great buffs and EXP boosts, working on relationships, go for more materials or plant more vegetables can be tough! And the biggest success of the game for me.

I'm probably going to give the sequel a shot to see if they made it a bit more interesting. Some of the critique I had are things I could look past in the sequel (like a mediocre story and the presentation, whatever) but I hope the game gets more challenging, encourages the use of the cannon maybe and works on the QoL stuff.

Dropped this one after a particularly annoying boss while I was pushing through it.

While has some really fun combat, the repetitive nature of the rest of the package leads to boredom really quickly.

I was extremely hyped for this, and much to my surprise it exceeded my expectations. The game is a fairly simple turn based rpg with strategy centering around weaknesses and "types" where you alternate between machine guns, cannons, and grenade launchers on your giant tank the taranis. The story is a bit anime silliness, but mainly in terms of late game. Everything else is centered around the kids controlling it, going through trauma and growing their bonds with some pretty poignant moments. The characters are all interesting and varied, and while it's all pretty streamlined and not too revolutionary, it still feels great.

Plus all the characters are furries! The history of the game is tied to Little Tail Bronx, Tail Concerto and Solatorobo series and cc2 who are major supporters of the kemono community in japan only have made one a decade more or less, but theyre so great when they do.