Reviews from

in the past

Another Megaman game down, another Megaman game where the bosses curbstomped me into Haggis. You know, I feel like I was a bit harsh with the previous game, since I didn't mention anything but the ball busting difficulty. The music is really great, all tunes sound nice if a bit forgettable, this and Zero 1 look really damn good, with a pixelart that is still a joy to look at, and even the goddamn story has some nice moments. My complaints are on gameplay, unfortunately. This game replaces Zero 1's lance with a whip, which does the exact same, only adding the ability to hang from walls. Its mildly useful against like two bosses, and necessary for completing some levels. Therefore, it would help if it wasn't so wonky to use. Making it actually latch onto walls when you need it to is more of an art than a science, I never figured out how to consistently get it to work. Pretty cool continuation of the series, I'm interested on where the story is going, took me about 2 and a half hours to finish

Improves on the first game. Different armors to unlock, more abilities, and stage selection with varied stages. Adds in the new ability to gain boss abilities and to give them a new attack if you beat them while entertaining their stage with an overall S or A rank (ridiculously hard but you have 4 cyber elves that can set you to an A rank). Cyber elves are more practical to use. Element attacks and beating certain bosses can effect other stages. Better music and minor voice acting.

less rough edge, slick as hell

Sei lá, gosto das gear do Zero nesse jogo.

Shit ass game, one of the best in the series but it's difficulty and bullshit makes it quite hard to A or S rank.

Yeah these games kick my ass and it's mega man so yay spikes! I don't think anyone has ever been excited about spikes.

There's too much bullshit in this for me to feel like playing it. Like that train level where the enemies spawn right in front of you so you have to know exactly when to jump and hit. Bold of you to assume I have the time and patience to memorize the map.

This has the same problem as other platformers on almost square aspect ratios. I can't see what's next. It severely increases the barrier to entry, not to mention all of the enemies put in awkward locations.

I'm gonna go play Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 to get this game out of my system.

My favorite in the Zero series. Maybe not as good as Zero 3 but the story and bosses are my favorite by far. The ending hits deep, especially with the credits theme. This one of the best Platformers on the GBA and the best feels like it was built around the GBA's hardware.

Zero 2 trims out much of the fat and streamlines the gameplay of Zero 1, it still has some flaws from the original like the awful Weapon Upgrade System and some horrible screen crunch, but it's overall a significant improvement.

I really enjoyed the first zero game, so I entered this game with high hopes. Unfortunately, I came back with deep sorrows instead of flowing joy.
I enjoyed the fact subtanks were brought back and the new armors that can be unlocked. It makes the game feel more similar to megaman X which is a good thing to me.
Anyway, aside from all these new upgrades, the level design is disgusting. What's this game's deal with instant death traps seriously ? Enemy placements are put in every akward spots which is frustrating as well...
Anyway after struggling your way through the game you'd expect the final boss to live up to the challenge that was presented to you throughout the entirety of the game...But that's not what happened, the final boss was piss easy and only took 1 attempt to beat.
So yeah, I was pretty disappointed and I hope Megaman Zero 3 will make up for the bad experience that was the second game.

Un juegazo, un paso adelante después de la primera entrega.

itd be better if it didnt decide to have a spike fetish

El nivel introductorio uuuuufffffffff

Improves on Zero 1 enough to make it feel like an actual video game. Controls great, has a great art style, and a bangin' soundtrack. Still doesn't have the best level design, as is typical for Inti-Creates, but they're mostly ok.

Literally, the 1st videogame I ever owned and played, one of the best ways to make a sequel

Zero 2 is maybe one of the coolest games but also it really wants to beat you up a ton

Mejora el anterior bastante en algunas cosas y se me ha hecho más disfrutable, sobre todo en cuanto a música. No obstante algunas de las mecánicas nuevas que se añaden son toscas e incluso innecesarias y aportan 0. Ta nice.

I have a similar opinion of this game as I do Mega Man Zero 1 where I think most of the game is fine at best with the boss battles being the exception (even if I think some of the bosses are annoying).

These keep getting better honestly.

Big improvement over the first game. Level design and bosses are much more fair and thus the game is a lot more fun than frustrating. The story is better but still nothing really special. It does suck that you have to fight the 3 boss characters from zero 1 again with few changes but thankfully you only have to fight them once each. The new chain weapon is cool but the swinging is kinda janky and it could get pretty annoying when they had you use it to get over spikes. I also miss the jump spin attack I had in zero 1 but I think it's probably relegated to one of the forms. The forms and EX skills are a much better incentive to get people to play the game longer than just jacking up the difficulty but I only ever ended up getting one form since I like to use just the z-saber so I didn't really get to enjoy them much.

esse jogo faz o primeiro ser melhor

A huge improvement in every way. Level design is better, music is better, gameplay is better, plot, backgrounds, the list goes on. A way more solid game than I remembered it being. Still pretty hard though.

gotta replay to be completely sure

braps on the original in every way. godspeed edgeman