Reviews from

in the past

some people say its shit but i think its pretty good

So I Decided to play through this on a whim since the last time I played it was on an iphone like 7 years ago and I wasn't even sure I'd finished it. I don't think I did, because this was such a bad time I wouldn't have forgotten. It convinced me to play all the Sonic that I can muster so here's the start of something:

It doesn't start off that bad. The visuals are fine enough and the first zone looks pretty nice: Castle ruins beautifully lit during both day and night. Playing through it doesn't feel right, though. The initial speed of jumping, falling, walking and homing attack are all annoyingly slow, and the animation adds to the frustration. Sonic at max velocity looks like he's stationary on top of a wheel that is too smooth. Just about everything is too smooth. These first levels are still okay, sadly all 3 have underwater segments. Famously everyone's favourite parts of these games that also happen to make the pretty backgrounds look bad for a good portion of the zone. It doesn't take too long for the worst offender of the gameplay, the special duo move, to sink in as it breaks up any and all momentum again and again. Going in and out of it plays a cutscene every single time and it gets tiring around the third. It's also very safe and spammable.

The rest of the zones don't look bad but not very good and there are no interesting twists really. The second is just a lot of snow with a one-note carnival detour, the third a desert with annoying tower climbs and the fourth a sky zone with the worst plane segment ever made. Sky Fortress act 1 is mostly an auto scroller with worse controls than back in Sonic 2 and after many repetitive screens you think it's gonna end but you're only halfway through the 6 minute slog. In my case it was about 15 because I died twice, fun times.

Bosses in 2d Sonic have always been pretty meh, but at least they were easy and mostly pretty fast. In most cases you can get in a bunch more hits than the free ones given in the obvious window between attacks. Risking a death for extra hits is rewarding and feels skilful. So let's remove that and make every boss a waiting game. Cool, thanks. Uninspired, boring, worse time wastes than the worst stages.

I rarely get nauseous playing a video game but the final level is almost unplayable. A run through rotating sci-fi bullshit where you can barely see Sonic for the spinning back and forth. I very rarely suffer from motion sickness in games but I was near throwing up going through this. The final boss is surprisingly interactive and somewhat challenging if janky. More luck based if anything when spamming the special fly move which felt most effective.

Sonic 4 Episode 2 is not solely miserable but definitely not worth your time. I don't recall episode 1, or any other (mainline) Sonic game for that matter, being this bad but we'll see.

Try as I may, I just can't get 2D Sonic games to click with me. The opening zone was... fine? But then I got to the first boss, which takes an obscenely long time, could barely tell what was happening due to poorly telegraphed attacks... and that was that. I gave it maybe 45 minutes before starting to play Sonic Colors instead.

Might be even worse than episode 1. At least that game wasn't mentally draining to play.

why the fuck did I play these

it really isnt better then episode 1 it has the same problems with no new strengths i would say definitely stay away like i said with episode one play literally any other sonic game even 06 is better then this garbage

now this is definitely an improvement, artstyle is better, physics while not the best, miles(heh) better than before, tails is pretty cool, soundtrack can sound good(sometimes), and bossfights still suck except for metal sonic's first boss. overall i recommend this game more than the first

This game exists.
And oh my god is that a relief after how putrid the previous one was.

This game is horrible, but it's better than the first game. Don't play this game, the music is bad, the level design is basically non existent, the bosses are horrible.

Fuck this game and everything it stands for. The first 2 zones are fine, but the last zones are fucking terrible. Why would they make an auto scroll sonic level that's 8 MINUTES LONG!?!? The final boss is the developers tormenting you to see how long you'll fight it until you just say fuck it and drop the game, BUT I DIDN'T. I BEAT THE GOD DAMN FINAL BOSS THAT TAKES LIKE 10 MINUTES AND NO ONE CAN TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ME. The final zone is disorienting, and the design starts to fall off the map after the 2nd zone. Don't play this unless you like boss fights that take forever and shitty retreads of older sonic games.

Melhor que o primeiro episódio, kk, mas também deixou a desejar.

Todo mundo te odeia menos, mas eu também te jogo

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It's mid

White park zone theme is catchy

Yeah that’s it

Massive improvement over the first one and probably the most Tails feels like a useful addition rather than a tag along. Well, since Advance 3 anyways.

Esse jogo foi um erro, não deveriam ter criado algo tão feio e sem graça que nem isso, muito menos ter feito um segundo episodio.

This is the equivalent to having explosives diarrhea all day but not needed to wipe. There's a little bit of fun but painful the whole way

Sonic 4 Episode 2 wraps up the saga by bringing back Metal Sonic and Little Planet from Sonic CD. Dr Eggman has managed to capture little planet inside of his Death Egg Mk 2, and plans to do… something with it. But after they are stopped Sonic and Tails escape.. and the planet is still trapped. To this day an Episode 3 never saw the light of day, and this cliffhanger was never resolved.

Well Sonic 4 Ep 2 definitely brings some improvements to the table. Firstly the presentation, this game looks gorgeous and is a much better artistic direction than Ep1. Music took a hit though which is a shame, some acts really suffer from the instruments used and just all round bad compositions.

Gameplay is better here, Sonic has more natural flow to his movements and rolling actually does naturally increase Sonic’s speed through momentum. Tails is here but you can’t play as him, instead by pressing the tag button, Sonic and Tails can team up to perform a few moves. They can fly in the air, swim underwater and perform a super Spindash to destroy anything in their path. I like this, it’s a great evolution of the classic sonic gameplay that feels totally natural and doesn’t cut the speed in half.

It’s a shame the level design is pretty poor, it starts okay with Slyvania Castle, but White Park is an incredible boring rollercoaster level and Oil Desert is everything I hated about Oil Ocean times 10. After the awful act 1, sky fortress is a decent zone, but again that’s it, 4 zones with 3 acts.

Bosses are passable, I know people hate how you have to wait to hit them, but I don’t think these bosses take that long, and are a decent challenge. I agree they could go a bit faster, but it’s not the worst thing ever.

Special stages are the halfpipe, and it’s a decent version of it, nothing special but they work. You once again get Super Sonic who is great, but he gets cancelled when you use a tag action so his effectiveness is cut in half.

This is another.. okay game, but there’s so much missed potential, like why can’t we play episode 1 levels here. There’s episode Metal where metal sonic can run through one act of each zone from ep1, but it’s over in about 15 minutes.

I don’t think this is a bad game, but again it’s just underwhelming.

A bit of a deception if you like the Mega Drive previous games, but yeah, gives trophies so let's play it.

I got motion sickness from the special stages and threw up
deadass I think episode 1 is better

Not enjoyable as Episode I (yes, I said it) but it still is interesting with Tails and the mechanics.

Improve on sonic 4 ep1 isn't really that big of an achievement but for thus franchise it is

It's not possible to give a 3/4ths of a star on here, but just know it's slightly better than Episode 1. Is the gameplay better? Are the animations more palpable? Is the last section of the game better? No, none of that. It's just got Tails in it this time.

Разрабы учли ошибки прошлой игры, новые локации, новые боссы, но делает ли это игру хорошей? Точно нет. Она хоть и выглядит лучше, но геймплейно очень быстро надоедает. Это игра также не имеет никакой ценности, просто такой же сборник уровней.

Not as good as I thought it was back in 2012.
Also I played this on Android.

I was stupid for thinking of playing both of these.