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I played this game only because Vyse from Skies of Arcadia is in it, so I could unlock and play as him. It's fun with friends, played it with two other people in the family to get him, has some unique gimmicks and was unique enough from Mario Kart, I still prefer MK Double Dash as a racing game though personally.

I did like the different modes this game had though, like the boost challenges and rival system that was like F-Zero 99, those were unique spins and good modes to make the game play differently in fun ways. This game also gets an extra half a star just for having Vyse in it.

I may have not unlocked the final two unlockable characters as of writing this, but after doing all the GPs, getting 150 stars in career mode, and especially getting the game's credits. Can truly say I've come as much as completing it.

It is definitely one of the best racers not only made, but available to play on Computers and Steam Decks. And with CPUs that truly are a challenge. This is no pansy ass forgiving Mario Kart 7 or 8. This game folds down and crushes you til you ask for more. It is a challenge. And a worthy one too. But yes the game itself. It is a fun one for sure.

Will start by saying it beats Ultimate by a mile for really knowing what itself is. A celebration of Sega. And a fine one at that too. Must admit my only gripes really in general, is the game's roster and it's lack of more Saturn reps. Not even just "where Segata Sanshiro?", moreso why not Kyle from Panzer Dragoon (the first one), or Shou & Tillis from Burning Rangers? especially as this game already has tracks that represent the two respective games, so it's strange the characters they could've added weren't. I would be fine with just NiGHTS but it don't help she's based on the Wii version ugh. Outside of the Saturn, there's alot that rep Sega's overall line in history. Sure the Bonanza Bros were cut, but you still got Alex Kidd.

Oh and I would not trade any of the Guest Stars for more Saturn Stars period, as I think they are funny and fit. I love Wreck It Ralph and TF2, they are just such fun characters to play. You even got a Nascar Driver in there too.

I do find strange however that they added two characters from Space Channel 5, but don't even got their own stage at all, as Billy Hatcher (who has a stage) was cut for the cutting room floor in favor of the two gals.

And one more about the roster, would be the lack of another character for Samba De Amigo and Skies of Arcadia. Happy they're in, just wish the two boys got a gal with em, like that Monkey Ball guy did.

Even though I mainly rambled about the game's roster, regardless, it's such a fun game for sure. The remixes for Sonic R music and everything were all done so lovingly by the fine orchestrator Richard Jacques, who also did LBP2 alongside Sonic R. Nice. That, and the Tracks and everything is all so great. Burning Depths makes me smile everytime. Just makes me wish more for a new Burning Rangers. Or a remaster really.

But yeah. Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed. Absolutely a wild and fun game. And definitely a new favorite of mine.

Whenever Sega and Sumo Digital decide to make a true third one, I hope they not only keep the hard as nails difficulty but also finally add more Saturn reps.. Maybe Clockwork Knight could get to finally shine and tick on the track the third time around.

(P.S. After unlocking the final two unlockable characters the next day, I also learned that there's actually an option to play a private game with friends, so I take back my complaints with the online. This game is indeed a 10/10.)

My friend SandyAJ (and Twitch) arranged for myself and many of the rest of us to do a regular/semi-regular stream with friends to both highlight each other's streams and also just have a whole lot of maddening fun!

The game involves playing as numerous popular and much lesser-known characters against your friends over evolving and living maps where the tracks often change and even the roads get destroyed, your car often transforming into a aircraft of some kind or a boat. Every track has a hidden shortcut and certainly makes me nostalgic for Mario Kart, only without having to pay a stupid subscription to play online with friends, however, that brings me to the issues with this game...

Despite what I was saying earlier, the game is programmed for purely local co-op, but thanks to the power of Steam and using remote play you can play together, up to ten players as otherwise it appears to be impossible as far as I can see.

Another issue is crashes. It's a little unstable and I have had it crash on me, even when I got a newer and far more powerful machine, it had the occasional crashes meaning you have to get reinvited to remote play to join in, but you've now automatically lost that race.

You have a limited number of tracks, unless you play through the campaign mode which has a interesting start with story of why the characters are racing, however, after a while and at the final race all knowledge of the race has been lost! You can also unlock other characters, like I said before. Some very popular like other characters from the Sonic universe like Shadow or Eggman and more obscure characters like Vyse from Skies of Arcadia, Nights from the game of the same name and so on! There's even a really cool track from the game "Burning Rangers" with a really bad-ass music track from the game. At one point it feels a little lazy as later stages are reversed versions of the others, but still quite entertaining and can certainly confuse you.

