Reviews from

in the past

A major improvement from the first entry

like a good squeal, this one improves on the first.,and it does it very well.

A big improvement over the first game: much more forgiving and a bit easier to understand for a newcomer, Mega Man Zero 2 actually feels like a Mega Man game! Level design is much more interesting, but Inti Creates will never drop their ridiculous idea of beating the levels perfectly on your first try, unfortunately.

I'm not familiar with any games other than MMZ series which rank you on your performance, let you replay the stages, yet the ranking is finalized with the first run-through. This is the only thing keeping Zero series from achieving true heights, as you have to be pro to care about rankings, yet the game makes way too big of a deal about them to ignore.

Un peu meilleur que le 1 mais toujours aussi frustrant en terme de level design, et le système des elfes est toujours aussi nul.

Muito melhor que o primeiro, as mecânicas se tornaram mais divertidas e o chicote é uma arma infinitamente melhor que lança, bom jogo

Damn, does this game just repel players. Its not necessarily bad, I enjoyed a lot of it. My problem comes from its notoriously bad level and boss design. To talk about the levels, there is one shot spikes and pit everywhere. This is nes era level of horse shit but worse. One of the levels is the sky level in mega man 1 with the little dudes that you have to jump on shoot you but imagine you couldn't see the next one. A lot of the game is just memorization. People argue that other action games are also just memorization but I disagree. MMZ is more memorization because you are so incentivized to never take damage. Even games like souls lets you get hit and give you healing resources. Every MMZ boss has a fuck load of health, you have very little, and the game constantly punishes you for getting a low rank. On top of the fact that they deal a fuck ton of damage too. Thats not to say that I was struggling, I beat some of the bosses first try, like the panther dude, and the snow guy. Having to perfect every level and do it all over again if you wipe is just not fun to me. So many attacks are also just give the lowest possible reaction time. The gba has a small screen but damn you cant see half the shit thats coming at you until it already hits you. It feels like a port of a snes game like the donkey kong country game boy port, where you can't see shit at all. Could I just smash my face against the game until I like it? Sure, but you could say that about any game. I just don't care much about trying to master one of the 6 MMZ games. If I'm being honest, most the problems would be solved by zooming the game out.


This dropped the same year as X7 isn't that just wild?

This game is pretty good and executes its vision relatively well.

However, they removed the aerial rolling slash so it's terrible.

So much better. I wish the chain rod was real

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الجزء لما ألبيزو حطم جسم اكس الاصلي قدام زيرو يولد والله جنون
القصة مب بمستوى الأولى بس القيمبلاي تحسن ملحوظ

now this is an improvement in everyway! it's alot more enjoyable than zero 1 and i would recommend it!

Es una mejora en casi todo aspecto del primero.

Empezando con el diseño de niveles, este mejoro mucho al aprovechar de mejor manera las armas y elementos, por ejemplo, al usar el elemento de hielo para congelar algunos bloques de fuego, usar el de fuego para quemar árboles y encontrar objetos ocultos, o con el simple hecho de que ahora con la nueva mejora del Chain Rod puedas columpiarte libremente. Sigue teniendo algunas partes tediosas como la de empujar enemigos que explotan, pero no llegan a niveles como el de la fábrica del Zero 1.

Ahora el sistema de misiones fue sustituido por uno más clásico, en el que debes elegir entre 4 jefes para luego ir a una misión intermedia y posteriormente, enfrentarte a otros 4, lo considero mejor ya que ahora no permite saltarte los elementos como podía pasar en el primero.

Ahora también podras adquirir nuevas mejoras, las cuales son las formas y las Ex Skills. Las primeras se obtienen al cumplir ciertos requisitos en un nivel y las otras al iniciar con un rango A o superior alguna misión. En cuanto a las formas, me parece una buena forma de variar el gameplay, aunque no me convence que tengas que realizar acciones repetidas en algunas. Y en cuanto a las EX Skills, me parece perfecto para incentivar al jugador para mejorar, además de no ser necesarias para el juego y poder usar un ciber elfo para ir directo a un rango A para obtener algunos.

Hablando de los Ciber Elfos, este juego también arregla mucho el tema del farmeo, ya que ahora a todos los Ciber Elfos le hicieron un nerfeo gigante en cuanto a los cristales que necesitas. A tal punto que para tener los que necesitas basta con jugar el juego de forma normal. Además de que con las armas se aplica esto último también.

Ya por último, la historia me pareció muy buena, no es tan interesante a nivel de Lore como el primero, pero me parece que está tiene un mejor desarrollo.

Asi que en conclusión, si no les convenció el primer juego, les recomiendo ampliamente este, es una mejora descomunal al primero y, para mi, un muy buen juego en general.

A huge step up from the first game but the mechanics on unlocking ex-skills is kind of nonsensical and annoying.

Improvement over the first one, but still a bit frustrating at times

Mejor que el 1 porque no he tenido que farmear

Unlike the first game, this one took what was missing and wrong and made it better. Great ost, amazing stages and improved art. Way to show how to make a decent sequel.

Não tão bom quanto o 1, nem tão épico quanto o 3. Mas pelo menos não é o 4. Bom jogo

esse jogo tem umas ideias q são muito legais, como a mecânica de formas e as ex skills, mas q são colocadas no jogo da forma mais nada a ver possível, nmrl q a melhor maneira q eles acharam de implementar elas no jogo era desbloquear através de rank??

falando do jogo em si não tem nada de muito uau aq, os elementos de metroidvania do primeiro jogo q eram super legais simplesmente viraram camisa de saudades eternas, as fases são ok, os bosses são ok (aquelas novas formas q os guardiões ganham no final são tão ???), aliás eles gostaram de reciclar aquele golem nesse jogo ein, as músicas tem seus momentos e tal mas não me tocaram muito

com exceção do boss final, q assim como no primeiro é muito foda, é um jogo ok, mas não passa disso infelizmente

Mega Mid Zero 2

Un juegazo, un paso adelante después de la primera entrega.

I didn't like the Chain Rod but this is otherwise a great beat-em-up platformer with a really nice overarching storyline. Not much else to say.

I wanted to write a detailed review about this game, but "GT" went to the character limit, and excluded my words (this company is on my blacklist along with Keiji Inafune), but I'm going to give a nice summary in questions.

Is it one of the worst games in the saga? Yes

Is it one of the worst games I've ever played? No

Is the game known for having really bad level design? For sure

Is he unplayable? No

Did I have fun after screwing up the game's rule of using the saber instead of using the buster with the quick charge cheat? Yes

Do I hate this game like some must? No

Is this game bad? X6 level, it's bad, but if you play another way it becomes a little more fun

Do I recommend this game? So, if you want to know the Zero saga; maybe (but I recommend playing buster with a quick charge cheat), but you might not like it either, it's a very controversial game like X6, but unlike X6, the story matters and I found it much more interesting than Mega Man Zero 1 ( In fact, I found the game more fun than the first), so if you care about the lore, do what I said, but if you just want to play a good game in this saga, maybe 3 and 4 (I haven't been much yet in depth on these two, but they say they are better than 1 and 2), but it's that thing, maybe you miss an event from the previous games, do it at your own risk.

Hard as fuck but one hell of a cool game.

Muchisimo mejor que Zero 1, aunque tengo mis problemitas, lo disfrute mucho más.

i think the bosses are a bit worse than zero 1 but holy shit the stages are so fun and the new mechanics are so fun and everything is so fun and god its just so peak