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Bem fiel aos jogos originais, incluindo os defeitos. Tem sérios problemas de input delay. Tirando isso, foi uma experiência ótima, e o Wily Tower foi uma excelente adição, embora a dificuldade seja super baixa comaparado ao que deve ser feito para desbloqueá-lo.

Un buen remake de los 3 primeros juegos, aunque la música no es tan buena como la original.

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Mega Man makes his one and only appearance on the Genesis and it's... a little flawed. For the most part this is a fairly straightforward compilation of the first three NES games, with a unique set of stages that becomes available when you clear all three games. For some reason, Capcom turned to Minakuchi Engineering to develop the game, possibly due to their experience working on most of the Game Boy MM games. While they did a fairly decent job, it seems to lack the same kind of effort they showed on the last two GB games.

Mega Man and all of the Robot Masters have had their sprites redrawn, and they look pretty nice with plenty of extra detail. However, almost all of the regular enemies simply gained more colors and still look much the same as they did in the NES games. Bizarrely, Proto Man also got this treatment and as a result, he looks comically small compared to Mega Man. The same also happens with the Sniper Joes who are also supposed to be close in size to Mega Man. Sprite issues aside, the stages and their backgrounds received a huge glowup and are far more detailed than before. The music arrangements sound fine but I'm not exactly a fan of some of the instrument patches that were used.

What really keeps me from giving this a full four stars is how the game controls and feels. Mega Man has a bit of a delay running from a standstill and this can get you into trouble in some situations if you don't take this into account. This is in stark contrast to the NES originals which had very responsive and snappy controls. The way enemies take damage also feels off as they seem to soak up more hits than normal at times.

Overall, not a bad effort at all but I feel like it just needed more time to iron out some of those various kinks. It's also a little disappointing that Capcom never bothered bringing over the other three NES games, but that's thankfully being rectified by the fanmade Sequel Wars project, which corrects some of the weird flaws and adds a ton of extra features (they recently released the MM4 port, go play it!).

Review pasted from GG

According to other reviews here people seem to believe this is a bad port but it was my first time fully playing through Mega Man 1-3 and I didn't really notice anything that I didn't remember being just as bad in the NES versions but I could be wrong

Actually finishing these games is a bit weird because I went a really long time thinking these games were all like this horribly unforgiving experience but honestly, they're really not all that hard at all if you just know what to do. Especially once you get access to E-Tanks the checkpoints are honestly much more forgiving than most NES era games :v

Most of the frustration comes with just certain particular game design choices rather than the actual difficulty of the game. Though, you can see that the criticism was taken by the developers as these games released because in these first three games alone it is certainly noticeable how certain problems from the first game are fixed in the second, then problems still in the second fixed in the third. Things like only being able to carry 4 E-Tanks in Mega Man 2 for example, just seems kind of counter-intuitive if the point is that you're supposed to save them.

Overall not bad though or anything I liked them and I think I understand why people seem to consider 2 one of the best of the three. It is definitely the most memorable I'd say. Even though there are some things in 3 that make it less frustrating it's also a bit more boring.

A good 16-bit remaster of the first 3 Mega Man games, which as far as I can tell provides an alternative way to play to the games rather than something which can replace them. I've never played a Mega Man game before this, but after really enjoying what I played, I can definitely say I'd like to play the other 8 Mega Man games as well as the NES versions of the first 3 games. Wily Tower was also a fun little addition, even if most of it was reused assets apart from the bosses which were decent, and at least adds some exclusivity to the game even though it's nothing amazing.

Overall, Mega Man: The Wily Wars is basically a Mario All-Stars type bundle which stands alone from the original versions, but can't replace the older experiences, and whilst Wily Wars has its problems compared to the originals at least I can say it's made me a fan of the Mega Man series.

It's okay, but the input delay seriously drags it down and it makes these games a lot more frustrating than their NES counterparts.

The Wily Tower was decently fun though.

bad remakes of 3 games i don't like mixed with a super short original segment that should've been the main focus of the game
minakuchi you can't keep getting away with this

It’s difficult to review a collection of 3 stellar NES games in a modern context where all three are readily available on every platform and hold up immensely in modern day context.

