Reviews from

in the past

An important step for the series, but still a lacking game

És un pokemon, a mi em va agradar, però no són particularment bons

Única coisa legal do jogo é a roupinha

Pokemon Z would've went hard but unfortunately X is lack luster and is the only game Kalos has :/

Muy bonito fue mi primer juego de pkmn lo jugué cuando tenia 12 años y me encantó + la música es muy bonita!!

quite possibly the worst mainline pokemon game

Boring as hell, but managed to beat the league at least.

j'ai tellement tryhard les restaurants de ce jeu, merci pour tout

This was where Pokemon started going downhill I consider this to be the last decent game in the series for now.

It may be nostalgia speaking but I genuinely think this is one of the best pokemon games, the graphics and worldbuilding are really enjoyable and it is such a fun world to explore. The postgame is interesting as well !

esse jogo joguei dps de ficar q nem um retardado insistindo por um 3ds, olha, de fato esse é um dos melhores jogos de pokemon no 3ds, mas realmente ele peca em mta coisa, principalmente do fato dele ser incompleto, mas ele consegue ser bastante consistente no q faz

Até agora um dos Pokémon mais fracos, mas dou essa nota mais elevada por conta do final que é bonito.

The fairy type and its irreversible consequences.

I enjoyed this when I was younger and have restarted now to re-experience the game, in particular now taking the chance to play as the girl character

acho que a galera pega pesado demais com esse jogo ele pelo menos tentou algo diferente com a região bem inspirada na europa ele ainda tem personalidade e mesmo que não tenha saido bem foi legal ver todos os pokemons em 3D

Doesn’t really have anything special going for it. It’s pokemon now in 3D. Don’t like the trend that this one started with Pokémon games getting easier.

the only 3D pokemon game i actually really liked

Sin duda una de las mejores entregas de la era 3D de Pokémon, con una historia agradable aunque corta de duración.

I like this one :). Klefkey is okay you all are just mean

How do you go from the peak of the series into the absolute worst of the series? The designs are all fairly okay but the region is SO empty with nothing to fucking do. The gyms are boring and it's just not a fully realized game. I wish Z actually came out.

Foi aqui que a franquia sem querer desandou, jogo mais esquecível que refrigerante no congelador.