Reviews from

in the past

Пока жду скидок на Tomb Raider решил закрыть другой гештальт. Проходил японскую PC версию с патчем Classic REbirth.

Патч отличный, легко устанавливается, можно накатить русификатор, поставить высокое разрешение и играть в кайф. Правда эта версия полегче версии на PS1 из-за неограниченных сохранений при игре за Джилл. Легко было японцам в резике в отличие от запада получается. До этого я пытался проходить игру именно на версии с консоли, но забросил в один момент. Тут уже решил забить и пройти хотя бы так. Львиная доля напряжения пропадает. При игре за Криса уже сохранения ограничены и я потом обязательно перепройду игру по трушному.

Ну а по нынешнему разу могу сказать, что мне понравилось. На PS1 версии я дошел примерно до здания с растением, поэтому быстро пробежал игру до этого момента. Из-за неогранничых сейвов зомби стал бояться меньше и тупо по приколу решил потраить и зарезать всех ножом, и у меня получилось. На самом деле удивился, насколько неограниченные сейвы упростили игру, ведь до этого мне первый резик казался буквально непроходимым, это была самая сложная игра в которую я играл. На этой версии вообще на чилле прошел большую часть игры. Хоть сурвайвл хоррор составляющая стала хуже из за патча, в остальном было в кайф исследовать особняк и решать пазлы.

В любом случае, я рад, что наконец допрошел первый резик, хоть и в таком упрощенном, тру джапаниз варианте (казуал да да). Для первого знакомства патч вполне может подойти, особенно тем, кого напрягали ограниченные сохранения сильно. Но для тех кто хочет сразу разрыв жопы и полный тру сурвайвл хоррор экспириенс лучше поиграть в PS1 версию ну или в эту, но за Криса.

Heutige Spiele vermitteln einem nicht mehr den erdrückenden Horror von Resident Evil 1.
Um es in Relation zu setzen.
Man bekommt eine Waffe mit einem Magazin und bereits der erste Zombie benötigt mehr Kugeln.
Die Entscheidung "muss ich ihn töten oder kann ich ihn umgehen" muss oft getroffen werden.
Aber auch getötet wurde man nie sofort.
Man wird gebissen.. und muss sich dann mit den rar gesäten Kräutern heilen und mit seinem Fehler leben.

Die Panzersteuerung und die Unfähigkeit des Laufens während dem Zielen wirken nicht mehr zeitgemäß.. aber zeitgleich haben diese Dinge dafür gesorgt, dass man sich keine Minute wohl gefühlt hat.
Genau das, was heutige Spiele nicht mehr schaffen.

Resident Evil, the inaugural entry in this extensive franchise. During the days of the original PlayStation, my focus leaned more towards Resident Evil 3. Hence, it claims the top spot in my list of the Resident Evil series. Nevertheless, I did possess a copy of the first game as well. However, it wasn't until much later, spanning between 2014 and 2016, that I resolved to embark on a journey through the entirety of the franchise. Thus, I successfully completed this game for the first time. Despite the two decades that had passed since its initial release, it remained a compelling and enjoyable experience.

Game feels extremely old and definitely takes some getting used to, but is pretty fun! Some of the enemies are a little too easy to slip by while others are maybe too annoying, and definitely has a couple "old videogame" bullshit moments, but way less than I'd expected. This game is definitely a classic, but also has clear ways to improve

Fazem uns 6 anos no mínimo desde que eu joguei esse, então pode ter uma falhas na minha memória, o jogo é legal, apenas isso, a atmosfera é boa pra um jogo que graficamente parece feito numa torradeira, os cenários pré-renderizados dele honestamente são feios, e isso que eu tô comparando eles com o resident evil 2, a dublagem é horrorosa, mas acaba dando um 360 e de tão ruim fica boa, e dependendo se jogar a versão DC ou a normal a trilha sonora vai ser ou bizonha (DC) ou muito boa (original)

Solid gameplay and structure, laughable everything else.

This Resident sure is Evil
not gonna lie.

I hope this is not Chris's blood

Amazing! Good franchise start.
Gave me quite a scare... the story was nice (simple, but nice).

Эти ролики снятые с мясными людьми...
Этот "Рэзидэнт ИИвил"...
Это мега странное управление...
Эта актёрская игра в озвучке...
Ностальгия, которой не может быть
Наконец я начал это долгий путь по резику

7 ключей из 10

It's dated, but the core of the gameplay elements are really good. Also the acting is really fucking funny there's so many good quotable lines. It's simple, but good and I think it's a must-play if you're interested in survival horror.

Resident Evil é simplesmente um clássico atemporal.

I'm in the mood for a Jill Sandwich

Despite its antiquity, the game has been preserved quite well, not counting the controls and the fixed camera that makes your ass burn. That's all I wanted to say.

Несмотря на свою старину, игра довольно неплохо сохранилась, не считая управления и фиксированной камеры от которой горит жопа. У меня все.

While i find the remake better in every way, it does not make the original bad. The terrible and charming voice acting makes it worth playing even if you already played the remake.

An absolute classic. I often hear people recommend skipping this one, and going straight for REmake, but Resident Evil '96 hasn't aged as poorly as people would have you believe. For an early fixed camera game, a lot of thought and care was put into the controls. The tone is absolutely chilling, thanks to great world-building. The enemies are nasty and legitimately threatening. The game is also pretty lean, at about six hours for a first-time playthrough. The two big points people count against this one are the visuals, and the voice acting.

An outsider looking in might see the overly simplistic 3D rendered environments as amateurish, but throughout my playthrough, they hit me with this unsettling aura because of how uncanny they look. I'm not sure if that was intentional, but as a result, the Spencer Mansion and its surrounding environments are oppressive as hell. Regardless, the amount of details they packed into some of these scenes, for 1996, is impressive. Several rooms in the Mansion and Laboratory do feel as if they've been occupied at some point, with all the clutter.

