Reviews from

in the past

Идея с сериалом, как по мне, оказалась неудачной. Он выглядит вообще ненужным и местами довольно сильно контрастирует с самой игрой. В самой игре он, кстати, уже не воспроизводится, поэтому приходилось сворачивать игру и смотреть на YouTube. Но в целом сюжет норм. Графика до сих пор хорошо смотрится. Геймплей местами прямо неплохой, а местами корявый. Короче, сносная игрушка, пойдёт, но не более.

Zerei e gostei! A história e boa e cativa, a jogabilidade e ok.

By the end, I was more into the live action episodes than the game, so I was a bit disappointed we didn't get an episode at the end (or at least prior to the credits, when I'm typing this).

It's a really entertaining sci-fi story, which gets interrupted by some videogame nonsense. The time manipulation part of the gameplay is quite fun, as is the exploration, however the arena battles do outstay their welcome by the end.

Performance wise, I'm.sure it would benefit from being rejigged for compatibility with series x, but tbf, other than the odd stutters cut scene and some textures not rendering properly, it wasn't that bad. Never experienced anything game breaking at least. That said, I'm probably never gonna play it again.

I enjoyed it. Some really good performances both mocap and actual, and it looks cracking, too. Probably the perfect length as well, as it has taken me two or three sittings to finish it. Just a few times over the last couple of weekends. How most games should be.

Quantum Break offers a fantastic blend of gaming and live-action storytelling that had me hooked from the start. One of the first things that struck me was how well the visuals held up for a 2016 release. I feel that usually games that opted for more realistic graphics at the time suffer when looking back at them, but this was not the case here. Aside from eye candy; the game boasts an impressive cast that brings depth and authenticity to the characters.

The narrative is where Quantum Break truly shines, seamlessly weaving together gameplay and live-action episodes to create an immersive experience. It seems like it was a love or hate thing, but the risk of using live action episodes between each act really worked for me. I also enjoyed the gameplay of mixing gunplay with time-bending abilities a lot more than I thought I would.

However, the game isn't without its flaws. While I appreciated the rich lore and environmental storytelling scattered throughout the world, I often felt rushed to move on by other NPCs, even when I wanted to take my time to explore and absorb the details. This tension between wanting to delve deeper into the lore and the pressure to keep moving forward sometimes detracted from the experience, although it did improve towards the end of the game as I became more comfortable with the pacing.

Additionally, I encountered occasional issues with repeated dialogue during exploration, which broke immersion and pulled me out of the experience. Despite these drawbacks, Quantum Break remains underrated in my opinion.

Bonus points go to the soundtrack, which features a track from Paramore. And of course, a special shoutout to Beth Wilder, who has my whole heart.

fun gameplay with cool time powers

Replay consiguiendo todos los logros :P

O gameplay é realmente muito bom: o combate é sensacional, os gráficos são incríveis pra 2016 e a história é legal. O que estraga é a série bunda demais que tem entre os atos do jogo.

this rate is for game pass version not the game which is run like shit 10 - 20 fps at the best i don't know if the problem from me or no

um 8 sólido. ótimo jogo e uma das melhores histórias de viagem no tempo em jogos, a ideia do jogo é bem criativa e basicamente tudo encaixa bem perfeitinho. é de se esperar que jogar esse jogo depois de Control e Alan Wake 2 dê a impressão de que ele é bem inferior mas ao invés disso prefiro dizer que ele é um protótipo criativo, que começa sim no primeiro Alan Wake mas é nesse que começam a aparecer os primeiros detalhes ala Remedy no jogo. a lore é boa porém acho que parte do conteúdo é jogado apenas em gigantescos textos algo que deixa o jogo um pouco chato (caso claro você queira saber da história), isso de ter uma série no meio achei inovador mas ao mesmo tempo tem 2 problemas: 1. que é a quebra de momento, geralmente você está numa empolgação em fim de capítulo e tem que assistir 25 minutos de uma série sobre outro personagem que existe no universo. 2. (spoiler) apesar da série ser super bem feita ela tem uns problemas de roteiro e uma ideias um tanto quanto estranhas, fora o fato do liam burke (o que tem mais destaque nos episódios da série) parecer um super humano quando quase sempre está sem proteção e provavelmente ferido, pra no fim bem, boa parte disso ser jogado fora do nada. Cliff hanger do final foi do caralho e novamente a história aqui destoa muito do resto, de longe a melhor coisa. a gameplay, assim como os outros jogos da Remedy peca demais, tem seus momentos ainda mais no final mas fica chato, se não fosse o jogo durar pouco provavelmente eu iria coringar, são poucos inimigos, armas genéricas e uma gameplay extremamente repetitiva. Ótimo jogo, tirando a gameplay e alguns detalhes. RECOMENDADO FORTEMENTE. que pena que não deve ter continuação, o jogo deixa no final um gostinho de quero mais.

Yo era fan de Remedy y no lo sabía. Entretenidísimo

Extremely underrated game, I really wish remedy went back to it.

Remedy has made some of my favorite games of all time. I’ll almost always find something to admire if not love about their brand of ambition in molding cinematic storytelling with gameplay. Unfortunately I think this experiment shattered the test tubes. The episodic TV element feels entirely inessential and the game that’s bolted onto it feels unresponsive and unintuitive. Nothing about these characters or this world really grabbed me either. I had a revelation early on where I could just tell this was gonna pull a “Heavy Rain” and I decided it wasn’t worth investing the time to be disappointed later.

