Reviews from

in the past

Pretty cool, if you like EDM and bullet hell games then would recommend. Some of the songs felt a bit generic to me but the effects syncing to their beat was well done and made for fun stages. I would say it’s probably most enjoyable with friends though

Not so much a rhythm game as much as it is a bullet hell. Pretty challenging and is one of the few games I can play on road trips

They weren't lying, that really was just shapes and beats

Fantastic game with beautiful visuals and great music. Impossible to have a bad time with this game if you're good at bullet hells or love rhythm games.

This game was super fun and I had a lot of fun playing it. It has great level design and a soundtrack that I can't help but bob my head to. Where this game really shines is in multiplayer. I have had so much fun playing challenge mode or even just the story mode with my family.

É um jogo que mistura os dois gênero que mais curto ritmo e bullet hell. Apesar da estética simples (minimalista) é um game mt bonito e criativo. Possui uma curva de aprendizagem mt boa, músicas ótimas q combina mt com a gameplay e além de um coop (até 4 player) mt divertido e um ponto mt positivo na jogabilidade é o fator reiniciar a fase ser mt rápido que é mt essencial nesse estilo de jogo.
Vejo pouca gente comentando sobre esse game, que é triste pq é realmente um jogo mt bom.
É um jogo curto, mas que ainda possui desafios novos após finalizá-lo. Recomendado d+

I've had Just Shapes & Beats on my radar for a while now, and I'm glad I finally got around to it.
Considering myself an avid fan of rhythm games, this one is unique. While the electronic/techno music isn't really my kind of thing, I couldn't help but find myself tapping my feet or bobbing my head along with it (and it significantly improved my performance btw).

While not the longest game, it the main story has just enough content. One thing I did notice is that there didn't seem to be any type of difficulty curve to be defined. Some levels would present much frustration, and the next would be like nothing.

I'm looking forward to replaying/trying the other modes, but for now that's a wrap on the main story.

would it be a copout to say this is my favorite ost

i used to hate electronic/dubstep music before i played this game, fun fact

Amazing rhythm-based bullet-hell. Love the simple style, the patterns and the music. The boss levels are so fun.

Pretty epic game with cool music, cool gameplay and a surprisingly simple but cool story.
If you are not a huge fan of dubstep or rythm games you may not like this as much.

Overall, pretty good. 8/10.

La mejor palabra para definirlo es: divertido. No hace falta decir más, jugar esto está muy guay y el modo historia es muy chulo y gracioso, bastante disfrutón
No se lleva el sello "20/10 y god" porque tampoco es la divina papaya pero joder, es un muy buen juego y me gustan muchas de las canciones que hay en él, sobre todo gracias a este jueguito he recordado la canción de Airborne Robots que es tremendo temazo

really solid bullet hell. bought this on a whim because of the like 10 second look we got in a nintendo direct and loved it. every single levels sticks out with them making you do new things in each one and all of the side content that was added as well as the colabs were pretty sick. the story is cute and its just a super fun game to pop in and play a few rounds. also a great party game (pull this game out with a group who has never seen it before and you will have a great time)

I don't think I've ever played a game that felt more "made for me". Rhythm based gameplay, unbelievable soundtrack and just an overload of juice. Love this game!

A fun take on a rhythm game that definitely isn’t my favorite but one that I thoroughly enjoyed nonetheless. The beatmaps (if that’s what you want to call them) are very pretty, and definitely the main draw of the game.

It's fun, a minimalist/light bullet-hell set against a collaborative soundtrack. I enjoyed the story mode, which has a nice difficulty curve and some extra world-map sections to break up gameplay. Unlocking levels past story mode felt convoluted and grindy.

I wish that there was online co-op for the story mode. That seems like a strange omission.

The lack of checkpoints during long boss battles is really frustrating. I know it's supposed to be difficult, but at the normal difficulty level they wouldn't be out of place, IMO.

the way this game shaped my taste in music the year it released. sad, depressing times

formative for my music taste.

dubstep 2011 el juego
sonidos de licuadora

Enjoyable for a while, but a little repetitive and never really gave me a reason to keep playing.


A perfect bullet hell game. The art style is just pure fun, and I love how much fun the game has with its plot. Also, multiplayer is much more fun than I expected, and it’s a great add on once you finish the game. I haven’t yet played the new chapter they added a while ago, but I’ve heard it’s great too. The level design is amazing too, and while difficult, I never actually found my self getting mad after I lost, which is a good sign in terms of gameplay quality.
I just wish there was a little more to explore and play after you finish the campaign, but that’s my only real minor complaint.

Great music, great gameplay, surprisingly good story. Great to co-op with friends