The character models are also... shockingly good for the polycount restrictions! Texture and poly warping might hurt it, but Chris, Jill, and the rest of S.T.A.R.S. look like adorably stylized versions of their live-action counterparts. They are in perfect juxtaposition with the grotesque bestiary. The first time I got a real good look at a zombie's face, it freaked me out. Those things are fucking terrifying! Not because they're poorly modeled, either. The standard zombie's face is bizarrely close to the one from the infamous cutscene near the start of the game.

The voice acting is a little silly, but you can tell the actors aren't terrible at their job. To me, it felt like they didn't have enough context for the lines they were given. There's also a few moments of poor wording, which isn't their fault, either. They're just reading off the script, which may have been a victim of poor translation. As a big Lynch fan, I personally can get down with cheesy writing and voice acting, especially the more whimsical something is, so this is going to vary from person to person. To me, I think the off-kilter way everyone talks to each other just adds to the already unsettling atmosphere.

Overall, the game is surprisingly sturdy as hell. Tightly built, and perfectly paced. The tank controls are very serviceable, especially for the time. I think only Alone in the Dark predates this, and they figured it out so fast! Enemies are engaging, and are rolled out in a smooth difficulty curve. Hunters and Chimeras can be a little tricky, but they do have patterns that you can learn. I was steamrolling them by the end of it. Puzzles can bring the game to a halt, but you get a good amount of rations, so I never felt stressed to figure anything out. I had an overabundance of ammo and healing items by the last area, and I never felt concerned about having to start over from square one. Though based on footage I've watched, this may be an issue if you play above Original difficulty.

The original Resident Evil is an amazing game to experience for the first time in this day and age, especially if you're a fan of later games in the series. So many tropes started in RE1, some that I wasn't even expecting, and it's kind of wild to see how much of a blueprint this one was. If you're absolutely certain you're only going to play this game once, or are completely turned off by fifth generation visuals, I can understand skipping straight for REmake. As for me, I'm glad I sat down with it. It's a timeless game that is still influential to this day. I can't recommend it enough.

( ) Minecraft
(X) 144p
( ) Pixel Art
( ) Aceitável
( ) Bom
( ) Ótimo
( ) Cada frame foi pintado por Da Vinci

( ) Que história??
( ) Até tem história, mas não entendi nada
( ) Tem história só pra não dizer que não tem
(X) Uma história digna de prestar atenção
( ) Uma história bem elaborada
( ) Mais complexa que Machado de Assis

( ) Tudo travado igual a coluna de uma senhora de 90 anos
( ) Precisa de dois dedos pra jogar
( ) Ruim, mas com muita determinação até que vai
(X) Esquisito no começo, mas você acostuma
( ) Gostoso de jogar
( ) Orgasmo para os dedos/mãos

Trilha sonora
( ) Meu peido faz um barulho mais bonito
( ) Deixa mutado
( ) Nada de especial
( ) Boa
( ) Memorável
(X) Toque isso no meu funeral

Nível de diversão
( ) Tão legal quanto assistir uma poça d'água evaporar
( ) Da pra passar um tempo
( ) Vai te prender por horas!
( ) Vai te dar raiva
(X) Meu mundo melhorou depois de jogar isso aqui
(X) Já amanheceu ???

( ) Praticamente feito pela Bethesda
( ) Dá pra jogar
( ) Os bugs deixam o jogo mais divertido
( ) Alguns bugs
( ) A palavra bug é desconhecida
(X) Esse jogo saiu perfeito do forno

Tempo de jogo
(X) 1-5 horas
( ) 8-15 horas
( ) 24-48 horas
( ) + 100 horas
( ) Multiplayer infinito
( ) One Piece acaba e você ainda não fez tudo

( ) Você adapta a dificuldade
( ) Dá pra zerar vendado e bêbado
( ) Médio
(X) Com um pouco de prática vai
( ) Bem desafiador, as vezes difícil
( ) Soulslike
( ) Você precisa despertar o instinto superior para jogar

Para melhor experiência
( ) Desinstalar
(X) O jogo é Offline
( ) SinglePlayer
( ) Coop
( ) Multiplayer

Vale a pena ?
( ) Arrependimento
( ) Reembolsa isso ai
( ) É bom, mas pra zerar uma vez só
( ) Recomendo!
( ) Bom pra caralho, JOGUEM!
(X) Queria apagar a memória só pra me encantar de novo

Tried beating this game like 5 or so times between the original and the remade version, and dropped it every time. It's just so boring. Gotta try the classic RE2 and 3 to see if they're any better.

I remember watching my cousin play this in the middle of the day and still being terrified of the zombies and their moans. These days it sounds silly, given the graphics and how the blood and gore looks like pixelated ketchup, but at that time the graphics were insane to what we’ve ever seen. And the feeling of getting lost and isolated in a mansion full of zombies and monsters just creeped me out as a kid. I didn’t need to own or play Resident Evil to know that it was for sure going to be the landmark game that it was. Within a few minutes of watching someone else play it, I was already scared.

Played through this game recently and was surprised that, even though the environments are a little bland the game still has a lot of atmosphere and gameplay wise I found it mostly enjoyable as a big fan of classic survival horrors. Also giving bonus points for being a pioneer for the genre the original RE is a solid 8/10.

with how many absolute donkey doodoo PS1 games there are, Resident Evil is a breathe of fresh air.

Who would win in a fight? Bigot Sandwiches? or Jill Sandwiches?

Chris Redfield is transgender.

It took me a while to get used to the controls but I find this game to be very interesting from the combat to the dialogue and how slow paced it is.