Most of the reviews I have read about this is how The Wily Wars fails to capture the original Mega Man trilogy faithfully, noting the lack of snappy tight controls and some compromises in the soundtrack. It’s a different system, so I would only expect discrepancies. In addition to being developed by Minakuchi Engineering who are responsible for the Mega Man games on Game Boy and X3 - they’re great IMO but aren’t the core Mega Man devs.

Visually the games have been updated with vibrant colours, a new sprite sheet and new backdrops. For some reason Dr Light and Protoman still have NES proportions, everything else has been resized to be bigger.

I found the game controlled fine, but I’m playing the game on an old HD tv that probably has lag I’m compensating for. I had a rare no-continues run of 1 and 3. Unfortunately I can’t beat the Wily stages in 2 without restarts. I felt the game was a little more lenient with the instant-kill spikes

The soundtrack is faithful to the original, but yes it is using the FM synthesis of the Mega Drive and not the typical 8-bit wavelengths of the NES.

What I did not know is The Wily Wars has a set of new stages, Wily Tower has 3 Boss stages followed by 3 Wily Stages which was a welcome surprise. The Bosses follow a mythical theme, there’s a Kappa, a mystical monkey and a giant pig guy.

These are fairly fun and they test your know how of the three games by giving you the choice of selecting your load out with a combination weapons from each Mega Man game. My only tip is to forget about Guts Man weapon like the devs did when making this game, Crash Man’s and Hard Knuckle are recommended to get into hidden areas with E-Tanks and Lives.

Unfortunately I found the Wily stages sorta easy and the Wily fight easiest of the three games. An element comes down to weapon selection, which I felt I got very very lucky with - or I got by with popular choices.

My recommendation is to play the originals available in the Mega Man Legacy Collection. Unless you’re some sort of completionist die-hard who needs to experience Wily Tower on the Mega Drive - I hear there is a rom hack that compiles these into one NES game.

I’m giving a 4/5 because I feel people bash this unreasonably, it’s a Super Mario All Stars but on Mega Drive and deserves to be acknowledged as such.

Literally just make this again, but modern and like up to Mega Man 10.

controls are a lil bit stickier but it's functional + funny journey to the west references

Mega Man: The Wily Wars is an interesting collection of 16-bit remakes of the first three Mega Man games, featuring an equal amount of improvements and bad changes.

The most obvious change are the graphics and they are a mixed bag for me. On one hand, there are some really nice backgrounds that the first Mega Man in particular benefits from, but then there are the character and enemy sprites, which I didn't like nearly as much as the Iconic NES counterparts. Worst of all are the larger enemies, which have weird and ugly shading.

Gameplay is mostly identical to the originals, however there are occasional small changes, some of which I liked and some of which I didn't.
For example, the super arm's throwing arc was changed so that when fighting Cutman I would throw the rocks directly over his head, which led to me finding out that for some reason Cutman no longer takes extra damage from the buster which was a little annoying.
Better are changes for some of the more unfair or difficult to dodge bosses like Fire Man or Wood Man and the biggest positive of this game was how much more forgiving the Doc Robot stages in Mega Man 3 are.
But I think it's a missed opportunity for them to not change some of the more obvious shortcomings, like the parts where you need a certain weapon to progress, but when you run out of energy you have to farm or get a Game Over.
Just place some respawning weapon energy at these points and it would make it so much better.

Then there's the new Wily Tower mode, which was a nice and unexpected bonus for beating all three games and allows you to choose a set of weapons between all of them for a series of new levels that combine elements from across the three games.
The weapon balance could be better tho as I obviously chose the metal blade for each level and they could have made it so that more enemies from 1 and 3 are resitent against it, but that wasn't the case.
Over all nothing to crazy but it was enjoyable.

As a fan of the first three Mega Man games, I think its worth playing through Wily Wars at least once, but I prefer the originals.

megamans 1, 2, and 3 totally plagiarized from this game

Looks worse, sounds worse, and plays worse than the originals. Wily Tower's kinda neat but not worth more than one playthrough. The whole time I was wishing I was playing the NES games instead.

It's a really faithful remake of 1-3 so I can't really fault it for that, tho it would have been nice to have some of the 4-6 improvements (at the very least them be optional). I didn't like not being able to open the weapon menu while a bullet is still on screen, don't remember that being a thing in NES 1-3 for all the weapons.
The Wily Tower was a fun addition! Being able to customize which skills you are equipped with is nice.

