Reviews from

in the past

An awesome recipe, with harsh combat and fun strategy. But how the fuck am I missing shots of a guy bigger than 3 of my man 2 feets from the character shooting... Still, very good!

Siempre me matan al batallón pero el juego está guapardo.

super fun strategy game, can be really challenging but getting stuff done is always so satisfying

never in my entire life do i feel like i've wasted my time harder than when i try an I/I run and this game just RNG trolls me. oh these enemies you had no ability to see spawned on you and the entire game is fog of war with no ability to improve your vision and the earlygame is insufferable from how little strategic options you have. look this game is really fun and enjoyable on normal when these stupid objectively bad game design decisions don't result in you losing a several hours run. but this game literally cannot hold up to its own difficulty. it implodes and becomes one of the most miserable luck-based tactics games i've played.

it's extremely telling how the game refuses to tell you what the enemy hit percentages when they attack because they hit improbable 360 no scope shots when you're behind full cover but you miss point blank "you have no cover" shots. i want to like this game i really do but this feels like the type of tactics games only fucking morons are capable of enjoying. when luck is the ultimate deciding factor in your tactics game, you have not made a fun game based on strategy. sorry, this isn't disco elysium, i can't forgive the excessive dicerolling you're expecting players to do.

i'm saying nothing new here but holy shit this game is not optimized well for PS3. literally why even release it on console if it's gonna chug this bad and have this bad of a cursor. there's nothing wrong with tilesets. i miss them dearly.

I always wanted to play this back in the day, and finally got around to it in 2023. The game that got me into tactics. It seriously still holds up so well, and I think it is still one of the better tactics games out there, despite the ridiculous percentage-shot misses at times.

Obviously a great achievement for how it brought the tactics genre to a new generation, but playing it in 2022 wasn’t as enjoyable or fun as I expected.

I loved the tension and atmosphere of most missions inside a city. Slowly dissipating the fog of war of the suburbs knowing that discovering a new group of aliens at the end of your turn could mess you up extremely bad is one of the best things the game offers. I also enjoyed how different the classes felt and getting attached to my top officers and bringing them all the way to the last mission.

What I didn’t enjoy is mostly the pacing, the repetitiveness of missions and a very poor job of stoytelling and progression. There are bullshit difficulty spikes, plenty of bugs that will make you lose progress and overall a lack of polish that always prevents you from fully trusting the game.

Overall I enjoyed my time with it but around the 20 hour mark I was ready for it to end. It has some great ideas that I haven’t seen anywhere else but I expected more from one of the classics of the genre.

a lot of unclear info in the levels. its hard to tell if something will have a line of sight, etc. more than that, the game forces you to play way too cautiously which turns it into a slog. im sure theres cool stuff in here but that alone makes it unenjoyable to me.

Just amazing. I was so worried when I saw the other xcom being developed by 2K, changing a turn based strategy franchise (which admittedly became a air combat and then terrible 3rd person before it died) into a FPS set in a totally different time period.

The guys here did it right and I know purists are going to argue about squad size and blah blah, but to be honest, the old game get VERY boring when you were moving 14 people around the screen and your soldiers not having peripheral vision would make me rage-quit the old game. It's not like if you're in a combat situation you are just going to be staring forward into a blank wall.

That said, this game has a lot to offer and how the aliens change tactics and behave intelligently (depending on difficult) makes it for a fun replayable game, not to mention pitting yourself against friends or random players to see if you win the combat or not. The team have worked very hard and have DLC lined up for the future.

Super tough game. Really has you biting your nails in some combat situations. But I felt like it was truly rewarding on every field.

[Played with Enemy Within, of course]

XCOM: Enemy Unknown is a must-play Tactical Strategy game. If you enjoy the genre, XCOM has to be on your list. It's just so iconic and does so many things right. There's minimal story here, and the systems aren't as in-depth as they may seem at first glance, but Firaxis just knows how to make strategy feel fun, rewarding, and engaging. Somehow even outside of Civilization, they give you that "One More Turn" syndrome yet again.

I'll never trust a percentage again either.

Score: 92

real good but isn't THAT REAL, play 2 :)

One of the most frustrating games I have ever played.

The first strategy game I fell in love with.

Narrative: 4 - Gameplay: 4.5 - Visuals: 3.5 - Soundtrack: 3.5 - Time: 4
Stars: 4
The strategy games have a special and complicated spot in my heart. I can say with a lot of energy that I love those games and that I’m always up to play them, but… They, just like the open world genre, are in the highest tier of unfinished personal games. I guess that happened because in the very essence of those games lies real challenges, punishing experiences and – therefore – frustration. A strategy game usually takes about 30 minutes to go through a level. In most of them, this number can easily make an hour and, eventually, up to 4 hours. For any casual, or even hardcore, gamer that’s a huge investment of time. The frustration of losing after that kind of sacrificed time isn’t an arithmetic progression but a geometric one. If you add a perfectionist mindset and an urge to play a lot of different games to the equation, you have the “special and complicated” thing I was talking about. It won’t come as a surprise that it took me 5 years to finally finish this game. But, boy, it is worth it.

i liked it but i just didnt like losing my troops, i lost my best troops before getting into an alien base and completely got destroyed by the aliens

I want to play more of this game. Cuz it’s epic

To set the stage I did not expect to enjoy this as much as I did. I like the more Fire Emblem side of the genre and didn't enjoy Mario + Rabbids that much, but hey like 17 euro for everything in a bundle why not? I also have not played much western games and XCOM is my most western feeling game I ever played.

Even if the game can encourage you to play extremely slow and my fe experience makes me wary of permadeath, I adored the tension these two things create, especially with the sound design of ambient music and alien noises.

XCOM's story leans way more in to vibes then a linear defined experience. It starts with the stark , but let's be honest accurate trope of Earth's nations only being able to come together and set aside their differences only due to an extra-terrestrial threat. It asks us to ponder what it means to be human as you repurpose more and more alien tech etc... and you start to wonder where is the line between human and alien.

I did not like tactics games, but this game sunk its claws into me. Love the aesthetic.

Xcom se convirtió justamente en un referente de la estrategia. Este remake marcó lo que seria el futuro de la saga y en gran parte del genero. Su combate, refinado y lleno de posibilidades, es perfecto.

Amo los juegos que me hacen arrepentirme por mis acciones. Éste fue tan fuerte que tuve que bajarle la dificultad. Lo amé.

This game beat me, but that's not a bad thing. I lost, XCOM lost, and that's awesome.

Font chier ces Aliens à nous envahir

Quiero agradecer personalmente a Alexelcapo por introducirme a los juegos de estrategia por turnos

Yo morire por Alexelcapso

Cool idea but lost interest, felt generic and repetitive. You could be standing right next to the alien and still miss your shot.

Almost feels like an extended tech demo for the sequel. The early- and mid-game were fun but I struggled to continue playing once I'd seen all the mission maps and types for the 3rd time.

El gameplay táctico es divertido y sencillo de empezar a aprender, pero no me gustan los juegos con muerte permanente