Reviews from

in the past

Great game with fun multiplayer additions.

Better than the gba version but still pretty boring

Aside from the multiplayer modes which I had no friends to play with, I didn't really enjoy Mega Party Games compared to the others in the series. It's odd to have this be what is essentially an enhanced remake of Mega Microgames (which came out earlier in the same year in Japan), and yet it feels more dry than the GBA original.

At least in the course of the main story, these microgames are just pulled from the first game; no cutscenes or any real story in comparison, just moving up an elevator. And for some reason, despite this one using the same rule of the boss stage being on floor 25, I found this game to be way more frustrating than the original. Maybe it's the speed being cranked way too fast?

This feels more like it was made to be a companion piece to Mega Microgames and nothing more. Still has the wacky charm though, which is nice.

Loved this game growing up. Tons of modes and micro-games for lots of fun with friends.

Might have actually been my most played GameCube game as a kid. The weird humour and just general insanity of it has always resonated with me. Super easy to pick up and play, with or without other people. Tons of variety. It certainly works better as an handheld game, but otherwise it’s kinda perfect.

Even though I loved it at the time, I probably took it for granted. You can never really know how valuable things like this will be (personally or monetarily) without the benefit of hindsight. Now, however, it’s one of my all-time favourites and I hold it close to my heart. One of the best Christmas gifts I’ve ever received.

One of the GameCubes many sleeper hits and its testaments to why that system has many of Nintendo's best first party releases.

What would otherwise be a fairly run of the mill port is elevated by an absolutely glorious multiplayer experience. The chaotic energy is almost unlike anything else I can think of.

For what it's worth, this is a fun game. There is a good amount of content here, and the multiplayer aspects of this game are much better than the offerings on the GBA version of this game. However, this is made primarily to be a party game, and not so much as a single-player experience like the GBA counterpart. Because of that, I believe that this is an inferior version of the game. It is great with friends and family but not much else.

An enhanced port of the first WarioWare for the GBA that doesn't really enhances anything. Microgames aren't scaled well graphically wise and some of them have really aged poorly gameplay wise. WarioWare finds its strength in simple to grasp, rapid fire games. However a good bunch of them are too complex to understand on the fly and some are too difficult, coming from one who has 100% Gold, Game & Wario and Smooth Moves.
The only new mode of the game is the multiplayer, probably the funniest one in the series. Many different modes to choose from and they are all very good. A pity that i can't play them with anyone.

why this was a full retail release i’m not sure but i grew up on it so there’s a lot of nostalgia entangled that makes me appreciate it

Enjoyable, but the multiplayer games are pretty hit or miss. The most fun ones are probably Kat & Ana's, Crygor's, and Dribble & Spitz's. Besides that, it's basically identical to the original GBA entry.

could've been the definitive mega microgames experience if the single player was closer to the original but i'll let it slide cuz the multiplayer is pretty fun. i just wish i wasn't a grown ass man so getting friends over to play baby games wasn't so hard

Single player wise, one of the saddest offerings. Why take away the Vs. Minigames? Why remove the side modes like Dr. Wario? Such a shame, as this could’ve been essentially the definitive way to play the original game, but instead we have a single player with cut content and lackluster party modes.

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are you fuckin wario raw or protected?

This is still one of the best games in the franchise if not the best. Wario Ware is a really cool minigame collection you can dive super deep into if you want. Locking in and mastering every minigame and hunting for high scores is awesome. It's kind of shallow which can hurt it's longevitiy but it aids in accessibility. Very fun to pick up and put down whenever.

Tô sendo nintedista até pra warioware

Same game as the gba version but on gamecube and i love gamecube

I think this may be my favorite party game for it's very high speed minigames, and because of its speed it makes things very chaotics with its great artstyle.

Mario what-y? Literally WHO Party?! Wario Ware Inc: Mega PARTY Game$ is the real fucking shit. Just as bizarre as the original Wario Ware, this is a quasi-remake/remaster/port/sequel to the original Gameboy Advance game. I love all the goofy new cutscenes and the hectic nature, much like the first-game but cranked up! But the real meat and potatoes come from the multiplayer, which showcases new mini-games centered around 4 player madness, and has this delectible selection of playstyles that range from relaxing and fun to intense and stress-inducing.

It was hard to pull cousins and siblings in with this when we had the likes of Smash Bros. Melee or Mario Tennis on the table, but every once in a while I managed to get them into seeing just how bonkers, ridiculous, and fun Wario Ware Inc. on the Gamecube was! I fucking adore this game.

Its WarioWare, it literally can't be bad

I have some fond memories of playing this in multiplayer with my sister & a longtime mutual friend of ours. I distinctly remember the Listen to the Doctor mode specifically. We'd be asked to complete microgames while doing some weird task at the same time. The smiles & laughs we got out of that alone make this game worth it. A fun spin to the classic WarioWare shenanigans.

They had to call an ambulance to my friend's house cause I never laughed so hard for so long in my life

Hilário e divertido, como todo bom WarioWare. Porém, poderia ter sido um porte melhor.

Eu esperava que esse título fosse usar mais o hardware do Gamecube, e não agir como se todo o game estivesse se passando em um GBA... Ok, é um porte do primeiro game, mas sinceramente dava pra dar um bom tapa no visual dos microgames e deixar o jogo mais aprazível no geral. Sei lá, só esperava um pouco mais de capricho e exclusividade.

Existe a possibilidade de jogar em Multiplayer aqui, coisa que até onde eu sei não era possível no GBA. Mas mesmo se fosse possível, sinceramente, deve ser muito melhor experimentar um título WarioWare em um console de mesa, sendo o principal diferencial do título.

De resto, toda a minha review do WarioWare, Inc. Mega Microgames de GBA também é válida aqui, afinal, é o mesmo game. O escopo de uma original e hilária série.

The multiplayer is really fun, though I would say 4 players are essential cause with only 2 the games end very quickly

This game's graphic design is the predessor to Wario Ware: Smooth Moves.

Jokes aside, this is a barebones version of the first WarioWare game, Mega Micro Games. However, the reason I'm giving it 4 stars is becuase of the fact that while it may be barebones, the multiplayer mode is underrated and awesome. Go get your wacky friends and play the hell out of this game.