Beyond these issues, it plays like any kind of vehicular combat game that's similar to Mario Kart where you grab power-ups and then use them as weapons to fire at the other racers and get past them, but there's also a battle mode, ghost elimination and a capture-the-flag where you stealing a Chao and delivering them to a ufo and scoring.

Apart from the issues with the game, it was still a lot of fun and I got many hours of fun out of it playing with my friends online who are a lot of great fun on Twitch.

Stream and Gameplay

Friends on Twitch:






Better than most Mario Kart games, on par with Double Dash.
Why is the Yogscast here though

Can't think of a kart racer with better drift boost mechanics, lots of love for Sega games, they remembered Ristar even if he wasn't a racer. Danica Patrick

Ok, tbh? I really liked it at the times for being an alternative Mario Kart with awesome graphics. Returning a decade later and...yeah, game didn't age well, especially on the physics and balacing. I definitely got spoiled by MK8DD (which improved the base game).

Peak version still since you can play as SEGA mascots, Wreck-it Ralph and TF2 Pyro/Heavy/Spy.

This is my favorite racing video game and one of my favorite video games of all time, it's awesome

não, eu não vou fazer todas as corridas no modo extremo pra pegar o ultimo Console Mode dos personagens que eu não uso e não vou fazer os Grand Pix Espelhado modo extremo pra pegar o EggMan, eu me recuso

Greatest kart racer of all time. Playing this as a kid has taught me several valuable life lessons, and I can't thank more for what this game has done for me.. Honestly, I just can't live without the existence of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, this game has truly transformed my life.

would you guys believe me if said you could use wreck it ralph to send an army of giant wasps after danica patrick in this game

When I first got my Wii U and there was literally only this and New Super Mario Bros U to play, this game was amazing. after playing it years later its alright

Very fun racing game that has moderate difficulty. Very fun and detailed game modes, maps, and characters that do justice to their respective series. A great racer if you're trying to kill time!

This is my favorite kart racer ever. The tracks are super fun with how they change in every lap, you always have opportunites to get extra boosts with tricks, the music is phenomenal. My biggest issues are that the roster is a little weak compared to the first game's spread of franchises, and I ran into a small amount of bugs that killed a race or GP for me sometimes. But the insane amount of single player stuff to do more than makes up for it for me. Grab this on PC if you can so you can get the MANY extra & Exclusive characters the console versions never got. Really hope we get a 3rd game that brings in stuff like Yakuza/Like A Dragon and Sakura Wars.

Honestly one of the better Kart racers out there. Transformed is just an outright improvement of the original in terms of track design, control and every complaint that I had.

The transformed mechanic that's in the title of this game gives this kart racer it's own flair to stand out from the rest and not be another generic mascot racer like the first. Every track will have sections where your kart is transforming to either a plane or a boat, which makes races more frantic and less stale. The caveat is that you'll need to master 3 different driving styles which raises a higher skill ceiling for a kart racer. But I really enjoyed this mechanic and Sega was genius to implement this.

Now even more Sega franchises are represented here, not just via selectable characters but also tracks. This definitely feels like one big Sega party. The tracks are super wild this time around and take the rollercoaster design of the first game to the next level.

The character selection is also improved as each character have their own stats now, rather than just being a skin. You can choose your favorite racer by the type of driver they are and stratigize what works best for you. Each character also has some neat-kart mods to change up their style a little. So there is some good customization here.

I honestly wish Nintendo will takes notes here and do a something similar to Sega All Stars. Like a Smash Bros Kart one day. We can only dream.

The best Sonic game ever released, for multiple reasons:

- You don't have to play as Sonic or any of his dipshit friends.
- Features characters from Jet Set Radio, Crazy Taxi, and Skies of Arcadia.
- Basically like Diddy Kong Racing except it's not a huge pile of steaming garbage.

A really fun kart racer with a great drifting mechanic. Always be drifting. ALWAYS. The usual kart racer rubberbanding bullshit is made more tolerable when you're screaming obscenities at the monkey from Samba De Amigo. The only flaw is that this game does not have the Floigan Bros as playable characters.

Better than any Mario Kart. Pack it up, Nintendailures.

