Reviews from

in the past

it is just so bad, in every wa possible. It is a downgrade in every single way from SA which is so disappointing because ARK:SA is one of my fav games of all time

O jogo é igual o anterior, não recomendo. Está cheio de bug, não tem todos os mapas ainda, já estão cobrando dlc de 160 reais.

Infelizmente como sou amante do mundo dos dinossauros e ark é um dos meus jogos preferidos, não consegui deixar de pegar no lançamento...

Janky, buggy, horrible, infuriating, but (somehow) that's all part of the charm.

I've heard someone call it "the best 3/10 you'll ever play," and that's stuck with me. It's so bad in so many ways, but there's nothing else quite like it. The good outshines the bad, and you're left with a truly unique experience.

That being said, if you hate ARK, I'm not arguing.

Hey, at least it's not Rust, right?

decent remake, definitely runs better than se does, on console at least but maybe not as well as you'd hope for the price. aside from that has some really nice qol changes (especially the building), and finally having mods on console feels amazing. i havent run into that many bugs on ps5 yet, nothing that you wouldnt expect from ark anyway so overall worth it if you liked se

It was sort of fun, but it doesn't seem worth the massive disk space and the fact that I had to reinstall the entire game each time for the first few updates because there was an issue causing both my hard drive and ssd to max out usage and make my pc unusable. I may return to it some day, but after that happening im not sure.

Bom... por onde começar?!... quem conhece sabe o quão PESADO e MAL OTIMIZADO está esse jogo, o que foi uma tremenda decepção para mim, apesar de conseguir joga-lo com as configurações variadas entre medio alto e épico, e ainda estar jogando neste momento. o jogo em si, não é ruim, afinal ele tem as mesmas propostas do seu antercessor ARK: Survival Evolved, que inclusíve, é meu jogo favorito!. então queria muito estar aqui dizendo o quão bom este jogo é, mas ai eu estaria fechando os olhos para os defeitos ingnoraveis que este jogo possui, defeitos esses que impedirão eu e meu amigo de jogar este jogo juntos como faziamos no ARK: Survival Evolved, a razão disso você já saber, (não rodou na máquina dele). e é como disse antes, apesar de estar jogando e tendo uma... "boa experiencia" no jogo, tirando os bugs de pedras flutuantes kk, só quem joga sabe do que estou falando... conclusão disso tudo que digitei!... dou uma nota 5/10, e olhe que fui generoso, por ser fâ do jogo. mas do fundinho do meu coração, espero muito que eles melhorem este jogo, pelo menos ao ponto de você não precisar de um PC DA NASA LITERALMENTE, pra jogar este jogo. (:

Well... where to start?!... anyone who knows knows how HEAVY and POORLY OPTIMIZED this game is, which was a huge disappointment for me, despite being able to play it with settings varying between medium high and epic, and still be playing at this time. The game itself is not bad, after all it has the same proposals as its predecessor ARK: Survival Evolved, which is actually my favorite game! So I really wanted to be here saying how good this game is, but then I would be closing my eyes to the unignorable defects that this game has, defects that will prevent my friend and I from playing this game together like we did in ARK: Survival Evolved, You already know the reason for this (it didn't run on his machine). And it's like I said before, despite playing and having a... "good experience" in the game, apart from the floating stone bugs lol, only those who play know what I'm talking about... conclusion of everything I typed!.. I give it a 5/10, and I was generous, as I'm a fan of the game. but from the bottom of my heart, I really hope that they improve this game, at least to the point where you don't need a LITERALLY NASA PC, to play this game. (:

Me and my girlfriend played the original Ark: Survival Evolved for hundreds of hours on Playstaion and PC. The new version is great and got a lot of improvements, but it also has a lot of the old bugs, glitches and other problems. We still love it and can't stop playing!

Played less than 5-10 mins in-game and was hardly getting above 30fps consistently, even on low settings. Having played Ark Survival Evolved from launch, it's not worth struggling through the game while it looks so graphically poor (even after the visual improvements made in this remaster).
Also not a fan of how restrictive this version is with servers/hosting but was willing to do a SP playthrough anyway.

Refunded it for now but might pickup again if they optimise performance as it was a game I enjoyed and could easily sink hours into.

