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in the past

Playing during the summer where all these Crown DLCs were released was quite a time in the Dark Souls 2 community. Old Iron King was more directly related to the events of DKS2 so running into the likes of rogue knight Raime and the Alonne captain felt very dramatic and fanciful.

Sir Alonne is like the coolest boss ever holy shit

Dark Souls II's second DLC is a rather fun time much like the first, feeling more balanced and fair than the base game. Brume Tower is pretty challenging, however, each death felt awarded to me and not like a 20-1 gank fest. There are a lot of traps and the tower is decently long, but the prize at the bottom of the tower is one of the best bosses in the series, and for sure the best in DS2. Fume Knight was the first boss I found to be actually challenging and exhilarating to fight, he has a great moveset to memorize, and it took me a solid hour or so to defeat him. His design is also really awesome, and the story he contains is some of the best in the game. This is also followed up by another excellent boss for all the same reasons, Sir Alonne. The only dud in this DLC was the optional area containing a reskinned Smelter Demon, an already somewhat tedious boss. The runback is AWFUL and when it's for a boss you already fought, why even bother? I certainly didn't. Otherwise, another good addition to the game I enjoyed much more than base DS2.

1 star removed for alonne runback. didnt even try to do smelter demon 2

I bet Sir Alonne is chill as fuck when he's not fighting you, whereas the Fume Knight is probably fun but also a bit of an asshole. Blue Smelter Demon is a registered sex offender

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This is a big step up in quality from sunken king, but is still full of some glaring issues. The 2 biggest compliments I can give this pack is that Brume tower is one of the best areas in any fromsoft game period, and that all 3 of the bosses (yes including BSD) are all well-made and at the very least fun to actually fight. What is NOT fun in this dlc is that 2 of those 3 bosses have some of the worst runbacks I've ever seen in a game (BMS being so bad that the fact the boss is also a reskin of a great boss in the main game harms its enjoyability factor tenfold). This DLC does a lot of things right, but the run backs that this pack created just hurts so much of its replay value it's insane. Still absolutely essential to anyone's DS2 run though, as at least 4 of the 6 hours this pack will take you to beat are some of the best 4 hours you can have in a souls game

fume knight gotta be one of the all time toughest mfs i ever fought. damn good time

Y'know, this one wasn't as bad as the Sunken King. It had some shitty moments like the boss run to Sir Allone, but that was manageable after grinding down some of those annoying knights. Blue Smelter Demon was one of my favorite boss fights in a weird way. Incredibly difficult for me, yet so engaging despite it's clockwork nature. It might be the hardest Dark Souls II boss fight for me if I'm being honest. It doesn't help that the runback for that one is a special kinda of hellish that I didn't grind down. And finally, Fume Knight was pretty fun! I actually found it to be the easiest boss fight in this DLC, but still a great time. I also loved how easy the boss runback was for this fight.
The DLC focuses on what DS2 does best, knight boss fights. It doesn't reach the heights of Artorias of the Abyss and the level design is still frustrating at times, but not nearly as bad as The Sunken King DLC. It's better than most DS2 levels or bosses, but still not enough to really kick it up a notch for me. Worth playing in some sense, but it's still DS2 at its crappy, contrarian core.

acho que o mapa da old iron king foi um dos mapas mais diferentes que eu joguei nessa franquia, ele é feito todo a partir de uma grande torre que você navega na vertical o tempo todo, é de fato uma exploração bem única de mapa, pode ser um pouco chatinha no quesito enemy placement mas ainda achei bem legal de passar por ela e ir descobrindo os cantos, essa DLC também tem chefes muito bons e que frequentemente são esquecidos pela comunidade.

the verticality scares me and it has the two coolest dudes in all of ds2

fume knight é a única coisa relevante desta dlc. Eu até daria algum destaque pro sir alone mas o caminho até o boss é injusto e insalubre, com isso podemos concluir que nem a dlc foi poupada

Personally a big downgrade from the Sunken King, but it still has its standout moments. Some of the bosses are great but the levels feel like slogs with absurd amounts of enemies everywhere, really feels like they want you to despawn everything just to have a decent time. If you like bosses, I can say they are pretty great, my favorite in the whole game is towards the end, you just need some serious willpower to reach them.

Incredible level design with dramatic, fanciful encounters and some of the coolest bosses ever, like Fume Knight and Sir Alonne. Though the side dungeon can be frustrating, the overall experience is peak Dark Souls, blending stunning visuals with intense, memorable fights.

Best DLC for Dark Souls II for sure. Two great boss battles, a dull one.

It's basically climbing down a tower made of Iron. Same problem with the Crown of the Sunken King, enemies hit like trucks and have very little poise. Best option is to run.

Sir Alonne boss fight is peak. Love it. Fume Knight too, awesome. Before entering Fume Knight, try get dressed as Velstadt for a quriky surprise.

This DLC has my favourite area of Dark Souls II, the Brume tower. The vertical design is pretty unique even for the series and was well exploited.

Despite giving this the same score as Sunken King, I am a little bit more mixed on this one. While the level design is very unique and fun, the enemy placement makes some sections absolutely hell, especially since half the area is very linear. The runbacks to Alonne and Blue Smelter Demon are also absolutely egregious and some of the worst game design I've ever seen.

However, this DLC has probably my two favorite bosses in the game, Fume Knight and Alonne. These two perfect what DS2 has been lacking for the most part, well-made and polished bosses. They have no bs attached and are just one-on-one duels that are pretty challenging and fair.

While I prefer Sunken King, Old Iron King is still pretty solid and proves DS2 could've been so much better.

why couldnt the whole game have been this good

Still a great DLC, but never ended up fully finishing it, due to thinking Fume Knight was the final boss. I enjoyed the verticality of the map and loved fighting the fume knight. It was also a cool area, with the ash looking like snow. Great environmental storytelling, but not as fun as the Sunken King.

كانت بتكون اربعه ونص عشان سير الون و فيوم نايت لكن الاضافة لو لعبتها على عمى ما بتتضارب غير مع فيوم نايت يهيل من الجهتين

Damn, dark souls 2 had 3 chances to make good dlc and missed every single time. This dlc has an unnecessary about of slow levers to open big doors with tons of enemies guarding them. Luckily the one boss wasn’t too bad

How do people enjoy this DLC? The area's are borderline experimental torture devices, the boss runbacks are some of the worst in the series and the entire DLC was pointless? I've been enjoying DS2 for what it is but this expansion exemplifies how horrible of an experience it can actually be.

Sir allone e fume knight estão nessa DLC
fim de papo!...

Out of the Dark Souls 2 DLC, I found myself enjoying this the most as it felt the least bullshit with actually enjoyable exploration, with well designed bosses as a cherry on top, but playing this after 5 other fromsoft titles they were a bit too easy, but I can't blame the game for that. I don't have anything else to say, since it isn't particularly remarkable either. It's just solid.

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fume knight

the best ds2 dlc, though it's honestly really close with ivory king. some of the best bosses in the game and i just love walking on that big chain to the big tower.