Reviews from

in the past

Amazing locations, characters, craziness and nice puzzles to make this beautiful game

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It didn't hit as hard as maybe it would have since I didn't play the first game, just 2 and 3, but it was a great survival horror game with an interesting story and fantastic visual effects. It wasn't as good as 2, but its still great in its own right.

uma ótima combinação do silent hill 2 com o 1
definitivamente a minha trilogia favorita!!!

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I like this game and the bosses are a bit more fun than in the other two (although I couldn't actually beat the final boss on hard difficuly cause it sucks). I like that the story is more of a sequel to the first game although I miss some of the more psychological elements from 2.

took me merely 19 years to complete this

One of the scariest games i've ever played, some of the later levels let the game down but that mirror scene may be the best in any game i've ever played!!!

this game changed my personality in 2020

There's not a lot of games I feel are a big mood, but this is definitely one of them.

Some of the best atmospheric storytelling in any game, and I think the janky voice acting at times really adds to the experience of all of these Silent Hill games, but especially this one. Like with the other Silent Hill games; I feel like I'm really good at making observations, and even still with these games; I find myself still finding out things I never knew about certain details much later on.

As for what makes this ones story so good; it's the fact it uses a lot of aspects of femininity to really display the sheer terror and unease some women face when undergoing puberty, and becoming a woman. Some things it uses as horror devices are things I relate to personally as well. Having been a victim of some of the things Heather faces throughout her journey.

This is absolutely one of those games that is worth going into completely unaware of what you're getting yourself into. You'll get to experience the horror genre at its finest. Thank me later.

Historinha de invocar o demônio Strikes Back. Mas esse tem uns simbolismos legais, a melhor ambientação até agora e a Heather é foda

Terra meter: 80%

Story/narrative - 4/5
Gameplay - - 4/5
Sound/music - 4/5
General presentation - 4/5
Overall enjoyment - 4/5

not the best one, but my favorite one for sure. heather mason will always be an icon

é 10 né painho visse receba bora bill bora fi do bill bora muie do bill la ele

i'll get stuck on silent hlll the third time before i even touch valorant

haha whoopsies forgot to log it! cant remember the exact dates but it was last month

super cool game, wish i didn't lose all of my health resources before the final boss because i just had to watch the ending online

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I love that this game went back to the events of Silent Hill 1, especially with how much I love the vibes of that game. This game does have a little bit of a slow start with it not giving as much of a clear incentive as the first 2 games in the series. I can forgive it for that for being a well written direct sequel to 1 and seeing the result of Harry escaping the nightmare with the protagonist of this game.

I could forgive the repetitive level design & the clunky controls... if the goddamn camera wasn't constantly working against me.

Besides all that, I really enjoyed the first chunk of this.

me gusta mucho el ambiente pesado que generan los escenarios y la banda sonora, esta bueno el fan doblaje en especial la voz del stalker por que suena como ranito.

I was fortunate enough to have a friend who lent me his copy, and I'm very grateful for that (those prices... ughhh). I want to get that out of the way first, because despite considering this my least favorite of the first three Silent Hills, I did enjoy my time with it. It's certainly the most polished of the three, with the best controls, visuals, and character animations, and the extras you can obtain after beating the game are insane. I can definitely understand if someone considers SH3 to be the best in the series. For me, though, my preference of SH1 and especially SH2 come down to taste. SH3's style of horror is very intense and persistent, far less subtle than the tense quietness of SH1 and the eat-at-your-soul melancholy of SH2. Because of this, I wasn't actually that scared while playing SH3. It wasn't that I never felt on edge, but the consistency of the loud sound design and super-grotesque enemies made me feel numb to its horror after a while. My opinions on this could easily change with a second playthrough, however. Unfortunately, I was not able to finish the game (the disc wouldn't load the last level), but I felt satisfied from the journey all the same. I'm especially appreciative that all three of the first Silent Hill games are unique from each other and go for distinct styles of horror. I'm shocked to say it, but these games have made me want to play MORE horror games. What has this series done to me?

se eu fosse mulher a heather seria literalmente eu

While not as mechanically rewarding as the first two, Heather is all the reward I need.

Isa- Watch the cutscenes on youtube

recomendo bastante o filme jacobs ladder

Silent Hill 3s story takes it away from the SH2s version of silent hill and back to SH1s storyline about reviving a god which I didn't like as much as SH2s. Points for having the best combat by actually having multiple weapons with different attributes that you might want to use in different situation.

This one was a little disappointing for me. I'd heard a lot of fanfare surrounding this game and how it was supposedly "even better than SH2" and I couldn't disagree more. Yes, I did enjoy it, but I felt like if you hadn't played the previous 2 (yes, I'm aware you have to play the first game to fully understand the story) you'd just feel completely lost on how to approach the game. I played SH2 first, then SH1 and now SH3 and can confidently say it's my least favourite in the series. I couldn't really relate to Heather much as a protag, the music wasn't as good as SH2 and I feel as if comparing this game to SH2 is unfair since SH2 is what it is. Nevertheless, I enjoyed my time with SH3, but I don't think I'll be going back to it anytime soon.

Note: i didn't play this i watched a friend play it on a discord call and it ruled

esta bueno pero lenteja en algunos lados independientemente de eso me gusto como secuela del 1

literalmente es la representación gráfica de una chica en su adolescencia