Reviews from

in the past

Better than the first episode, actually introduces new and original elements, which helps it stand out. I feel the levels are also pretty solid.

Not my favorite 2D Sonic, but far from a bad game.

at least metal sonic was in this one

this game blows (half point for metal)

Fiasco que a Sega finge nunca ter existido.

I actually have a soft spot for this one

Um joguinho bacana. Melhora e muito em comparação ao episódio 1.

Most of what I said about Episode 1 still applies, but overall a better game. These games would feel so much better if they just weren't called "Sonic 4."

the biggest crime in modern history is that episode 1 got 9/10 reviews and this got 6/10s

It's not possible to give a 3/4ths of a star on here, but just know it's slightly better than Episode 1. Is the gameplay better? Are the animations more palpable? Is the last section of the game better? No, none of that. It's just got Tails in it this time.

Improve on sonic 4 ep1 isn't really that big of an achievement but for thus franchise it is

Massive improvement over the first one and probably the most Tails feels like a useful addition rather than a tag along. Well, since Advance 3 anyways.

I don't hate this one. I actually congratulate SEGA for listening to feedback from episode 1.
The online Co-op and special stages were a standout for me. Sure, it's sonic 2 halfpipes again but they were fun to master.
The animation on Sonic/Tails is very expressive. Metal Sonic's theme is the best song on the tracklist.

joguei na infancia e pelo que me lembro é bom

The graphics, physics, and level design improved, making it a slightly better playing experience than Episode I. The inclusion of Tails, team attack combos, and the Metal Sonic side story was a nice touch as well. It's still a dull and forgettable Sonic game, but a lot more bearable than its predecessor. I lowkey would've enjoyed an Episode III if they made one.

playing with friends didn't save this game

Better than Episode I, and is a lot more visually appealing as well. I do enjoy the team moves with Tails.

Está divertido. Tiene un mejor diseño de niveles que el anterior episodio, me gustaron mucho las mecánicas del gameplay con Tails como compañero, es lindo cuando dejan al zorrito ser útil en los juegos. Y definitivamente a parte de eso, mi parte favorita del juego es la primera batalla contra Metal Sonic. Es de los mejores tratos que le han dado al personaje

Del resto, he de criticar que la carrera contra Metal Sonic que homenajea al Sonic CD no me gustó. La noto muy cinemática, en el sentido de que en ocasiones las velocidades de los personajes se bloquean para que él te pase al final. Para ganarle tiene que ser de una forma bien especifica, a diferencia de la del Sonic CD que es una carrera con toda libertad

Despite me ranking this the same as Ep. 1, I think this game is worse due to the tag-team mechanic. Feels less like a natural extension of the Sonic/Tails dynamic in the Genesis games and more of a half-baked gimmick. Most of the issues from Ep. 1 follow this game over too, which sucks.

This is... honestly really fun!

The level design resembles the classic titles more, the character abilities are very fun, the special stages are some of the better ones in the series, and the level aesthetics are quite nice!

While I'd recommend skipping the first episode, this one is genuinely a treat! I quite like it a lot!

Fuck this game and everything it stands for. The first 2 zones are fine, but the last zones are fucking terrible. Why would they make an auto scroll sonic level that's 8 MINUTES LONG!?!? The final boss is the developers tormenting you to see how long you'll fight it until you just say fuck it and drop the game, BUT I DIDN'T. I BEAT THE GOD DAMN FINAL BOSS THAT TAKES LIKE 10 MINUTES AND NO ONE CAN TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ME. The final zone is disorienting, and the design starts to fall off the map after the 2nd zone. Don't play this unless you like boss fights that take forever and shitty retreads of older sonic games.

Esse jogo foi um erro, não deveriam ter criado algo tão feio e sem graça que nem isso, muito menos ter feito um segundo episodio.

A much better game compared to Episode 1 even though the standards weren't set to high. The nice visuals and gameplay make it enjoyable despite being nothing like the classics.