Reviews from

in the past

Aight, so this is definitely a horny game, and obviously your enjoyment is going to vary depending on how much you can enjoy that kind of thing. If you are the type of person that thinks this kinda thing is degenerate/objectifying then yea nothing this game does is gonna change that opinion. But like, idk man playing this 20 years after the fact it's kinda a vibe? hear me out

In todays day and age, I feel like a lot of horny shit has fallen to the blatant and trashy side of things. Should you feel so inclined, you could use the very web browser you are reading this review on right now to delve into all sorts of dubiously degenerate shit from probably millions of sources. Hell, even strictly staying to the console game sphere there's all sorts of "Sakura Succubus 4"s and "Hentai Girls 8"s clogging up digital storefronts on stuff like the switch and Playstation, degen shit is out there. There's also comparatively higher budget shit like the Senran Kagura and Hyperdimension Neptunia series that hit that degen sphere, hell even the later sequels to this game crank up the trash dial with all the different ports and versions of DOAX3 out there. And that's not even considering all the actual eroge/nukige that are on PC. What I mean to say by all of this is that compared to how things are now, DOAX1 is really honestly quite tame, to the point where I feel like I could hardly even call it a trashy guilty pleasure game anymore.

Maybe it's the games self-awareness and goofiness in its plot, as it's just Zack inviting all the DOA girls over to play volleyball on a vacation island he happened to win before it explodes into a million pieces at the end. Maybe it's the aesthetic design being solid, with clear, crisp sunny beaches with sparkling water and bright blue skies accompanied by the most 2000s ass ska/reggae summery music you ever could find. The areas have the same high attention to detail and level of polish that the stages in the main DOA games contain. There are a lot of moments where the game basically gives you a free-cam to zoom in and look at whatever is on the screen, and while it's definitely designed to peep on some polygonal xbox goochie, I honestly found myself using it to look at the environments more than the girls.

The actual gameplay is kinda eh though. Half the time you are playing volleyball with the girls, the other half you are blowing away your life savings at the casino. There's also this lite-social sim aspect to it in that you can talk to other characters and give them presents in order for them to play volleyball with you, but it's all quite shallow. The point of the game really isn't so much in the gameplay, so honestly its whatever.

So like yeah. It's horny, but not aggressively so. I'm honestly rather impressed. They cared equally as much towards making a game that captures a summer vacation vibe as they did towards making an early coomercore console game. It may still basically be softcore porn at the end of the day, but damn is it some vibin softcore porn. I earnestly can't hate it. Sasuga itagaki.

really this games opening says more about it than I ever could, so just watch that.

was this supposed to be a "sexy" experience? cause i just get my ass kicked in volleyball in a game from 20 years ago. Based

if you fuck up and lose too often in volleyball matches no girl will want to be your partner and you will become a social pariah in Zack Island

fucking brutal

This is a cozy game, actually. It's not as horny as the EGM features would have you believe - it's actually a pretty fun vacation simulator with some casino games, some volleyball, and some light dating-sim elements. I truly believe that the structure of this game could be expanded upon to be something great, and maybe the sequels get there! Everything is pretty shallow though, and the only real "goal" besides chilling out is collecting a bunch of trinkets in the game. Still, it was a fun couple hours to spend on a virtual tropical island and have some light fun.

This game walked so anything past 2003 with boobs could walk.

Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball is a spin-off of the franchise Dead or Alive, it happens after Dead or Alive 3 to be precise.
This game is obviously about Volleyball, it might not be the best Volleyball sports simulation title out there but honestly, it does the job, I'm no Volleyball expert but it plays alright you just have to pass the ball to your teammate and try to do some badass ball smash combos or whatever. But playing Volleyball is fine for like 1/2 hour at best, after that you kinda just need a bit more y'know, you need some mini-games because it's a spinoff it's obviously about mini-games, unfortunately the only minigames here are some random casino junk that you just see everywhere like blackjack, roulette and whatnot, the only original minigame is the pool one where you have to time your jump to walk across the pool on small pool floating thing and all just to get a few coins.
Yeah, coins it's kind of the only "goal" of the campaign, you collect coins by doing casino stuff or playing volleyball stuff, and with the coins you obviously buy some sexy skimpy swimsuit and cute accessories and other items that you can gift to girls to make them stay as your partner longer, that's kinda it.

Yep, not much to do in this game, it's not bad by any means it's a volleyball game about breast physics and it's exactly what I got and I'm happy with it, I just kinda wish it had more to make me play more of it, just playing volleyball match just to get nothing at the end is kinda boring.
Though there are some unique and positive points about the game, the characters can tan if they don't wear sunscreen, that's right red dead redemption 2 in 2003 they made something sooo realistic that you've never done before, Xtreme Beach Volleyball deserves to be crowned the new king of video game realism, plus the boobs physics, truly a marvelous title for its time, a pioneer to the game industry as a whole, god bless you Xtreme Beach Volleyball.
The game also features an entire soundtrack of real-world music, that's right it's a game with Reel Big Fish in it, crazy. Also supposedly I saw that in the manual of the game, you can copy songs from a CD with your Xbox and then play them in-game, big if true.

Overall a really original yet unoriginal spinoff of an original yet unoriginal franchise, only Team Ninja would have the balls to make this game.

This is still the best sand volleyball game. I wish it was a little less thirsty.

Way too difficult, it's even harder than me when I see Leifang!

© 2023 GoonerSteve

I didn't actually play this but my Xbox came with a shit ton of save data for this, so I wanted to add it because it was really funny. I looked it up on YouTube and yup, they did not lie, that is indeed some Xtreme Beach Volleyball. Shoutouts to Xbox guy, wherever you are, I hope you're still playing sexy Xbox volleyball

Played this on stream with a low-end laptop for several hours and now whenever I hear one of the 00s pop songs from its soundtrack playing on the radio at a drug store I gradually put it together that this is the standard speed version of the song I'd heard playing at x.67 speed during this experience. I was briefly thrilled to learn that this is first and foremost a yuri dating sim where you court other volleyball players before realizing that there are no interactions between the characters beyond the basic gift-giving minigame.

Played for 6 hours straight and I still suck but its a lot of fun. The gambling is one of the best parts but Its a shame the poker isn't Texas hold 'em but beggars cant be choosers. I'm also not one for games where the fun is collecting items but here I found it quite enjoyable. Definitely something I'll come back too for some quick fun.

My Xbox doesn't work anymore so I can't play this again, I remember liking it as a kid though (probably shouldn't have been playing it at that age though lol)