I woke up and just thought about randomly reviewing one of my biggest childhood games. This and a couple of other games are what made me crave Sports/Racing games that have tons of unlockables and content in them. It's a great kart racer. I don't really like to call things that aren't Mario Kart, "Mario Kart clones", because Mario Kart, I feel, pioneered the whole subgenre, but that doesn't mean that there aren't shameless cash grabs that just try to get a quick buck that basically do nothing to differ from Mario Kart. This however, isn't one of those games. The tracks are all beautifully crafted and feel like adventures. The transformation mechanic is a great one, since all 3 modes control well. Don't worry if you don't like inverted controls on the plane sections, then you can just turn them off. Some people hate the character roster, but to be honest. I just find it funny, seeing Danica Patrick casually appear in this game and be unlocked like it's nothing, it's hilarious to me. Speaking of unlockables or more so, content. This game's got it. I love campaigns in Racing games with multiple modes that test your skills. The A star missions are actual challenges, and if that wasn't enough for you, the devs just decided to add in an S Class difficulty after you beat the main bulk of the campaign. Be warned though that the CPUs can be kinda stupid sometimes in these. You can also unlock "mods" for characters that give them different stats depending on the type of mod. I know these aren't crazy, but I just like the customization options. There's your standard Grand Prix as well. The remixes for each track are great as well. I just love a lot about this game, even if some of it comes from nostalgia. I mean for crying out loud just go into the options and mess around with the announcer and see what happens. It's great. Just a fantastic kart racer all around.

This is a must play kart racer especially if you dont have a Nintendo console as this is much better than the trash that comes out now such as disney speedstorm. Its also a massive step up from the last sonic kart racer as you can tell they really cared making this one.

For positives i think this game provides a good level of challenge for players whilst not feeling like the ai are not just rubber banding. It has a wide variety of characters from series we've not seen much recognition from in years such as nights into dreams and burning rangers. I also feel it has very tight controls and gives you a sense of going fast which in my opinion feels like its kinda been forgotten about in the newer kart racers we get. It also has a solid online which ive spent playing with friends with a wide variety of modes to keep you wanting to play. It also has some great maps in the game with some really creative ones using the transformed mechanic showing the wide improvement over the first game. Its definitely a game thats easy to learn but hard to master.

My only negatives about the game could be that there could of been more maps in the game and the single player could of been abit longer but those are just nitpicks and do not take away from the overall experience.

If you've been looking for a kart racer to play on xbox or playstation definitely pick it up even for the full price on the Microsoft store as i think theres plenty here to keep you busy. And its definitely worth it alot more over team sonic racing. Hope we get another kart racer like this in the future as it just wasnt the same with team sonic racing.

One of the stunningly few Kart racers out there than can go toe-to-toe with Mario Kart.

I'm gonna say it, I don't care: I like this more than Mario Kart 8.

Im baffled, I barely even know why. It has such good variety. I love the dynamic way you shift from driving, flying and sailing. The boss fights are actually pretty tough and hold your attention. It has good content and challenges and unlocking new characters feels good.

The courses are awesome, recreating old school Sega locations and creating something fresh and new to run around in.

If this game had some kind of vehicle customization, (not the stats) it would be amazing. As is, it's still great though!

This is a good ass racing game. I dont see MARIO transforming....yea Mario Kart still clears lmfao

Mario kart b it you can drive a boat and fly which was good also had wreck it Ralph and Danica Patrick

this game is hilarious. it barely works on modern GPUs. the actual racing is tight, but you have to play against Wreck-It Ralph and Team Fortress 2, neither of which have their original voice actors. some of the tracks are just nonsensical. i had to change my monitor settings to keep the game from crashing. yogscast is a playable DLC character. i love it. i hate it. it's perfect. there should have been a space channel 5 track.

Fun, challenging, fast-paced and colorful! This game has many creative modes in the main career that will test your skill on wheels (and more) other than the usual grand prix and time attack. It's a difficult game if you go for full completion but it's sure worth it: addictive thanks to a great feel in driving, drifting and stuns; you transform into boat and plane so you need to adjust accordingly with different driving styles (can also drift while flying or as boat) which is a plus!

Lots of cool Sega inspired tracks and characters with punchy lines will bring nostalgia back! Great soundtrack too! All in all a great kart game with challenge for those who look for it and completionists, recommended: had plenty of fun with it!

Le hacía un mataleón al que creo las físicas de los barcos de vdd, le cojo el pellejo de sus cojones y me hago un taburete pero q temazo tiene el samba de amigo le doy un 3 y pq estoy contento

Both the best Sonic game there is and one of the best racing games of all time.

It’s got an OutRun track so it’s automatic legendary.

A very good arcade race, I would not like to elevate my rating to an absolute, because there are characters from the Sonic universe, but at one time it gave 25+ hours of good gameplay.

Очень хорошая аркадная гонка, я бы не хотел возводить мою оценку в абсолют, т.к тут присутствуют персонажи из Соник вселенной, но в свое время подарило 25+ часов хорошего геймплея.