>ark 1 released
>ark 1 runs bad
>ark 2 announced
>ark 1 canceled and official servers closed
>ark 2 canceled (?)
>ark 1 released again
>ark 1 runs bad

spent an hour creating my bodybuilder character just to realize i have no idea how this works and closed the game 5 minutes after

jogar sozinho deve ser bem chato, mas com uns parceiros fica bem divertido e acelera bastante o processo de evolução no game.

Daria mais estrelas se tivesse uma Lore mais complexa!

O jogo quebrado no inicio e as diversas atualizações tiram o brilho do jogo, mas é um bom jogo de sobrevivência!

Conquistas: 7 de 32

Minhas lives:

It's Ark. You either love it or hate it, there is no in-between possible, as far as I know. I, for one, love it as I enjoy the gameplay loop of taming dinosaurs to gather more resources to tame better dinos to get even more resources. Obviously, it's still janky af. You will encounter a lot of bugs, the game can crash at any given point, and the performance leaves a lot to be desired. The remaster right now does feature a lot of improvements over the base game. Especially the base building is so much better compared to it. As the old content gets patched in, this will definitely be the better version of Ark.

This thing is rough even when compared to ARK: Survival Evolved

Exactly what I wanted in the remake, once performance gets to a good spot (or tech advances to match it) I think it will be great. Map changes make many more base spots possible. I still hate the PVP aspect.

Wow didn't expect to like this as much as I did. I expected a broken mess from the negativity but on PS5 it runs fairly well. I love these types of crafting survival games and it gives me similar vibes as The Forest so I'm having a great time with it. So many dinosaurs and content in this. I never played this game before so I'm happy I waited for this version of the game. The graphics are fantastic. It still has its issues but it's all minor.

Early Access Review

First off yes I'm absolutely biased towards this game and this franchise. Because I such a huge fan of Dinosaurs since I was a kid. ARK : Survival Evolved(ASE) was also the reason why I got into PC Gaming and why I bought my first PC. I'm a big fan of survival games and yes I really do have 3288 h in ARK : Survival Evolved across multiple platforms. But I agree, the orginal game has many bugs and performance issues but I just love taming Dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures. The building mechanics were also really great.

When it comes to this Remaster/Remake Ark: Survival Ascended(ASA) I can say one thing for certain and which is that Wildcard ( Devs) improved this game already a lot with so many QoL features like the new building system, the improved map, the way they implemented mods and made them available on console too which is sick. I really love the new building mechanics, they are a fantastic improvement upon the previous mechanics from ASE. On top of that you have the new beautiful graphic with all these stunning UE5 features and like dynamic lightning, improved water physics and much more. However, this comes with a trade-off which is the performance. You really need a high-end PC to run this game anywhere near 60 FPS. I have a pretty good PC(RTX 4070, I7 16 GB RAM all that shit) and "only" get around 30-40 FPS with Graphics settings on High. With the use of Nvidia DSSL 3 and frame generation I can improve my FPS up to 60-70 FPS.
There are still a ton of technical problems, bugs like the Dino Spawn problem in Single Player and the crashes which happen too frequent for my taste. The other big problems is the current unofficial server situation. To explaine it short, the CEO from Snail Games(The publisher and owner from Wildcard) wasted all of the money which they earned through ASE for a stupid electric car idea because he thought he is Elon Musk. Now he and Snail Games are broke and need money which is why he sold the rights to rent unoffical servers to Nitrado. Because of that contract they forced Wildcard to release ASA early than they(Wildcard) wanted. Now we have a monopoly where only one server provider exist and we have to deal with every disadvantage that such a monopoly brings with it. There are soo many reason why you should hate the publisher Snail Games and it is such a shame that they bought Wildcard. I don't want to delve into the topic now but if you want to know more about the whole situation just watch some youtube videos. I think it's important to keep this whole situation in mind while rating this game.

You can clearly see the love that Wildcard has for their games and that they genuinely care about their community. They really want to create the best game possible but are clearly held back by their greedy publisher called Snail Games. Overall a great improvement upon the original game with tons of new QoL features but also room for improvement, especially on the performaces side. I also really hope that Wildcard can free themself from Snail Games shackles and I'm excited to see what the future holds for this game even if I'm still a bit concerned.

Also, I hate you Snail Games!!!

Esta verde aun, pero es un muy buen remake que mantiene la esencia y pese a las demoras de la empresa se conserva el cariño que le tienen a esta franquicia.

watching the official discord server members go completely batshit after the release kept getting delayed was an experience