Excelente port de los primeros tres juegos a Génesis

I fucking hate every second of this miserable trainwreck (except the tower, that was pretty cool)

It was really fun to go back and replay the first 3 titles, especially after I forgot like half of the Robot Master weaknesses. And I never knew they had a bunch of extra levels in this one, so that was awesome to experience for the first time.

please play this game, it's on Nintendo Switch Online!

If only Wily knew of the wars coming after his time.

(Aiight first, my thoughts on the individual games)
MM1: really basic, but still kinda fun. Can get hard tho, addmitedly less so here cuz of the control improvements. Good music.
MM2: better level design, just as good music, weapons are fun, etc. Game very gud.
MM3: if it wasn't for the Doc Robots I'd say this was better than MM2. Still great tho.
Wily Tower: best part of the package. The ability to use any weapon from the three games is cool as hell, and leads to more fun extermination. Also good music cuz it was made specifically for the Genesis.

As a whole, while I still think the NES versions are the most definitive, this is still a good way to play the first three Mega Man games. Thank god it's more widely available now.

Played and cleared the remake of Mega Man 3 on a Sega Genesis at 2D Con 2022, and made it to the Yellow Devil in MM1 on Sega Genesis - Nintendo Switch Online. I will eventually try to reach and clear Wily Tower mode on Genesis Plus, using a ROM hack that reduces the horrific slowdown.

my preferred way of playing mega man 1-3. doesn't entirely replace them either as i like to flip flop between the originals and wily wars. there's some things i don't like such as the mega man 1 wily stage 1 weapon energy not regenerating from leaving the screen like the original game (i am aware this was changed due to mega man 2 and 3) so it makes that portion of the game dreadful if you fuck it up and can fuck up a deathless run or something idk. wily towers a cool bonus mode too idk.

A great entry in the Mega Man series! Enhanced versions of 1,2 and 3 plus a new game after beating all 3, that's a nice bundle! The graphics looked really nice in this game and the backgrounds were pretty too, they even gave Mega Man 1's stages backgrounds as a bonus! While I love the first game on NES, Mega Man felt a little slippery in that version but that has been fixed in Wily Wars to feel like 2 and up. Also for the longest time the only way to play this game in English was through the European version because the US version was distributed through Sega Channel (an internet service for the Sega Genesis which let you play games while connected) which had gone defunct at a certain point and even if it didn't, you couldn't save...even so, it wasn't preserved so it was completely unplayable until its release on the Sega Genesis Mini. The European version was good and all but the music wasn't as good because PAL consoles back then were slower (hence my different ratings) so it was good to finally experience the game in English with the intended music!

Mega Man 1: pretty good, obviously better than the glitchy NES original.
Mega Man 2: not as good as the NES.
Mega Man 3: pretty standard and as nice as the NES.
Wily Tower: forgettable.

I mean, it's Mega Man 1-3 again. It's nice to see the games again, prettier, the Mega Drive's bangin' soundchip covers of the stage themes mostly hit, and this is easily my favorite way of playing Mega Man 1 if I have to play it.

There's not really much to say, it's the 94 equivalent of an HD remake of the first 3 NES games, they're pretty cool and you should try them out if you like Mega Man, or don't want to deal with some NES jank.

Cute remakes of these games and the Wily Tower is fun little mode, but I think I'll just stick with the NES versions of these.

You know what? I really loved this compilation.

It does not only feature the very first three titles completely remade for the occasion, fixing a lot of bugs and visual glitches along the way; it also includes "The Wily Wars" which is an entire new game with three new robot masters and a new Wily Tower that is fantastic.

The music is beautiful too; of course, the NES one will always be the iconic one, but what Capcom did with the Yamaha YM2612 was nothing short of outstanding, and I especially like the new tunes in Wily Wars. The use of the synthetizer in them is simply exquisite—a chef's kiss.

Now, I do have some complaints.

First of all, the game features some really unexplainable slowdowns for the Mega Drive, considering this is the same console that runs Gunstar Heroes with no problems. Second, Megaman has this weird clippin effect when you land after a jump and forces you to tap the d-pad a second time to start moving again; you end up getting used to it, but the thing is, this shouldn't even be an issue.

Other than that, amazing compilation. I'd check it out if you are a fan of these games and have never experienced this remake.