História boa porem cansativa... Graficos Excelentes para época. Recomendo!

A convoluted experience, dull protagonist, generic world and levels. It's still interesting enough to finish though. There are some inconsistencies between the show and the game. The gameplay itself is hardly entertaining with weak action and controls. Surprised that after Max Payne 3 companies don't reproduce it's third person shooting. Remedy's worst yet.

The fictional Riverpoint University in the United States is conducting research into the possibility of time travel. During one of the experiments, an accident occurs, causing a series of inexplicable oddities as the world around us begins to slowly and gradually disintegrate. In addition, three scientists: Jack Joyce, Beth Wilder and Paul Serene, are endowed with supernatural abilities that allow them to control space-time. While the two of them strongly believe in the possibility of fixing the world, Serene, convinced of the inevitability of the impending catastrophe, tries to use the damaged spacetime and Jack's abilities to fulfill his own goals.

The story of Quantum Break is very similar to the television series. The events depicted in the game are supported by live movie scenes with real actors. While the game follows the actions of good heroes like Jack and Beth, the movie scenes focus exclusively on the game's main villain Paul Serene and his company Monarch. Thanks to this way of narration, we learn many aspects of the same story, shown from two different points of view during the game. In addition, both in the game and in the movie scenes, we, the players, have to make important decisions that will be reflected in the subsequent flow of the game.

Quantum Break is, first of all, a dynamic third-person action game where, besides shooting, the important thing is to pass the next levels and use your abilities not only to fight, but also to repair the world. This aspect of the gameplay is significantly diversified thanks to the constant change of our environment after the damage of space-time, numerous anomalies in which objects, structures or buildings disappear or crumble before our eyes. This means that during the game we don't just follow the predetermined path and sometimes we may have to look for alternative solutions and paths to the destination.

Traveling and fighting in an ever-changing environment is accelerated thanks to supernatural abilities resulting from the failed scientific experiment. During the game, for example, we can speed up or slow down the passage of time, or create a special protective shield around Jack. While each of the abilities in question are important to use together constantly during the fight against various enemies and obstacles, the key to success is to use them judiciously in battles, as your powers need a certain amount of time to regenerate. The whole process requires not only great skill, but also the ability to tactically plan your movement.

Quantum Break's graphics are of high quality for its time. They were also developed using an engine called Northlight, which allows for realistic rendering of facial expressions. In addition, the authors took care not to distract us with an overly complex interface during the game. The interface is extremely minimalistic, with only a few icons indicating the powers available. Quantum Break also features more or less well-known actors from the world of cinema. The cast includes Shawn Ashmore, Aidan Gillen and Dominic Monaghan. Quantum Break offers 13 hours of gameplay.

Jogo divertidissimo, com uma história incrível...mas fiquei curioso com o que aconteceu com Liam Burke(melhor personagem p mim).

I remember nothing from this game, but i'm pretty sure it's combat was cool.

I don't really understand what the heck happened in this game, but I had fun. I feel like "A Brief History of Time" made more sense. It doesn't matter though, because Jake from the Animorphs TV show has time powers and guns. Go have fun.

A pretty fun time, a bit too linear and some fairly shallow gameplay but the narrative and the performances make up for it.
Blending the game with a prestige TV show was a very cool idea that works pretty well, I just wish the TV show's narrative played into the game's narrative a bit better other than for it to ultimately just set up an end game boss fight.

El combate está guapísimo desde el principio, pero se atranca rapidísimo, pues tras un par de horas casi no hay progresión.
Los efectos visuales son bastante espectaculares.
Seguir la serie a la par que el juego es... curioso.
Los puntos muertos donde no hay combate ni avanza la historia son un jodido peñazo.
Pero sin duda lo peor del juego es que se toma demasiado en serio, necesitando a gritos el encanto que tienen el resto de juegos de Remedy.

História interessante, mas não o suficiente pra me cativar. Ainda devo voltar um dia para jogar.

Rip Lance Reddick :(. Decent super power game

The game is amazing, but its pacing is completely disrupted by a TV show inserted between chapters. Thankfully it's not 100% need to have a full picture for the story.

Uma das melhores ideias que a indústria desistiu. Queria tanto uma continuação, tem vários problemas na sua jogatina, mas em idealização e roteiro garanto que não é.

While the game is good, both gameplay-wise and story-wise, the gameplay is nothing fancy and suffers in the technical side.
The game is chokeful of filmed cutscenes with real actors, that vary depending on your choices, which is great on paper until you realize that these are hosted on some distant server (on top of the humongous disk size of the game), which means that when the support for this game will be dropped, it'll be unplayable.

i like the story but also after consuming too much time travel media it’s kind of predictable

Kısaca potansiyeli olan bir yapım, fakat bu potansiyelini maalesef kullanamamış.

What if we made a TV show and sold it as a game

Can not recall a single detail other than my reasoning for playing it back in 2016; Sam Lake appears

Uma das melhores história sobre viagem no tempo, mas o jogo peca no resto. A série combinado ao jogo não funciona como deveria, o combate é meio merda, level design é ruim e o jogo crashou umas 5x. Por fim acaba sendo um dos jogos mais fracos da Remedy.